And you?
And you? and Yourself?
a way of redirecting a previously asked question to the asker or someone else.
Bill: Do you want some more cake? Mary: Yes, thanks. Yourself ? Bill: I've had enough.
Jane: Are you enjoying yourself ? Bill: Oh, yes, and you?
- a (damn) sight better
- addict
- aft
- a glut on the market
- aground
- ahead of sth
- Ain't it the truth?
- air sth out
- a knuckle sandwich
- a landslide victory
- (a little) new to (all) this
- All roads lead to Rome.
- alpha
- A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
- ambulance chaser
- an A for effort
- an earful
- a notch above (so or sth)
- apply sth to sth
- area
- a reputation (for doing sth)