An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.
An ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.
Prov. Knowing when to refrain from making jokes is better than being able to make jokes all the time.
Mabel makes fun of everybody, regardless of whether or not she hurts their feelings. Someone should tell her that an ounce of discretion is worth a pound of wit.
- a fate worse than death
- a feeling (that sth is the case)
- A good time was had by all.
- a (good) working over
- ahead of the game
- ain't particular
- air one's dirty linen in public
- a kangaroo court
- all in one piece
- alloy
- all things to all people
- alongside (of) so or sth
- a lot of so or sth
- alternate with sth
- a man of the cloth
- a mouth full of South
- (another) nail in so's or sth's coffin
- another pair of eyes
- any old thing
- a paper trail
- apologize (to so) (for so)