
ADJ. considerable, enormous, great, major, real, substantial This could bring real benefits for teachers.| maximum | additional The scheme has many additional benefits.| fringe (= extra thingsthat an employer gives as well aswages) The fringe benefits include free health insurance.| mutual The different environmental groups could work together to their mutual benefit.| potential | long-term, short-term | economic, environmental, financial, health, social | tax
VERB + BENEFIT enjoy, have The motor industry will be one of the first to enjoy the benefits of the recovery. children who have the benefit of a stable home background| derive, gain, get, obtain, reap, receive The company derived substantial benefit from the deal. I reaped the benefits of all my early training.| bring, offer, provide The new factory will bring considerable benefits to the area. This deal will offer major benefits to industrialists and investors.
BENEFIT + VERB accrue the benefits that accrue from a good education
PREP. for sb's ~ We shall do this for the benefit of the patients.| of ~ to This arrangement will be of great benefit to you both.| to sb's ~ It will be to everyone's benefit.| with/without the ~ of managing to work without the benefit of modern technology| ~ for the benefits for companies| ~ from the benefits from tourism| ~ of the benefit of a steady income| ~ to What are the benefits to investors?
ADJ. welfare | state | means-tested, universal One way to cut spending is to move from universal benefits?those paid to everyone regardless of need?to means-tested ones.| cash | child, housing, sickness, social security, unemployment
QUANT. amount, level
VERB + BENEFIT be eligible for, be entitled to, qualify for | claim You may be able to claim housing benefit.| draw, get, receive He receives unemployment benefit.| be dependent on | lose She is worried that if she takes on a job she will lose her benefits.| cut The government has cut unemployment benefit.| increase
BENEFIT + VERB be paid Benefit is paid monthly.
BENEFIT + NOUN benefits agency | office | payment | system
PREP. on ~ He's on social security benefit.

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