Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. 想要改进这个问题吗?通过编辑这篇文章来更新问题,使其…
Closed. This question is seeking recommendations for software libraries, tutorials, tools, books, or other off-site resources. It does not …
如何在 Visual Studio 2010 中同时处理两台或多台计算机上的项目
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. 要求我们推荐或查找工具、库或最喜欢的…
WordPress 帖子可由访客用户编辑,无需订阅。这可能吗?
我希望所有用户(包括访客)都可以编辑我的所有 WordPress 帖子。 有人知道这是否可能吗? 我已经尝试了所有“wiki”插件,但没有成功。…
XMPP 是否足够快以支持类似 MMO 的协作?
Closed. This question is opinion-based. It is not currently accepting answers. 想要改进这个问题?更新问题,以便可以通过编辑这篇文章用事实和…
如何在团队内使用通用的 powershell 配置文件
我想知道如何在我的所有同事之间共享并保持最新的个人资料 ($profile.AllUsersAllHosts)。 由于我是团队中唯一制作 POSH 脚本的人,因此我想创建一种…
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. 要求我们推荐或查找工具、库或最喜欢的…
免费的项目协作工具——SVN +任务 +自动部署
Closed. This question is seeking recommendations for software libraries, tutorials, tools, books, or other off-site resources. It does not …