acclimatize so or an animal to sth
acclimatize someone or an animal to something
Go to acclimate so or an animal to sth.
- address oneself to so
- a free translation
- Aim for the stars!
- air one's paunch
- a late bloomer
- all right with so
- all the rage
- ally oneself to so or sth
- a low profile
- amalgamate sth with sth
- and all that jazz
- and that's a fact
- and so forth
- an eyeful (of so or sth)
- anoint so with sth
- An ounce of common sense is worth a pound of theory.
- arch over so or sth
- argue (with so) (over so or sth)
- a right to sth
- arise
- arrive (up)on the scene (of sth)