according to so or sth
according to someone or something
as said or indicated by someone or something.
According to the weather forecast, this should be a beautiful day.
- agree to sth
- a horse of another color
- air one's lungs
- air one's grievances
- a kick in the butt
- a labor of love
- a landslide victory
- a leave of absence
- a legend in one's own (life)time
- All cats are gray in the dark.
- all eyes and ears
- (all) kidding aside
- all over
- allow so or sth into a place
- All that glistens is not gold.
- (a)long about a certain time
- alter
- alternate between so and so else
- a lump in one's throat
- A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
- a matter of opinion