代码不太理解, 望高手解释 breadth-first search in lisp
急求哪位熟悉common lisp的朋友能把下面breadth-first search 代码解释下, 特别是有下划线的部分. nodes-not-visited 这段function没贴出来,可以忽略.…
Online Bibliography of Haskell Research
This site is maintained by Jim Bender. Please send suggestions for additions to this site to editor@readscheme.org. * Haskell Language D…
今天看了Lisp之根源, http://www.v-ec.com/dh20156/article.asp?id=50 忽然想到一个问题,就是,eval 和apply 两个高阶算子构成的eval函数是怎么实现…
[三道贩子] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 116
Haskell Weekly News: Issue 116 - May 2, 2009 http://sequence.complete.org/hwn/20090502 Announcements GHC 6.10.3 prerelease. Ian Lynagh [2]…
sicp练习题1.3 求三个数中两个较大数的平方和
(define (f a b c) (if (> a b) (+ (square a) (if (> b c) (square b) (square c))) (+ (square…
[三道贩子] Haskell Weekly News: Issue 112
Haskell Weekly News: Issue 112 - April 5, 2009 http://sequence.complete.org/hwn/20090405 Announcements ---- hgettext-0.1.5 - GetText based…
ghc 安装(已解决 见 22 楼)
看了几篇文章,ghc 这个东西用来学 haskell 应该是不错的,可是它的源代码安装好像有些难。 可是用了 bootstrap 技术,可是说明看了半天没看明白。 我…
Functional programming history
Lambda calculus provides a theoretical framework for describing functions and their evaluation. Though it is a mathematical abstraction rath…
[Haskell] ANNOUNCE: The Haskell Platform
We're pleased to announce the first release of the Haskell Platform: a single, standard Haskell distribution for every system. Download the …
差异:lisp 的 listp 和 sheme 的 list?
在 lisp 中, dot pair 也算 list, 而 scheme 认为表尾必须是 nil 所以 [1]> (listp (cons 1 2))T复制代码 scheme:guile> (list? (cons 1 2))#f复制…
haskell 如何遍历目录? 用各种办法测试了,没有结果
仅使用 Directory 如何遍历目录? 在网上看了一些例子, 需要好几个模块, 感觉比较麻烦. 仅使用Directory能不能实现? module Main where import System.…
我个人觉得国内对于函数式程序设计语言的推广实在太少了。至少,在中关村的几个书店里,能找到的相应的图书也就有“ML For The Working Programmer”…