a case of mistaken identity
a case of mistaken identity
the incorrect identification of someone.
I am not the criminal you want to arrest. This is a case of mistaken identity.
- acclimate so or an animal to sth
- accommodate
- a cold fish
- a crick in one's back
- act in earnest
- adhere
- A drowning man will clutch at a straw.
- after the fashion of so or sth
- a hard row to hoe
- a hard time
- A leopard cannot change his spots.
- (all) dolled up
- All good things must (come to an) end.
- all my eye (and Betty Martin)
- allude to so or sth
- (almost) jump out of one's skin
- a long shot
- a low profile
- a match for so, sth, or an animal
- and them
- and then some