使用 loadTextEx载入csv格式文件时报错:中文列名不存在
导入列名为中文的tick数据时,发生以下错误,求各位前辈指点dbDate = database("", VALUE, 2011.01.01..2020.12.31)dbSymbol=database("", HASH, [DAT…
在DolphinDB中定义了一个向量,现在往其添加数据,例子代码如下:key="0_10" lines.append!(dailyPnl.data.cumsum() as key) 代码中 as 后的key是个变…
如果是A序列去match B序列,然后返回index,DolphinDB中有函数可用吗?就如在R语言中用match函数:> match(c(1,2,3),c(1,2,9,3)) [1] 1 2 4…
Failed to parse the incoming object with IO error type 6
RuntimeError: <Server Exception> in run: Failed to parse the incoming object with IO error type 6 undef table 'TMP_TBL_012a677d' got an …
This SQL query can't split into multiple data sources
如题,这个sql语句直接执行是正常的,放在loadTableBySQL就出现上述错误.This SQL query can't split into multiple data sources…
我在DolphinDB GUI中用下面代码导入股票行情数据:ploadText("D:\\DolphinDB\\Quote\\000001_20120104.csv")得到结果如下图,表头是乱码,应该怎么办…
为什么在函数内用parseExpr执行会报SQL context is not initialized yet
在DolphinDB GUI内执行下面代码:def yoy_continuous_validation(X, threshold, validation_way, continuous_len){ if (not(string(validation_way) i…
ChunkInTransaction filepath has been owned by transaction 20084
python api向dolphindb中保存数据出错。RuntimeError: <Server Exception> in run: ::append!(pt, t) => <ChunkInTransaction>filepath '/d…
比如我在DolphinDB中有下面2张表:code=`A`B`C`D`E totalValue=10 20 30 40 50 t1=keyedTable(`code,code,totalValue) t2 = table(`A`C`B`D as code, …
grafana graph悬浮显示异常
我想把我的分钟线汇总成半小时线:sessionsStart=09:30:00.000 13:00:00.000 barMinutes = 30 OHLC = select first(open) as open, max(high) as high…