All right for you!
All right for you!
That's the end of being friendly with you!; That's the last chance for you! (Usually said by a child who is angry with a playmate.)
All right for you, John. See if I ever play with you again.
All right for you! I'm telling your mother what you did.
- accept sth as sth
- a close call
- A contented mind is a perpetual feast.
- A creaking door hangs longest.
- a crick in one's back
- adapt so or sth to sth
- A fool and his money are soon parted.
- after the fact
- age
- aground
- A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
- aim sth at so or sth
- ain't particular
- aisle
- a jack of all trades is a master of none.
- a level playing field
- a line on so or sth
- all over
- All systems (are) go.
- All that glitters is not gold.
- a load off one's feet