appear as sth
appear as something
1. to act a certain part in a play, opera, etc.
Madame Smith-Franklin appeared as Carmen at the City Opera last season.
The actor refused to appear as a villain in the play.
2. [for something] to be seen or occur in a particular form or with particular characteristics.
The tumors appear as shadows on the X-ray.
The first signs of the disease appear as a fever and a rash.
- affair
- a gold mine of information
- agree to sth
- a house of ill fame
- Ain't it the truth?
- align
- allowance
- a lucky break
- A man is known by the company he keeps.
- an about-face (on so or sth)
- an inside joke
- answer for so
- answer the call
- any fool thing
- Any friend of so('s) (is a friend of mine).
- a place to call one's own
- appear to be rooted to the spot
- appraise sth at sth
- a prelude to sth
- (Are) things getting you down?
- argue one's way out of sth