activated charcoal
activated charcoal
ac.ti.vat.ed charcoal AHD[²k“t…-v³”t¹d] DJ[6#kt*7ve!t!d] KK[6#kt*7vet!d]
    Highly absorbent carbon obtained by heating granulated charcoal to exhaust contained gases, resulting in a highly porous form with a very large surface area. It is used primarily for purifying gases by adsorption, solvent recovery, or deodorization and as an antidote to certain poisons.Also called activated carbon
    活性炭:高吸水性炭,通过加热颗粒状木炭,抽尽其内含气体而获得的表面极大的多孔状物体。主要通过吸收,可溶性还原或除臭的方式而用于净化空气,也可用作某些毒药的解毒物也作 activated carbon