ADJ. conditional, unconditional | police
VERB + BAIL apply for | allow sb, give sb, grant (sb) She has been granted conditional bail.| set The judge set bail at£50,000.| get She couldn't get bail and now she's lost those 20 months she spent on remand.| oppose The police were successful in opposing bail.| refuse (sb) | post, put up, stand A wealthy businessman has stood bail for him.| free sb on, release sb on, remand sb on They were released on police bail pending further enquiries.| jump, skip (= not return for your trial after bail has been granted)
BAIL + NOUN application | conditions | hostel He was sent to a bail hostel until the case came to court.
PREP. (out) on ~ He committed another robbery while out on bail.| without ~ The accused were held without bail.
PHRASES an application for bail