nounwrong/bad use of sth
ADJ. alcohol, drug, solvent, substance (= drugs or solvents)
VERB + ABUSE be open to The legal system is open to abuse.
PHRASES the abuse of powerbad, usually violent treatment of sb
ADJ. emotional, physical, sex/sexual | child, elder victims of child abuse| human rights ~s allegations of human rights abuses| alleged, suspected
QUANT. case six cases of suspected child abuse
VERB + ABUSE carry out, subject sb to She was subjected to regular sexual abuse.| suffer, take The child had taken a lot of emotional abuse.| suspect sb of
ABUSE + VERB happen, occur, take place
PHRASES an allegation of abuse, a perpetrator of abuse, a victim of abuseinsulting words
ADJ. verbal | personal, racial
QUANT. stream, torrent He was subjected to a torrent of abuse.
VERB + ABUSE hurl, scream, shout, shower sb with, subject sb to, yell | endure They had to endure continual racial abuse.
PHRASES heap abuse on sb/sth Abuse and scorn were heaped on the proposals.| a target for/of abuse The team who lost became a target of abuse for angry fans.| a term of abuse Calling someone stupid is definitely a term of abuse.