ADJ. deep, genuine, great, real, special, strong, warm | mutual
VERB + AFFECTION feel, have, hold sb in, retain He was held in great affection by hundreds of students.| display, express, give sb, show (sb) | get, receive | crave, need, want He just wants a bit of affection.| gain, win She had tried hard to win his affection.| alienate
PREP. with ~ He'll be remembered with genuine affection.| ~ for I have a deep affection for his mother.| ~ to/towards The teacher showed affection towards all her pupils.
PHRASES a display of affection I don't go in for public displays of affection.| a feeling of affection a strong feeling of affection| love and affection I yearn for the love and affection I once had.| the object of sb's affections The object of his affections was a young opera singer.| a sign of affection, a show of affection