
A.chae.a  AHD[…-k¶“…]  也作 A.cha.ia […-kº“…, …-k³“…]   DJ[*6ki8*] 也作 A.cha.ia [*6ka!*, *6ke!*]  KK[*6ki*] 也作 A.cha.ia [*6ka!*, *6ke*]
    An ancient region of southern Greece occupying the northern part of the Peloponnesus on the Gulf of Corinth. The cities of the region banded together in the early third centuryb.c.  to form the Achaean League, which defeated Sparta but was eventually beaten by the Romans, who annexed Achaea in 146b.c.  and later gave the name to a province that included all of Greece south of Thessaly.
    亚加亚:希腊南部古代一地区,包括伯罗奔尼撒北部在科林斯湾的地区。该地区的城市在公元前 3世纪早期组成亚加亚联盟。这个联盟击败了斯巴达,然而最终被罗马击败。罗马人在公元前 146年吞并了亚加亚,后来以此命名包括塞萨利以南全部希腊的一个省

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