
af.fin.i.ty  AHD[…-f¹n“¹-t¶]   DJ[*6f!n!ti8]  KK[*6f!n!ti]
n.(名词)  【复数】af.fin.i.ties
1.A natural attraction or feeling of kinship.
2.Relationship by marriage.
3.An inherent similarity between persons or things.See Synonyms atlikeness
4.Biology A relationship or resemblance in structure between species that suggests a common origin.
  【生物学】 类同:具有相同起源的物种之间在结构上的关系或相似之处
5.Immunology The attraction between an antigen and an antibody.
  【免疫学】 化合力:抗原和抗体之间的相互吸引
6.Chemistry An attraction or force between particles that causes them to combine.
  【化学】 亲和力:促使微粒之间结合的相互吸引或能力
1.Middle Englishaffinite
2.from Old Frenchafinite
    源自 古法语afinite
3.from Latinaffīnit³s}
    源自 拉丁语affīnit³s}
4.fromaffīnis [related by marriage] * see  affined
    源自affīnis [姻亲的] *参见affined
1.In the sense of “attraction,”affinity  may be followed byof, between,  orwith.  Thus one may speak ofthe close affinity of James and Samuel,   or of the affinity between James and Samuel,   or of James's affinity with Samuel.   In its chemical useaffinity  is generally followed byfor:
    从“吸引”的意义上讲,affinity 通常后接of,betweenwith。  因此可以说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系,  或者说詹姆士和塞缪尔之间的亲密关系,  或者也可说詹姆士和塞缪尔的亲密关系。  在其化学的用法上,affinity 常后接for:
    a dye with an affinity for synthetic fabrics.
2.In general usageaffinity  should not be used as a simple synonym forliking.   In an earlier survey, a majority of the Usage Panel rejected the example
    在惯用法上affinity 不能简单地作为liking 的同义词。 在早些时候的调查中,大多数用法使用小组的成员反对下面的例子:
    Her affinity for living in California led her to reject a chance to return to New York.

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