a cold fish
*a cold fish
Fig. a person who is distant and unfeeling. (*Typically: act like ~; be ~.)
Bob is so dull—a real cold fish.
She hardly ever speaks to anyone. She's a cold fish.
- abreast
- according to all accounts
- ace in(to sth)
- a feeling (that sth is the case)
- a fix
- a free translation
- agenda
- a hotbed of sth
- ain't got the brains God gave a squirrel
- a kangaroo court
- A liar is not believed (even) when he tells the truth.
- alive and kicking
- all told
- all wet
- (almost) jump out of one's skin
- a lot of so or sth
- a man of few words
- ambulance chaser
- an about-face (on so or sth)
- an act of God
- an all-out effort