a close shave
a close shave and a close call
a narrow escape. (See also have a close shave)
Wow, that was a close shave. I thought the guard would spot us.
The speeding car passed only a few inches from us—a real close call.
- A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.
- acquainted with sth
- a crick in one's neck
- a Dear John letter
- admit to sth
- after
- after the fashion of so or sth
- a grip on oneself
- a hidden agenda
- aid
- Ain't it the truth?
- a kick in the ass
- a knuckle sandwich
- a legend in one's own (life)time
- all in one piece
- all of a size
- All's fair in love and war.
- amalgamate sth with sth
- a millstone about one's neck
- amount to sth
- an earful