a shaggy-dog story
a shaggy-dog story
a kind of funny story that relies for its humor on its length and its sudden ridiculous ending.
Don't let John tell a shaggy-dog story. It'll go on for hours.
Mary didn't get the point of Fred's shaggy-dog story.
- account for so or sth
- a (damn) sight better
- a feather in one's cap
- a fix on sth
- ah
- ahead
- a hop, skip, and a jump
- all the rage
- alter
- A man's home is his castle.
- a meeting of the minds
- a mental block (against sth)
- And how!
- anger
- an old wives' tale
- answer for so
- an unknown quantity
- apologize (to so) (for so)
- apparel
- appertain to sth
- arch