JobStoreTX.shutdown Database connection shutdown unsuccessful. There is no DataSource named 'null'
JobStoreTX.shutdown(732) | Database connection shutdown unsuccessful. java.sql.SQLException: There is no DataSource named 'null' at org.…
is still active but was recovered by another instance in the cluster. This may cause inconsistent behavior.
2019-05-21 14:38:01.433 WARN 10480 --- [_ClusterManager] o.s.s.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore : This scheduler instance (20160101-00080…
项目启动的时候报错“ The Scheduler cannot be restarted after shutdown() has been called”,有哪位大佬帮忙看一下吗?
Exception in thread "Quartz Scheduler [fbidp_schedulerTarget]" org.springframework.scheduling.SchedulingException: Could not start Quartz Sc…
需求: 每周一到周五,上午9:30--12,下午13--16点,每隔10秒触发一次 quartz支持这样的需求吗? 我查阅了很多网上的资料,具体到小时分钟的,没有找到触发…
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: 'name' must not be nul
----job.getJobName()--null ----SpringUtils--beanName--null 2019-05-22 13:23:57.137 INFO 9660 --- [duler_Worker-12] c.r.p.monitor.job.util.S…
Quartz Scheduler after delay; nested exception is org.quartz.SchedulerException:
2019-05-31 10:19:04.278 INFO 2832 --- [ restartedMain] org.quartz.core.QuartzScheduler : Scheduler RASScheduler_$_20160101-000804…
如题@许雪里 xxl-job只能是一个类执行一个任务吗,可不可以一个类里执行多个任务?原来用quartz时的代码,一个类里放了很多任务,现在接入xxl-job时只…
采用sqlserver数据库 整合之后发现启动报错FOR UPDATE clause allowed only for DECLARE CURSOR,找了下原因说是quartz要使用游标,sqlserver默认是不…
Freed 0 triggers from 'acquired' / 'blocked' state. 2019-05-22 14:59:00.548 INFO 11624 --- [ [RASScheduler]] o.s.s.quartz.LocalDataSourceJo…
关于spring boot 2.x IE9的跨域问题
@Configuration public class CorsConfig extends WebMvcConfigurationSupport{ @Override protected void addCorsMappings(CorsRegistry registry) {…
java定时调度quartz ,为啥要这么多表,其他表做啥的?
java定时调度quartz ,为啥要这么多表,其他表做啥的? QRTZ_FIRED_TRIGGERS ``QRTZ_PAUSED_TRIGGER_GRPS``…
quartz 任务直接执行,启动失败
2019-05-14 16:56:27.198 WARN 11328 --- [_ClusterManager] o.s.s.quartz.LocalDataSourceJobStore : This scheduler instance (20160101-00080…
but has failed to stop it. This is very likely to create a memory leak. Stack trace of thread:
WARNING [Thread-17] org.apache.catalina.loader.WebappClassLoaderBase.clearReferencesThreads The web application [modelx] appears to have st…