adapt so or sth to sth
adapt someone or something to something
to cause someone or something to change, adjust to, or get used to something else.
Can't you adapt yourself to my way of doing things?
- a chink in one's armor
- acquainted with sth
- a few bricks short of a load
- a ghost of a chance
- a go at sth
- a goner
- a hell of a note
- (a)hold of so or sth
- a hold on so
- a hold on sth
- aid so in sth
- a lick and a promise
- allot
- All right(y) already!
- all wet
- almighty
- a match for so, sth, or an animal
- a Mecca for so
- a night person
- annex to sth
- answer back (to so)