bust ass out of some place
bust (one's) ass (to do sth)
cold as a welldigger's ass (in January)
couldn't hit a bull in the ass with a bass fiddle
doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground
doesn't know his ass from his elbow
flat on one's ass
get off one's ass
get one's ass in gear
Get your ass over here!
have a corncob up one's ass
have one's ass in a sling
If a toady frog had wings, he wouldn't bump his ass.
In a pig's ass!
It will be your ass!
kick ass
a kick in the ass
kick some ass (around)
kiss so's ass
a pain in the ass
sit on one's ass
smart ass
tits and ass
work one's ass off
- about to do sth
- Absolutely not!
- accompany so on a musical instrument
- advertise sth for a price
- a face that could stop a clock
- a ladies' man
- a lead-pipe cinch
- a little steep
- (all) beer and skittles
- all things to all people
- a lot of
- alpha and omega
- an important milestone in so's life
- announce (one's support) for so or sth
- answer back (to so)
- answer so's purpose
- anytime
- anything
- appearance
- application
- appoint so to sth