all in good time
all in good time
at some future time; in the near future; in good timesoon. (This phrase is used to encourage people to be patient and wait quietly.)
When will the baby be born? All in good time.
Mary: I'm starved! When will Bill get here with the pizza? Tom: All in good time, Mary, all in good time.
- a crick in one's back
- advertise sth for a price
- A friend in need is a friend indeed.
- a gold mine of information
- alarm
- a level playing field
- (all) for the best
- allot
- all over hell and gone
- all told
- a mouth full of South
- amount (up) to sth
- analysis
- annex sth to sth
- (another) nail in so's or sth's coffin
- answer the call (of nature)
- answer to so
- ant
- a nut case
- any fool thing
- appear for so