nounlowest part in music
ADJ. boomy, loud, pounding | solid The bass clarinet forms a solid bass for the woodwind group.| ground The church organist may improvise on a ground bass.| figured (= a bass line in which the chords are represented by figures, not written out in full) the abandonment in the late 18th century of figured bass in favour of completely written out orchestral scores
VERB + BASS sing He sings bass in our local choir.| turn down/up He always plays his stereo with the bass turned right up.
BASS + NOUN note, sound | line a pounding bass line| cleflowest male singing voice
ADJ. deep, low
VERB + BASS sing Don has agreed to sing bass(= sing the bass part).
BASS + NOUN voice | part
PREP. in a … ~ He answered my question in a surprisingly deep bass.bass guitar
ADJ. electric | fretless
VERB + BASS tune (up)
BASS + NOUN guitar Special page atMUSIC