act¹ / ækt ; ækt /
1. ACTION 行为, [C] one thing that you do
• 行为,行动,动作,举动:
»The new president's first act should be to end the war.
»a thoughtless act
»act of (doing) sth
»an act of violence
»her many acts of kindness
»The act of writing a list can help to calm you down.
»in the act of doing sth ( = at the moment that you are doing something )
»Lindsay paused in the act of putting down the phone.
2. LAW 法律 also Act, [C] a law that has been officially accepted by Parliament or Congress
• 〔正式通过的〕法令,法律:
»the Housing and Community Development Act of 1977
1977 年《住房和社区发展法》
»an act of Parliament
3. PRETENDING 假装, [sing.] insincere behaviour in which you pretend to have a particular kind of feeling or to be a particular kind of person
• 装模作样,装腔作势:
»Mike played the loving husband in front of the children but it was all an act.
»Be natural. Don't feel you have to puton an act.
4. get your act together, [informal] to become more organized and behave in a more effective way, especially in order to achieve something
• 更有条理些,加把劲:
»You need to get your act together if you're going to find the right house to buy.
5. PLAY 戏剧, [C] one of the main parts into which a stage play, OPERA etc is divided
• 〔戏剧、歌剧等的〕一幕:
»I arrived at the theatre late and missed the first act.
»the beginning of Act 3
6. PERFORMANCE 演出, [C] a short performance on stage or television by someone who plays music or tells jokes
• 〔舞台或电视上的〕一段表演:
»The argument was just part of their act.
7. PERFORMER 表演者, [C] a performer or a group of performers who perform together
• 演出者:
»The band is one of many acts that have been booked for the concert.
8. a hard / tough etc act to follow, someone who does such an excellent job that it would be difficult for someone doing the same job after them to be as good
• 不能与之媲美的人:
»He has been a very successful captain and will be a hard act to follow.
9. get in on the act, [informal] to take part in an activity that someone else has started, especially in order to get a share of the advantages for yourself
• 插手,参加〔尤指为得到好处〕
10. act of God, an event that is caused by natural forces, such as a storm, flood, or fire, which you cannot prevent or control
• 天灾,自然灾害,不可抗力
11. act of worship, an occasion when people pray together and show their respect for God
• 拜祭,礼拜
12. balancing / juggling act, a situation in which you are trying to do several different types of work at the same time
• 保持平衡行动〔指同时兼顾好几方面的工作〕,面面俱到
--› see catch sb in the act at CATCH ¹ (3)
--› see clean up your act at CLEAN UP (3)
1. DO SOMETHING 做某事, [I] to do something in a particular way or for a particular reason
• 行动,做事:
»The company acted correctly in sacking him.
»The jury decided that Walker had acted in self-defence.
»act to do sth
»The UN must act now to restore democracy.
»Politicians will only act when enough people demand that they do something.
2. BEHAVE 表现, [I always + adv / prep] to behave in a particular way
• 举动; 表现:
»They acted unreasonably when they turned down Jill's application.
»He's been acting strangely ever since his Mom died.
▪ [+as if]
»Pip acted as if he was better than everyone else.
▪ [+like]
»Stop acting like a baby.
▪ [+with]
»She acted with dignity.
»act your age ( = used to tell someone to behave in a more adult way, suitable for someone of their age )
3. PRETEND 假装, [I,T] to pretend to have feelings, qualities etc that are different from your true ones
• 装腔作势; 假装:
»When he's angry, he acts the fool.
»That guy is acting crazy.
»act a part / role
»Stella felt unnatural in their company, as if she was acting a part.
▪ [+as if / like]
»Why does he act as if he was stupid?
4. PLAY / FILM 戏剧/电影, [I,T] to perform in a play or film
• 演出; 扮演:
»I first started acting when I was 12 years old.
我 12 岁开始演戏。
»act a part / role
»She is acting the role of Lady Macbeth six evenings a week.
»The movie is very well acted.
5. HAVE AN EFFECT 起作用, [I] to have an effect or use
• 起作用:
▪ [+as]
»The padding acts as a cushion if the player falls or is hit by the ball.
▪ [+on]
»Disinfectants act on bacteria in two main ways.
6. act for sb / act on sb's behalf, to represent someone, especially in a court of law or by doing business for them
• 代表某人,为某人代理:
»Makin, a solicitor, is acting for the young people in their case against the county council.
»I am acting on behalf of the bank.
--› see ACTING ¹
◘act as sth• to do a particular job for a short time, for example while the usual person is absent
• 〔暂时性地〕代理〔某人的工作〕:
»My brother speaks French – he can act as interpreter.
◘act on / upon sth
• to do something because of another person's advice or order, or because you have received information or had an idea
• 根据…行事:
»She isacting ontheadviceof her lawyers.
»Police say theyacted on informationreceived.
◘act sth∽out
1. if a group of people act out an event, they show how it happened by pretending to be the people who were involved in it
• 将…演出来:
»The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus.
2. to express your feelings about something through your behaviour or actions, especially when you have been feeling angry or nervous
• 用行动来表现〔情绪〕:
»These teenagers are likely to act out their distress by running away.
◘act up
1. if children act up, they behave badly
• 调皮,捣乱:
»He's a tough kid and he acts up a lot.
2. if a machine or part of your body acts up, it does not work properly
• 运转不正常,出毛病:
»The computer is acting up again.