a blessing in disguise
a blessing in disguise
Fig. something that at first seems bad, but later turns out to be beneficial.
Tony's motorcycle accident was a blessing in disguise, because he got enough insurance money from the other driver to make a down payment on a house.
Dad's illness was a blessing in disguise; it brought the family together for the first time in years.
- a bull in a china shop
- A bully is always a coward.
- a bum steer
- advocate
- a face that could stop a clock
- a firm hand
- A golden key can open any door.
- a gnashing of teeth
- a good sport
- A house divided against itself cannot stand.
- a household name
- alight
- all eyes and ears
- all things to all people
- a lucky streak
- amble
- a mental block (against sth)
- amount (up) to sth
- An army marches on its stomach.
- anchor
- and then some