
ADJ. extensive | electronic, film, photo/photographic, sound The programme is preserved in the BBC sound archives.| company, corporate, county, family, local, national, official, personal, private, state
VERB + ARCHIVE build up, create, set up collecting documents to build up an archive| house, keep, maintain the person responsible for keeping the archives the building which houses the state archives| hold sth in, keep sth in, preserve sth in The data is now held in the company archives.| consult, examine, look through
ARCHIVE + VERB contain sth, hold sth
ARCHIVE + NOUN collection | film, footage archive foortage of the victory celebrations| material
PREP. among/amongst the ~s There are many clues hidden amongst the archives of the local museum.| from an/the ~ some photographs from the library's archives| in an/the ~ No record of this letter exists in the archives.

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