nounelected group
ADJ. elected, representative | consultative, general, legislative | local, national, provincial, regional, state
VERB + ASSEMBLY create, form, set up | elect, vote for | dissolve
ASSEMBLY + VERB meet Provincial assemblies meet once a year.| vote The assembly voted to delay the legislation to allow further consultation to take place.
ASSEMBLY + NOUN member | seat
PREP. in an/the ~ These issues have been discussed in the regional assemblies.
PHRASES a meeting/session of the assembly Note atORGANIZATION
group gathered together
ADJ. public | peaceful | unlawful
VERB + ASSEMBLY hold They demanded the right to hold peaceful assemblies.
ASSEMBLY + NOUN point When the fire alarm sounds, leave the building and proceed to your assembly point.
PHRASES freedom of assembly, the right of assembly (= the right to gather freely)at school
ADJ. school | morning
VERB + ASSEMBLY conduct, have, hold We hold an assembly every morning.| attend, go to
PREP. at/during/in ~ The announcement was made during morning assembly.putting parts together
ADJ. easy | home furniture designed for home assembly| correct | final This factory deals with final assembly and testing.
ASSEMBLY + NOUN line workers on the assembly line| plant The company has twenty assembly plants in Europe.| work