al.ley-oop AHD[²l”¶-›p“] DJ[7#li86u8p] KK[7#li6up]
n.Basketball (名词)【篮球】
1.A play in which a pass is lobbed above the basket and a player jumps up and attempts to catch the ball and score before returning to the floor.
2.The pass made in such a play.
    Used to signal the start of a strenuous activity, such as lifting.
1.Frenchallez-oop [cry of circus acrobat about to leap]
    Frenchallez-oop [cry of circus acrobat about to leap]
2.fromallez [pl. imperative of] aller [to go]
    fromallez [pl. imperative of] aller [to go]
3.from Old Frenchaler [to walk] * see alley1
    from Old Frenchaler [to walk] *参见alley1