abut on sth
abut on something
[particularly of the edge of an area of land] to meet or touch something along one boundary or at one point.
Our land abuts on the shopping center's parking lot.
- a clean bill of health
- act young at heart
- affix one's signature to sth
- a free ride
- a game that two can play
- agonize (oneself) over so or sth
- ahead of sth
- a horse of a different color
- ain't got a lick of sense
- a kick in the teeth
- a landslide victory
- (all) kidding aside
- all right
- All roads lead to Rome.
- (all) skin and bones
- all year round
- a lot of nerve
- alternate with sth
- A man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.
- American
- amuse