
about as exciting as watching (the) paint dry
accept so as sth
accept sth as sth
acknowledge so as sth
acknowledge sth as sth
act as one
act as so
address so as a specific title or attribute
adopt so as sth
adopt sth as sth
alike as (two) peas in a pod
American as apple pie
appear as sth
as a duck takes to water
as a (general) rule
as a last resort
As a man sows, so shall he reap.
as a matter of course
as a matter of fact
as a result (of sth)
as a rule
as a token (of sth)
as all get out
as an aside
as bad as all that
as far as anyone knows
as far as it goes
as far as possible
as far as so is concerned
as far as sth is concerned
as for so or sth
as good as one's word
As I live and breathe!
as I see it
as I was saying
as it is
as it were
as long as
as luck would have it
as one
as soon as
as such
As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined.
as usual
as we speak
as well
As you make your bed, so you must lie (up)on it.
As you sow, so shall you reap.
awkward as a bull in a china shop
awkward as a cow on a crutch
awkward as a cow on roller skates
bald as a baby's backside
bald as a coot
baleful as death
be so bold as to do sth
be that as it may
big around as a molasses barrel
big as all outdoors
big as life (and twice as ugly)
bigger than life (and twice as ugly)
black as a skillet
black as one is painted
black as pitch
black as the ace of spades
blind as a bat
bold as brass
bright as a button
bright as a new pin
broad as a barn door
brown as a berry
business as usual
busy as a beaver (building a new dam)
busy as a cranberry merchant (at Thanksgiving)
busy as a fish peddler in Lent
busy as a hibernating bear
busy as a one-armed paperhanger
busy as Grand Central Station
busy as popcorn on a skillet
Can't say (a)s I do(, can't say (a)s I don't).
cast so as sth
charge sth off as sth
choose so as sth
clean as a hound's tooth
clean as a whistle
clear as a bell
clear as crystal
clear as mud
clear as vodka
close as two coats of paint
cocky as the king of spades
cold as a welldigger's ass (in January)
cold as a welldigger's feet (in January)
cold as a witch's tit
cold as marble
come across as so or sth (to so)
come as no surprise
come on as sth
comfortable as an old shoe
common as an old shoe
common as dirt
conceited as a barber's cat
conceive of so or sth as so or sth
condemn so as sth
consider so (as) sth
construe sth as sth
cool as a cucumber
count so or sth as sth
count sth as sth
crazy as a betsy bug
crazy as a loon
crazy as a peach-orchard boar
crooked as a barrel of fish hooks
crooked as a dog's hind leg
cunning as a fox
cute as a bug's ear
dead as a dodo
dead as a doornail
deaf as a post
define sth as sth
denounce so as sth
depict so as sth
deputize so as sth
describe so or sth as sth
designate so or sth as sth
The devil is not so black as he is painted.
different as night and day
disguise so or sth as so or sth
dismiss sth as sth
Do as I say, not as I do.
do as sth
Do as you would be done by.
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
double as so or sth
double in brass (as sth)
dress so up (as so or sth)
dress (up) as so or sth
drunk as a lord
drunk as a skunk
dry as a bone
dry as dust
dull as dishwater
dull as ditchwater
easy as A, B, C
easy as (apple) pie
easy as duck soup
easy as falling off a log
easy as rolling off a log
easy as shooting fish in a barrel
elect so (as) sth
emerge (from sth) (as sth)
employ so as sth
end up (as) (sth)
engage so as sth
Enough is as good as a feast.
envisage so or sth as so or sth
envision so as so else
establish so or sth as so or sth
evaluate so as sth
even as we speak
exciting as watching (the) paint dry
extol so or sth as sth
fancy so as so or sth
fat as a pig
feature so as sth
figure so as sth
finger so as so
fit as a fiddle
flat as a board
flat as a pancake
flop as sth
free as a bird
free as (the) air
fresh as a daisy
full as a tick
funny as a barrel of monkeys
funny as a crutch
gaudy as a butterfly
gentle as a lamb
give as good as one gets
go as so or sth
go down (in history) (as so or sth)
go so far as to say sth
good as done
good as gold
good as new
graceful as a swan
green as grass
groom so as sth
gruff as a bear
had (just) as soon do sth
hail so as sth
Handsome is as handsome does.
happy as a clam (at high tide)
happy as a clam (in butter sauce)
happy as a lark
happy as can be
hard as a rock
hard as nails
hard as stone
have a mind as sharp as a steel trap
have so pegged as sth
high as a kite
high as the sky
hoarse as a crow
hold so or sth up as an example
honor so as sth
hot as fire
hot as hell
hungry as a bear
hungry as a hunter
(I) can't say (as) I do.
(I) can't say (as) I have.
I'd (just) as leave do sth
I'd (just) as soon (as) do sth
identify so as so
idolize so or sth as sth
imagine so or sth as so or sth
impress so as sth
in the same boat (as so)
inaugurate so as sth
innocent as a lamb
innocent as a newborn babe
install so as sth
intend sth as sth
interpret sth as sth
issue sth as sth
(just) as I expected
know as much about sth as a hog knows about Sunday
know so as so
know so or sth as sth
label so or sth as sth
large as life
light as a feather
light as air
likely as not
list so as sth
look as if butter wouldn't melt in one's mouth
look on so as sth
look (up)on so or sth as sth
mad as a hatter
mad as a hornet
mad as a March hare
mad as a wet hen
mad as hell
make as if to do sth
make good as sth
make it to sth; make it as far as sth
make so bold as to do sth
mark sth as sth
masquerade as so or sth
may as well
mean sth as sth
meek as a lamb
merry as a cricket
merry as the day is long
might as well
A miss is as good as a mile.
move as one
Moving three times is as bad as a fire.
naked as a jaybird
name so as sth
neat as a pin
A nod is as good as a wink to a blind horse.
nominate so as sth
not as young as one used to be
Nothing is given so freely as advice.
nutty as a fruitcake
obstinate as a mule
offer sth to so (as sth)
officiate (as sth) (at sth)
old as Methuselah
old as the hills
ordain so (as) sth
pale as a ghost
pale as death
palm so or sth off (on so) (as so or sth)
pass as so or sth
pass so or sth off (on so) (as so or sth)
pass sth off (as sth)
pass sth off (on so) (as sth)
patient as Job
pawn so or sth off (on so) (as so or sth)
pay as you go
peg so as sth
perceive so or sth as sth
phony as a three-dollar bill
picture so as so or sth
plain as a pikestaff
plain as day
play sth as sth
pleased as Punch
point to sth as sth
poor as a church mouse
portray so as so or sth
portray so or sth as so
pose as so
posture as so or sth
pretty as a picture
Pretty is as pretty does.
proud as a peacock
prove oneself as sth
pull together (as a team)
pure as the driven snow
put so down as sth bad
put so or sth down as sth
qualify as sth
qualify so as sth
queer as a three-dollar bill
quick as a flash
quick as a wink
quick as (greased) lightning
quiet as a (church) mouse
quiet as the grave
rank as sth
rank so or sth as sth
rate so or sth as sth
read so or sth as sth
reappoint so as sth
receive so as so or sth
reckon so as so or sth
recognize so as so or sth
recommend so as sth
red as a cherry
red as a poppy
red as a rose
red as a ruby
red as blood
regard so or sth as so or sth
register so as sth
regular as clockwork
reinstate so as sth
remember so as sth
represent so or sth as sth
a reputation (as a sth)
respect so as sth
right as rain
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.
run as sth
the same as so or sth
scarce as hen's teeth
see so as so or sth
see so as sth
see sth as sth else
select so or sth as sth
sell so or sth as sth
serve as a guinea pig
serve as so or sth
serve as the driving force (behind so or sth)
set so or sth up as sth
set sth down as sth
sharp as a razor
sharp as a tack
show so up as sth
shrug sth off (as sth)
sick as a dog
sign on (with so or sth) (as sth)
silent as the dead
silent as the grave
silly as a goose
skinny as a beanpole
slick as a whistle
slippery as an eel
slow as molasses in January
sly as a fox
smooth as glass
smooth as silk
snug as a bug in a rug
so far as anyone knows
so far as possible
so far as so is concerned
so far as sth is concerned
so long as
sober as a judge
soft as a baby's backside
soft as a baby's bottom
soft as down
soft as silk
soft as velvet
solid as a rock
soon as possible
sound as a barrel
sound as a bell
sound as a dollar
sound as if
sour as vinegar
speak as one
spot so as sth
stamp so or sth as sth
star as so or sth
start as sth
start off as so or sth
start out as sth
start so in (as sth)
start so out (as sth)
steady as a rock
stiff as a poker
stigmatize so as sth
still as death
straight as an arrow
strike so as sth
strong as a horse
strong as a lion
strong as an ox
stubborn as a mule
succeed as sth
succeed so as sth
such as...
such as it is
sure as eggs is eggs
sure as fate
sure as God made little green apples
sure as hell
sure as I'm standing here
Sure as shooting!
sure as you live
swear so in (as sth)
sweet as honey
swift as an arrow
swift as lightning
swift as the wind
swift as thought
take so as so
take so in as sth
take sth as sth
target so or sth as sth
Them as has, gits.
There ain't no such thing as a free lunch.
There's no such thing as a free lunch.
There's none so blind as those who will not see.
There's none so deaf as those who will not hear.
thick as a short plank
thick as pea soup
thick as thieves
thick as two short planks
tight as a drum
tight as a tick
tight as Dick's hatband
tight as Midas's fist
tough as an old boot
tough as old (shoe) leather
tout so or sth as sth
train so or an animal as sth
treat so or sth as sth
true as steel
try as I may
try as I might
Two can play (at) this game (as well as one).
ugly as a toad
ugly as sin
use so or sth as an excuse
use so or sth as sth
vain as a peacock
value so or sth as sth
visualize so or sth as so or sth
volunteer as sth
warm as toast
weak as a baby
weak as a kitten
When in Rome(, do as the Romans do).
white as a ghost
white as a sheet
white as snow
white as the driven snow
wind up (as) sth
wise as an owl
wise as Solomon
without (so much as) a (for or) by your leave
without so much as doing sth
work as sth
work out (as sth)
worship so as sth
would as soon do sth as look at you
would (just) as soon do sth
write so down as sth
write so or sth off (as a sth)
Your guess is as good as mine.
zone sth as sth

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