a mopping-up operation
a mopping-up operation
a clean-up operation; the final stages in a project where the loose ends are taken care of.
It's all over except a small mopping-up operation.
The mopping-up operation from the hurricane should cost just under twenty million.
- abstract sth from sth
- a clean sweep
- a devil of a time
- affix
- a fine state of affairs
- a foot in both camps
- a furtive glance
- a game that two can play
- a gray area
- a hop, skip, and a jump
- a kind of sth
- A little bird told me.
- all in a day's work
- allow for so or sth
- a love-hate relationship
- alphabet soup
- a mere trifle
- a mouth full of South
- an absent-minded professor
- an act of war
- And how!