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还在原地等你 2025-01-29 06:54:58




I faced the exact same issue and it took me a while to understand this.
Apparently, EB doesn't support Django4.x versions. They are updated to 3.x.x versions only.

I assume you have updated the settings.py file with the host URL.

Downgrade Django and you can redeploy your application and it should work fine.


还在原地等你 2025-01-28 16:43:32


The problem was with SELinux. I turned it off and everything worked.


还在原地等你 2025-01-28 01:26:55

<一href="https://askubuntu.com/questions/882385/dev-sda1-clean-this-message-appears-after-i-startup-my-laptop-then-it-w">https://askubuntu。 com/questions/882385/dev-sda1-clean-this-message-appears-after-i-startup-my-laptop-then-it-w

我在启动期间使用了 sudo apt-get purge nvidia* 和可用的终端(我的意思是操作系统运行后不是终端),按 ctrl+alt+f2 在启动期间访问它。请小心,因为执行此操作后您可能需要重新安装 nvidia 驱动程序。

I followed the solutions of this post:

I used sudo apt-get purge nvidia* with the terminal available during the boot (not the terminal once the os is operative, I mean), press ctrl+alt+f2 to access it during the boot. Be carefull because you may need to reinstall nvidia drivers after doing it.


还在原地等你 2025-01-27 12:11:09

您可以通过 _G["varname"] 访问全局变量

function groupcolor()
   for N = 1, 8 do
      local groupNrooms = _G["group"..N.."rooms"]
      for _, roomid in ipairs(groupNrooms) do
         local M = roomid:match"^(%d+)%+$"
         if M then
            Controls["room"..M.."background"].Color = '#dba643'

You can access global variable by _G["varname"]

function groupcolor()
   for N = 1, 8 do
      local groupNrooms = _G["group"..N.."rooms"]
      for _, roomid in ipairs(groupNrooms) do
         local M = roomid:match"^(%d+)%+
         if M then
            Controls["room"..M.."background"].Color = '#dba643'


还在原地等你 2025-01-26 17:36:46


You can create a list with all the values from your file, even the duplicate ones, then you can refer to this this question and the accepted answer, it shows you how to create a unique list from a list with duplicates.


还在原地等你 2025-01-26 16:06:18

它会显示或隐藏每个表单,因为您正在使用 .each()。这意味着它将为该类的每次出现执行该任务。你想要做的只是对被点击的父级执行它。


It shows or hides every form because you're using .each(). That means it will perform the task for every single occurence of that class. What you wanna do is performing it only on the clicked ones parent.

You need to find the parent element and hide or show only the inputs in that category. Not all occurences of that class in general.

在元素上单击同一个类,使用 jquery 显示隐藏元素

还在原地等你 2025-01-26 15:31:14

执行此操作的一种 tidyverse 方法是 tidyr::separate() 函数。


data %>% separate(dose, sep = " \\| ", into = paste0("D", 1:7))

  paciente                 D1            D2         D3              D4         D5         D6         D7
1   Gloria         1: 1ª Dose          <NA>       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
2    Lidia         1: 1ª Dose    2: 1ª Dose       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
3    Fabia         1: 1ª Dose    2: 2ª Dose 3: Reforço 4: D1 - 1ª Dose       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
4      Ana    1: D1 - 1ª Dose    2: 1ª Dose 3: 1ª Dose      4: 1ª Dose 5: 1ª Dose 6: 1ª Dose 7: 1ª Dose
5    Kelly            1: Dose          <NA>       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
6    Sueli            1: Dose 2: DU - Única       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
7    Lucia 1: R1 - 1º Reforço          <NA>       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>

A tidyverse way to do this is the tidyr::separate() function.


data %>% separate(dose, sep = " \\| ", into = paste0("D", 1:7))

  paciente                 D1            D2         D3              D4         D5         D6         D7
1   Gloria         1: 1ª Dose          <NA>       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
2    Lidia         1: 1ª Dose    2: 1ª Dose       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
3    Fabia         1: 1ª Dose    2: 2ª Dose 3: Reforço 4: D1 - 1ª Dose       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
4      Ana    1: D1 - 1ª Dose    2: 1ª Dose 3: 1ª Dose      4: 1ª Dose 5: 1ª Dose 6: 1ª Dose 7: 1ª Dose
5    Kelly            1: Dose          <NA>       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
6    Sueli            1: Dose 2: DU - Única       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>
7    Lucia 1: R1 - 1º Reforço          <NA>       <NA>            <NA>       <NA>       <NA>       <NA>


还在原地等你 2025-01-26 05:42:07

只需转到(App Level) build.gradle 文件,在某个地方给空的空间提供空白,然后单击同步,一旦Gradle显示 同步完整然后错误将消失

Just go to the (app level) build.gradle file, give an empty space somewhere and click on sync, once gradle shows sync complete then the Error will be gone

如何“选择 Android SDK”在 Android Studio 中?

还在原地等你 2025-01-25 22:24:13

您要传递的%d 指定符的值类型与 va_arg 期望与之匹配。

您正在告诉 va_arg 期望,但是 1234 -1234 有类型 int 。这些类型是不同的尺寸,因此 va_arg 从呼叫堆栈中拉出的字节比您所付出的字节更多。


The type of the value you're passing in for your %d specifier doesn't match what va_arg is expecting.

You're telling va_arg to expect a long long, but 1234 and -1234 have type int. These types are different sizes, so va_arg is pulling more bytes from the call stack than you put on.

The standard format specifiers have size modifiers so they can handle different size types. You'll need to implement something similar.


还在原地等你 2025-01-25 13:46:42


$digits = '12345';
preg_match_all('/\d/', $digits, $single_digit_matches);
preg_match_all('/\d\d/', $digits, $two_digit_matches1);
preg_match_all('/\d\d/', substr($digits, 1), $two_digit_matches2);
$matches = array_merge($single_digit_matches[0], $two_digit_matches1[0], $two_digit_matches2[0]);


    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 4
    [4] => 5
    [5] => 12
    [7] => 23
    [6] => 34
    [8] => 45

Here is a straightforward solution:

$digits = '12345';
preg_match_all('/\d/', $digits, $single_digit_matches);
preg_match_all('/\d\d/', $digits, $two_digit_matches1);
preg_match_all('/\d\d/', substr($digits, 1), $two_digit_matches2);
$matches = array_merge($single_digit_matches[0], $two_digit_matches1[0], $two_digit_matches2[0]);

The output is

    [0] => 1
    [1] => 2
    [2] => 3
    [3] => 4
    [4] => 5
    [5] => 12
    [7] => 23
    [6] => 34
    [8] => 45


还在原地等你 2025-01-25 08:53:23


我们的解决方案不是使用启动的构造器来访问 iconfiguration 的实例。我们有一种便利方法,只能抓住 appSettings.json 配置,这意味着我们错过了设置应用程序所需的任何其他配置.NET核心。这在2.2中不是必需的,但显然是现在。


获取 iconfiguration 通过 startup 构造函数:


Found the issue.

Our solution was not using the Startup's constructor to access the instance of IConfiguration. We had a convenience method doing this to only grab the appsettings.json config, meaning we missed out on any other config .NET Core needed for setting up the app. This wasn't required in 2.2, but obviously is now.

Hope this helps anyone else.

Get IConfiguration via Startup constructor:

enter image description here

NET Core 3.0:自定义 URL 端口不起作用

还在原地等你 2025-01-25 08:02:13


struct Record
    std::string input_line1;
    std::string input_line2;
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Record& r);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Record& r)
    std::getline(input, r.input_line1);
    std::getline(input, r.input_line2);
    input.ignore(1000000, '\n'); // ignore the blank line.
    return input;


std::vector<Record> database;
Record r;
while (inFile >> r)

通过将详细输入放入结构体中,您可以稍后修改输入方法,而无需更改 main() 中的输入代码。



struct Passport
    std::string ecl;
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Passport& p);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Passport& p)
    std::string  text_line1;
    std::string  text_line2;
    std::getline(input, text_line1);
    std::getline(input, text_line2);
    size_t       position = text_line1.find("ecl:");
    if (position != std::npos)
       // extract the value for ecl and assign to p.ecl
    return input;


You should model the data using a struct.

struct Record
    std::string input_line1;
    std::string input_line2;
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Record& r);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Record& r)
    std::getline(input, r.input_line1);
    std::getline(input, r.input_line2);
    input.ignore(1000000, '\n'); // ignore the blank line.
    return input;

Your input code would look like:

std::vector<Record> database;
Record r;
while (inFile >> r)

By placing the detailed input inside of the struct, you can modify the input method later without having to change the input code in main().

Detailed Parsing

You could add in a field or two to advance your program (no need to add all the fields at this point, then can be added later).

struct Passport
    std::string ecl;
    friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Passport& p);
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Passport& p)
    std::string  text_line1;
    std::string  text_line2;
    std::getline(input, text_line1);
    std::getline(input, text_line2);
    size_t       position = text_line1.find("ecl:");
    if (position != std::npos)
       // extract the value for ecl and assign to p.ecl
    return input;

There are many different methods for parsing the string, the above is alluding to one of them.

将多个字符串存储在结构体数组中 C++

还在原地等你 2025-01-25 05:17:02


w = Window.partitionBy(['region', 'store']).orderBy('call_date').rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
sdf = (sdf.withColumn('call_date', F.last('call_date').over(w))
       .withColumn('RANK', F.row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("region").orderBy(F.col('call_date').desc())))
       .filter(F.col('RANK') <= 3))


|region|store|          call_date|RANK|
|     1|    A|2022-03-09 00:00:00|   1|
|     1|    C|2022-03-07 00:00:00|   2|
|     1|    D|2022-03-06 00:00:00|   3|
|     3|    G|2022-03-09 00:00:00|   1|
|     2|    F|2022-03-09 00:00:00|   1|
|     2|    E|2022-03-08 00:00:00|   2|

How about drop duplicates before you rank?

w = Window.partitionBy(['region', 'store']).orderBy('call_date').rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
sdf = (sdf.withColumn('call_date', F.last('call_date').over(w))
       .withColumn('RANK', F.row_number().over(Window.partitionBy("region").orderBy(F.col('call_date').desc())))
       .filter(F.col('RANK') <= 3))


|region|store|          call_date|RANK|
|     1|    A|2022-03-09 00:00:00|   1|
|     1|    C|2022-03-07 00:00:00|   2|
|     1|    D|2022-03-06 00:00:00|   3|
|     3|    G|2022-03-09 00:00:00|   1|
|     2|    F|2022-03-09 00:00:00|   1|
|     2|    E|2022-03-08 00:00:00|   2|


还在原地等你 2025-01-25 04:17:33

从技术上讲, python始终使用参考值。我要重复我的其他答案支持我的陈述。





“传递 lst 无法修改。绿色是目标对象(黑色是存储在内部的值,红色是对象类型),黄色是内存的内存,内部的参考值 - 绘制为箭头。蓝色实心箭头是传递给该函数的参考值(通过虚线的蓝色箭头路径)。丑陋的深黄色是内部词典。 (实际上,它也可以作为绿色椭圆形绘制。颜色和形状仅表示它是内部的。)

您可以使用 id() 内置功能以了解参考值是什么(即目标对象的地址)。


参考值隐藏在Python中。没有任何用于存储参考值的明确用户类型。但是,您可以将列表元素(或任何其他合适的容器类型中的元素)用作参考变量,因为所有容器都会将元素存储为对目标对象的引用。换句话说,元素实际上不包含容器内部 - 仅引用元素。

Technically, Python always uses pass by reference values. I am going to repeat my other answer to support my statement.

Python always uses pass-by-reference values. There isn't any exception. Any variable assignment means copying the reference value. No exception. Any variable is the name bound to the reference value. Always.

You can think about a reference value as the address of the target object. The address is automatically dereferenced when used. This way, working with the reference value, it seems you work directly with the target object. But there always is a reference in between, one step more to jump to the target.

Here is the example that proves that Python uses passing by reference:

Illustrated example of passing the argument

If the argument was passed by value, the outer lst could not be modified. The green are the target objects (the black is the value stored inside, the red is the object type), the yellow is the memory with the reference value inside -- drawn as the arrow. The blue solid arrow is the reference value that was passed to the function (via the dashed blue arrow path). The ugly dark yellow is the internal dictionary. (It actually could be drawn also as a green ellipse. The colour and the shape only says it is internal.)

You can use the id() built-in function to learn what the reference value is (that is, the address of the target object).

In compiled languages, a variable is a memory space that is able to capture the value of the type. In Python, a variable is a name (captured internally as a string) bound to the reference variable that holds the reference value to the target object. The name of the variable is the key in the internal dictionary, the value part of that dictionary item stores the reference value to the target.

Reference values are hidden in Python. There isn't any explicit user type for storing the reference value. However, you can use a list element (or element in any other suitable container type) as the reference variable, because all containers do store the elements also as references to the target objects. In other words, elements are actually not contained inside the container -- only the references to elements are.


还在原地等你 2025-01-24 21:33:43


temp = df.merge(ref, how='left', left_on=['Id'], right_on = ['Id'])
out = ref.merge(temp[['Value','Long','Lat']])
   Id Code  Long  Lat  Value
0   1  ABC    89   82    104
1   3  GHI    89   82    104
2   2  DEF    87   81    108
3   6  OPQ    87   81    108

You can do merge twice

temp = df.merge(ref, how='left', left_on=['Id'], right_on = ['Id'])
out = ref.merge(temp[['Value','Long','Lat']])
   Id Code  Long  Lat  Value
0   1  ABC    89   82    104
1   3  GHI    89   82    104
2   2  DEF    87   81    108
3   6  OPQ    87   81    108





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