a busman's holiday
a busman's holiday
leisure time spent doing something similar to what one does at work. (Alludes to a bus driver going on a bus tour for his vacation or on a day off.)
Tutoring students in the evening is a busman's holiday for our English teacher.
It's a bit of a busman's holiday to ask her to be wardrobe mistress for our amateur production in the summer. She's a professional dressmaker.
- accommodate so with sth
- a dead loss
- adjourn to some place
- adore
- afflict so with sth
- a late bloomer
- a lid on sth
- all ears
- (all) for the best
- alligator
- all things being equal
- allude to so or sth
- a lost cause
- And that's that.
- and so forth
- angle
- angle for sth
- An idle brain is the devil's workshop.
- answer so back
- Anyone I know?
- any number of so or sth