
ADJ. agreed | clear A clear agenda will win votes in the next election.| five-point, etc. An 18-point agenda was drawn up for the meeting.| hidden, secret He accused the government of having a hidden agenda.| real | full | narrow The party has a rather narrow political agenda.| radical | public | domestic, international | economic, legislative, policy/political, research
VERB + AGENDA have | agree on, draw up, establish, set The college needs to draw up an agenda for change.| follow We were following an agenda set by the students themselves.| add sth to, put sth on I will put this on the agenda for the next meeting.| leave sth off, remove sth from, take sth off The question of pay had been left off the agenda.| circulate A copy of the agenda is circulated to delegates a month before the conference.
PREP. on a/the ~ Safety at work is on the agenda for next month's meeting.| off the ~ (figurative) An expensive holiday is definitely off the agenda this year(= not sth we can consider).| ~ for We have an agreed agenda for action.
PHRASES firmly/high on the agenda In our company, quality is high on the agenda.| an item/a point on the agenda, next on the agenda Next on the agenda is deciding where we're going to live.| top of the agenda Improving trade between the two countries will be top of the agenda at the talks.
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