SPARC64 VII The SPARC64 VII, code-named Jupiter, is a further development of the SPARC64 VI. It is a quad-core microprocessor. Each core is capable of two-way simultaneous multithreading (SMT), which replaces two-way coarse-grained multithreading, termed vertical multithreading (VMT) by Fujitsu. Thus, it can execute eight threads simultaneously.[4]
Other changes include more RAS features. The integer register file is now protected by ECC, and the number of error checkers has been increased to around 3,400.
It consists of 600 million transistors and is fabricated by Fujitsu in a 65 nm CMOS process.
The SPARC64 VII is socket compatible with its predecessor, the SPARC64 VI. Existing M-class servers are able to upgrade to the SPARC64 VII processors in the field.[5]
SPARC64 VIIIfx The SPARC64 VIIIfx, code-named Venus, is an eight-core version of the SPARC64 VII. It includes a memory controller. The processor is capable of 128 GFLOPS and is fabricated using Fujitsu's 45nm process technology.[6]
[edit] Specifications Registers: 192 integer, 288 floating point (32 single precision, 256 double precision), 3 interrupt. Address range: 41-bit (up to 1FFFFF00000h). Cache: L1: 32KiB 2-way data, 32KiB 2-way instruction (128 byte line), sectored L2: 5MiB 10-way (128 byte line), index hash sectored Translation lookaside buffer: 16 fetch + 256 4-way store instruction, 512 4-way store data, no victim cache Page sizes: 8KiB, 64KiB, 512KiB, 4MiB, 32MiB, 256MiB, 2GiB Translation storage buffer: Not supported in hardware SIMD: Max 2 parallel calculations, supports max 8 floating point values per cycle. Double precision floating point register can be used for single point calculations. Operands can be single or double precision floating point values.
T系列的主机,最高配置8核8线程,共4个cpu 所以256线程,但是每个core的实际frequence最高只有1.6Ghz。
The SPARC64 VII, code-named Jupiter, is a further development of the SPARC64 VI. It is a quad-core microprocessor. Each core is capable of two-way simultaneous multithreading (SMT), which replaces two-way coarse-grained multithreading, termed vertical multithreading (VMT) by Fujitsu. Thus, it can execute eight threads simultaneously.[4]
Other changes include more RAS features. The integer register file is now protected by ECC, and the number of error checkers has been increased to around 3,400.
It consists of 600 million transistors and is fabricated by Fujitsu in a 65 nm CMOS process.
The SPARC64 VII is socket compatible with its predecessor, the SPARC64 VI. Existing M-class servers are able to upgrade to the SPARC64 VII processors in the field.[5]
The SPARC64 VIIIfx, code-named Venus, is an eight-core version of the SPARC64 VII. It includes a memory controller. The processor is capable of 128 GFLOPS and is fabricated using Fujitsu's 45nm process technology.[6]
[edit] Specifications
Registers: 192 integer, 288 floating point (32 single precision, 256 double precision), 3 interrupt.
Address range: 41-bit (up to 1FFFFF00000h).
L1: 32KiB 2-way data, 32KiB 2-way instruction (128 byte line), sectored
L2: 5MiB 10-way (128 byte line), index hash sectored
Translation lookaside buffer: 16 fetch + 256 4-way store instruction, 512 4-way store data, no victim cache
Page sizes: 8KiB, 64KiB, 512KiB, 4MiB, 32MiB, 256MiB, 2GiB
Translation storage buffer: Not supported in hardware
SIMD: Max 2 parallel calculations, supports max 8 floating point values per cycle. Double precision floating point register can be used for single point calculations. Operands can be single or double precision floating point values.
根据最新的handbook,Sun/Oracle 目前还没有release SPARC64 VIII的M系列服务器。
8-Core (64 × 4 for a total of 256 concurrent threads)
8核8线程,共4个cpu 所以256线程吗
1.2GHz 8-Core (64 × 4 for a total of 256 concurrent threads)
1.4GHz 8-Core (64 × 4 for a total of 256 concurrent threads) 这个是 5440 吧?
1.2GHz 8-Core (64 × 4 for a total of 256 concurrent threads)
1.4GHz 8-Core (64 × 4 for a total of 256 concurrent threads)
才8核8线程?8×8=64 貌似不止了吧
UltraSPARC T2(研发代号:Niagara II)是升阳电脑所研发的微处理器,是一颗多核心(执行核)、多线程(多执行绪)的CPU,采用开放架构。UltraSPARC T2的前一款处理器为UltraSPARC T1。 UltraSPARC T2衍生自UltraSPARC系列微处理器,这颗处理器内可以有8个CPU核心,且每个核心最多可同时执掌、处理8个执行绪,如此UltraSPARC T2处理器在最理想状态下可同时执行64个执行绪,而且,每个核心也有自属的浮点运算单元(FPU)。同时加密、解密相关的执行处理单元也将由单核提升成多核。T2将使用65纳米制程, 而且L2快取内存增到4MB.
16核32线程还是32核16线程? -- 不知所云啊