
angry discussion
ADJ. angry, bitter, heated, violent | big I had a big argument with my mother this morning.| little, silly, stupid
VERB + ARGUMENT become/get involved in, get into, have I don't want to get into an argument with her.| cause, provoke, start | lose, win I was determined to win the argument.
ARGUMENT + VERB arise, break out, develop, erupt Minutes later a violent argument erupted.
PREP. ~ about We had an argument about what we should buy.| ~ between an argument between her parents| ~ over The argument over decentralization will probably continue for ever.| ~ with an argument with his wife
reason supporting opinion
ADJ. basic, general | main | good, major, powerful, sound, strong, valid | compelling, conclusive, convincing, persuasive | plausible Their argument sounds plausible but is it really valid?| spurious, tenuous, weak | balanced | logical, rational, reasoned | economic, moral, political, theoretical
VERB + ARGUMENT advance, deploy, offer, present, put forward He put forward some very convincing arguments.| develop This argument is developed further in the next chapter.| illustrate, support, underline Do you have any evidence to support your argument?| consider, hear, listen to | accept, agree with | dismiss, reject The company dismissed his arguments as alarmist.| counter, refute She tried to think how to refute the argument on moral grounds.
ARGUMENT + VERB be based on sth The government's argument is always based on how much such a scheme would cost.| go, run Centralized government, so the argument goes, is too far removed from the problems of ordinary citizens.| apply (for sth) The same argument applies to fox-hunting.| justify sth | suggest sth These arguments suggest that the medical establishment had an interest in suppressing the research.
PREP. ~ against the arguments against increasing taxes| ~ concerning arguments concerning the nature of morality| ~ for There is a very good argument for increasing spending on education. | ~ in favour ofWhat are the arguments in favour of change?
PHRASES all/both sides of an argument He was able to see both sides of the argument.| a flaw in the argument I can see no flaw in the argument as she has just explained it.| a line of argument I can see a few problems with this line of argument.

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