a breath of fresh air
a breath of fresh air
1. Lit. an influx of air that is not stale or smelly, especially from outdoors.
You look ill, John. What you need is a breath of fresh air.
2. Fig. a portion of air that is not "contaminated" with unpleasant people or situations. (This is a sarcastic version of 1.)
You people are disgusting. I have to get out of here and get a breath of fresh air.
I believe I'll go get a breath of fresh air. The intellectual atmosphere in here is stif ling.
3. Fig. a new, fresh, and imaginative approach (to something). (Usually with like.)
Sally, with all her wonderful ideas, is a breath of fresh air.
The decor in this room is like a breath of fresh air.
- act for so
- adapt sth from sth
- a dirty look
- a ghost of a chance
- A good husband makes a good wife.
- a heartbeat away from being sth
- a helluva so or sth
- a ladies' man
- alight
- align
- (all) beer and skittles
- allowance
- allow so or sth into a place
- all talk (and no action)
- a milestone in so's life
- An empty sack cannot stand upright.
- angle for sth
- an out
- ant
- a number of things or people
- an uphill battle