Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. 这个问题似乎与帮助中心中定义的范围内…
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers. 想要改进这个问题吗?通过编辑这篇文章来更新问题,使其…
如何在“托管解决方案”中使用 Active Directory?
昨天,我接到 Microsoft 代表的电话,询问我们是否提供“托管解决方案”,大概是大力推动 Windows Azure 的一部分。 我一挂断电话,我们的营销总监就…
什么是“商业智能”? 软件?
Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers. 想要改进此问题吗?更新问题,使其关于- Stack Overflow 的主题。 11…
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