

apply / əˈplaɪ ; əˈplaɪ /
verb applied, applying, applies
1. REQUEST 请求, [I] to make a formal request, usually written, for something such as a job, a place in a university, or permission to do something
• 申请:
▪ [+for]
 »She applied for a job with the local newspaper.
 »We need toapply forplanningpermissionto build a garage.
▪ [+to]
 »I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them
  . 我向四所大学提出申请,都录取了。
2. AFFECT 影响, [I,T not in progressive] to have an effect on or to concern a particular person, group, or situation
• (对…)适用;(对…)有效:
▪ [+to]
 »Do the same rules apply to part-time workers?
 »The offer only applies to flights from London and Manchester.
3. USE 使用, [T] to use something such as a method, idea, or law in a particular situation, activity, or process
• 使用,应用,运用:
 »apply sth to sth
 »New technology is being applied to almost every industrial process.
 »These ideas are often difficult to apply in practice.
4. apply yourself, to work hard at something, especially with a lot of attention for a long time
• 努力,专心致志:
 »Stephen would do well if only he applied himself.
▪ [+to]
 »Over the next months, he applied himself to improving the technique.
5. MAKE STH WORK 使某物起作用, [T] to make something such as a piece of equipment operate, usually by pushing or pressing something
• 使…起作用:
 »apply the brakes
6. SPREAD PAINT / LIQUID ETC 涂油漆/液体等, [T] to put or spread something such as paint, liquid, or medicine onto a surface
• 涂,敷:
 »Apply the cream evenly over the skin.
 »apply make-up / lipstick etc
7. apply force / pressure, to push on something
• 用力/施压
8. USE A WORD 用词, [T] to use a particular word or name to describe something or someone
• 使用〔某个单词或名称〕:
 »The term 'mat' can be applied to any small rug.
  mat 一词可指各种小地毯。

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