all in a day's work
all in a day's work
part of what is expected; typical or normal.
I don't particularly like to cook, but it's all in a day's work.
Cleaning up after other people is all in a day's work for a busboy.
- able to do sth blindfolded
- acquiesce
- a dirty look
- a feeling (that sth is the case)
- a free translation
- a ghost of a chance
- agonize (oneself) over so or sth
- ain't got a grain of sense
- a knuckle sandwich
- allocate sth to so or sth
- All righty.
- along similar lines
- a losing streak
- a lost cause
- a match made in heaven
- a milestone in so's life
- analysis
- an end in itself
- An eye for an eye (and a tooth for a tooth).
- an inside joke
- anon