as an aside
as an aside
[said] as a comment that is not supposed to be heard by everyone.
At the wedding, Tom said as an aside, "The bride doesn't look well."
At the ballet, Billy said as an aside to his mother, "I hope the dancers fall off the stage!"
- absent without leave
- ache for so or sth
- affirmative
- a ghost of a chance
- agree with so
- a growth opportunity
- a leg up on so
- alike as (two) peas in a pod
- all day long
- all ears
- (all) set (to do sth)
- all to the good
- (all) well and good
- almost
- also
- a man of the cloth
- ambulance
- amount
- and so on
- an inside joke
- announce (one's support) for so or sth