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你如我软肋 2025-02-08 04:04:50

SQL Server ?。

Azure SQL创建的实例似乎并没有启用它,尽管

为了启用,不需要启用 read_committed_snapshot 和visa-versa。 允许_snapshot_isolation 仅在明确使用 snapshot 隔离(设置事务隔离级别快照)时才需要 READ_COMMTENT 隔离级别(默认级别)用于使用行反转,而不是锁定语句级别读取一致性。

尽管两者都使用行反转,但重要的区别是 read_committed_snapshot 返回语句开始时的数据快照,而 snapshot 隔离级别返回数据快照,如图交易开始的时间开始了包含多个查询的事务的重要考虑因素。两者都将为单stitement Autocompit交易提供相同的行为。

Is it really necessary to enable ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION before
enabling READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT as per snapshot isolation level in
SQL Server?.

Azure SQL created instances do not seem to have it enabled, despite
their isolation level set to READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT.

It is not necessary to enable ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION in order to enable READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT and visa-versa. ALLOW_SNAPSHOT_ISOLATION is required only if you explicitly use SNAPSHOT isolation (SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL SNAPSHOT) whereas READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT changes the behavior of the READ_COMMITTED isolation level (the default level) to use row-versioning instead of locking for statement-level read consistency.

Although both use row-versioning, an important difference is READ_COMMITTED_SNAPSHOT returns a snapshot of data as of the time the statement began whereas the SNAPSHOT isolation level returns a snapshot of data as of the time the transaction began, an important consideration with a transaction containing multiple queries. Both will provide the same behavior for single-statement autocommit transactions.


你如我软肋 2025-02-07 17:30:34



一个奇怪的结果是,虽然 aws ecr ecr batch-get-get-image返回的清单 - Query'images [0] .ImageManifest'正是您需要的文档,但将其管道输送到文件很容易添加最终的newline字符,以修改清单摘要。

一种解决方案是将最后一个字符与 head -c -1 进行修剪。

aws ecr batch-get-image --repository-name staging/test --image-ids imageTag=1.0.0 --output=text --query 'images[0].imageManifest' | head -c -1 > manifest.json

aws ecr put-image --repository-name staging/test --image-tag latest --image-manifest file://manifest.json --image-digest sha256:foobar

So, it turns out the image digest of an image is the sha256 digest of its manifest.

This explains why different whitespace in the manifest JSON file leads to different digests.

A strange consequence is that, while the manifest returned by aws ecr batch-get-image --query 'images[0].imageManifest' is exactly the document you need, piping it to a file will easily add a final newline character that modifies the manifest digest.

A solution is to trim that last character with head -c -1

aws ecr batch-get-image --repository-name staging/test --image-ids imageTag=1.0.0 --output=text --query 'images[0].imageManifest' | head -c -1 > manifest.json

aws ecr put-image --repository-name staging/test --image-tag latest --image-manifest file://manifest.json --image-digest sha256:foobar

AWS Digest在标记时总是更改

你如我软肋 2025-02-07 13:09:41



要创建属性转换器,在您的属性之前添加一个新变量的getter and setter,用字母 db 命名姓名。前任。对于 myList ,您将添加 list< uint8list>获取dbmylist 设置dbmylist(list< uint8list>)

对于 list< uint8list> ,我建议将每个 uint8list 序列化为JSON并保存结果 list< string> 这是一个答案,描述了如何实现JSON uint8list的转换器

If you want to store a list of something other than String in ObjectBox, you need to use a property converter


To create a property converter, add a getter and setter for a new variable, named with the letters db before your property name. Ex. formyList, you will add List<Uint8List> get dbMyList and set dbMyList(List<Uint8List>).

In the case of a List<Uint8List>, I would recommend serializing each Uint8List to JSON and saving the resulting List<String>. Here is an answer describing how to implement a json converter for Uint8List.

如何存储列表&lt; uint8list&gt;在对象盒扑朔迷离中

你如我软肋 2025-02-07 07:39:40

您可以在Java 8中更容易。使用 java.time.localdate ,例如,将其字符串 to to to to to to ,或者使用其方法现在(现在) ),添加一个月

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // prepare a formatter for your desired output (default: uuuu-MM-dd)
    DateTimeFormatter customDtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/uuuu");
    // provide a date String and parse it to a LocalDate
    LocalDate yourProvidedDate = LocalDate.parse("07/12/2024", customDtf);
    // get next month and its first day
    LocalDate firstOfNextMonth = yourProvidedDate
    // get next month and adjust the date to the last day of that month
    LocalDate lastOfNextMonth = yourProvidedDate
    // then print both desired dates using the custom formatter
    System.out.println("FirstDate: " + firstOfNextMonth.format(customDtf));
    System.out.println("LastDate:  " + lastOfNextMonth.format(customDtf));

FirstDate: 08/01/2024
LastDate:  08/31/2024

You can have that easier in Java 8. Use a java.time.LocalDate, e.g. parse a String to it or get the current one with its method now(), add one month in order to have the next one and derive the first and last LocalDate of it:

public static void main(String[] args) {
    // prepare a formatter for your desired output (default: uuuu-MM-dd)
    DateTimeFormatter customDtf = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("MM/dd/uuuu");
    // provide a date String and parse it to a LocalDate
    LocalDate yourProvidedDate = LocalDate.parse("07/12/2024", customDtf);
    // get next month and its first day
    LocalDate firstOfNextMonth = yourProvidedDate
    // get next month and adjust the date to the last day of that month
    LocalDate lastOfNextMonth = yourProvidedDate
    // then print both desired dates using the custom formatter
    System.out.println("FirstDate: " + firstOfNextMonth.format(customDtf));
    System.out.println("LastDate:  " + lastOfNextMonth.format(customDtf));

This prints

FirstDate: 08/01/2024
LastDate:  08/31/2024


你如我软肋 2025-02-07 06:45:24

您可以在 parent div 中上课。并添加样式。

<div className='service'>
  { services?  services.map((d, i) => (
    <div key={i}>
       {d.image ? <img src={d.image} alt='' className="services-image " /> : <i className= 
  : 'loading'}


  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
  grid-gap: 12px;
  margin-top: 100px;

You can put a class in the parent div. And add styles.

<div className='service'>
  { services?  services.map((d, i) => (
    <div key={i}>
       {d.image ? <img src={d.image} alt='' className="services-image " /> : <i className= 
  : 'loading'}


  display: grid;
  grid-template-columns: repeat(3, 1fr);
  grid-gap: 12px;
  margin-top: 100px;

Bootstrap Col-MD-4在右侧对齐4个对象,内部地图功能react

你如我软肋 2025-02-06 13:42:14




使用异步代码仅在您已经具有 dosomething 的异步API时才相关。 。

是否有一个不涉及 dosomething 告诉logger何时完成的解决方案?



let logger = console.log;

// Decorator
function logged(task) {
    return function(...args) {
        logger("starting " + task.name);
        const result = task(...args);
        logger("ending " + task.name);
        return result;

// Your function -- unaware of logger
function doSomething(arg) {
  console.log("Middle of doing something with argument " + arg);
  return arg.toUpperCase();

// Decorating...
doSomething = logged(doSomething);

// Run...
let result = doSomething("test");



  • 包括一个通用 decorator 功能,该功能将目标功能和任何数量的装饰器作为参数;
  • 装饰功能的名称可以与原始功能名称相等。
  • 装饰器可以决定在中执行一些操作,最后
  • ...
let logger = console.log;

// Generic decorator function
function decorate(target, ...decorators) {
    return decorators.reduce((acc, decorator) =>
        // Propagate target function name
        Object.defineProperty(decorator(acc), "name", { 
            value: target.name
    , target);

// Decorator
function logged(task) {
    return function(...args) {
        logger("starting " + task.name);
        let result;
        try {
            result = task(...args);
        } finally { // Also execute in case of error
            logger("ending " + task.name);
        return result;

// Your function -- unaware of logger
function doSomething(arg) {
  console.log("Middle of doing something with argument " + arg);
  return arg.toUpperCase();

// Decorating with two (same) decorators...
doSomething = decorate(doSomething, logged, logged);

// Run...
let result = doSomething("test");

I've considered ... Encapsulating ... with a decorator ...

That's the way to go.

Sending an event at the end of doSomething to notify logger it finished and using async code...

Using asynchronous code is only relevant when you already have an asynchronous API involved in doSomething.

Is there a solution that does not involve doSomething telling logger when it has finished?

That's the basic idea of decorators.


let logger = console.log;

// Decorator
function logged(task) {
    return function(...args) {
        logger("starting " + task.name);
        const result = task(...args);
        logger("ending " + task.name);
        return result;

// Your function -- unaware of logger
function doSomething(arg) {
  console.log("Middle of doing something with argument " + arg);
  return arg.toUpperCase();

// Decorating...
doSomething = logged(doSomething);

// Run...
let result = doSomething("test");

More features...

There are many extensions/features you can add. For instance:

  • Include a generic decorator function that takes the target function and any number of decorators as arguments;
  • The name of the decorated function could be made equal to the original function name;
  • A decorator can decide to perform some action in a finally block
  • ...

let logger = console.log;

// Generic decorator function
function decorate(target, ...decorators) {
    return decorators.reduce((acc, decorator) =>
        // Propagate target function name
        Object.defineProperty(decorator(acc), "name", { 
            value: target.name
    , target);

// Decorator
function logged(task) {
    return function(...args) {
        logger("starting " + task.name);
        let result;
        try {
            result = task(...args);
        } finally { // Also execute in case of error
            logger("ending " + task.name);
        return result;

// Your function -- unaware of logger
function doSomething(arg) {
  console.log("Middle of doing something with argument " + arg);
  return arg.toUpperCase();

// Decorating with two (same) decorators...
doSomething = decorate(doSomething, logged, logged);

// Run...
let result = doSomething("test");

如何以允许在调用此功能之前和返回此功能后进行额外记录的方式包装 /装饰 /修改功能?

你如我软肋 2025-02-06 11:17:50




Well, first of all you can learn HTML and CSS, those are the basic for building a website.

Then, when you will be confortable with HTML and CSS, you can add a layer of difficulty and add some Javascript in it.

And then, when you will be ready, you can learn a back end language, but by the time you reach this, you will have your preferences about which one to learn.


你如我软肋 2025-02-05 20:12:47


const {
  query: { run_id },
} : { query: { run_id: string } } = useRouter();

You (sadly) have to declare the whole type here.

const {
  query: { run_id },
} : { query: { run_id: string } } = useRouter();


你如我软肋 2025-02-04 21:44:50



$field_posts = array();


$args = array(  
    'post_type' => 'dlm_download',
    'post_status' => 'publish',
    'posts_per_page' => 20,
$query = new WP_Query($args);

while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        $title = get_the_title();
        $value = get_field_object('telechargement_type_fichier');
        $field = $value['value']['label'];
        $field_posts[$field][$title] = $post;


foreach($field_posts as $field_post => $field_title) {

    echo '<p><strong>' . $field_post . '</strong></h3>';

    foreach($field_title as $post_listing => $listing) {
        echo '<p>' . $post_listing . '</p>';

} wp_reset_postdata();

  • 字段值1


  • 字段值2



I found the solution.

Making an array :

$field_posts = array();

Making a query with posts you would like to filter by field value and calling the ACF field and value you want to display.

$args = array(  
    'post_type' => 'dlm_download',
    'post_status' => 'publish',
    'posts_per_page' => 20,
$query = new WP_Query($args);

while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
        $title = get_the_title();
        $value = get_field_object('telechargement_type_fichier');
        $field = $value['value']['label'];
        $field_posts[$field][$title] = $post;

Making a foreach loop into a foreach loop to classify each post per field value

foreach($field_posts as $field_post => $field_title) {

    echo '<p><strong>' . $field_post . '</strong></h3>';

    foreach($field_title as $post_listing => $listing) {
        echo '<p>' . $post_listing . '</p>';

} wp_reset_postdata();

I obtain :

  • Field value 1

    Post 1
    Post 2

  • Field value 2

    Post 3
    Post 4

etc .........

从自定义字段中按值进行组帖子 - 正确的帖子编号按值,但相同的帖子标题

你如我软肋 2025-02-04 15:11:31

您可以使用 .post 方法发送请求,如果您想将有效负载发送为 data

rsp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data)

you can send you request with .post method if you want to send your payload as data:

rsp = requests.post(url, headers=headers, data=data)

使用python调用使用API​​ ID和键调用REST API

你如我软肋 2025-02-04 11:55:07

通常,您不能使用Expo使用本机代码的依赖项。至少在使用Classic Build System(当您在终端中运行 Expo Start 运行项目时,您正在使用它)。 React-Native-Share 具有本机代码(您可以通过转到回购并查看库是否具有 ios Android 文件夹来检查该代码)因此不能与“标准”博览会一起使用。

如果您想在项目中使用自定义的本机代码,则需要从Expo弹出到裸机工作流程,或者 - 较新的选项 - 使用 ex ease 自定义开发客户端。 EXPO EAS可让您留在托管的工作流程中,并且仍使用本机模块。您可能需要写一些名为a React-Nare-Share 应该在没有配置插件的情况下工作正常。

因此:要么弹出到博览会裸机工作流程,要么使用EAS和自定义开发客户端将本机依赖性与Expo托管工作流程使用。但是,请注意,您至少需要SDK 41使用EAS和自定义开发客户。


You can't normally use dependencies with native code using Expo. At least when using the classic build system (you're using it when you run expo start in the terminal to run your project). react-native-share has native code (you can check that by going to the repo and seeing if the library has ios and android folders) and therefore can't be used with "standard" Expo.

If you want to use custom native code in your project, you either need to eject from Expo to the bare workflow or - a newer option - use Expo EAS and custom dev clients. Expo EAS allows you to stay in the managed workflow and still use native modules. You might need to write something called a config plugin for some of those native dependencies you want to use, but looking at the documentation, react-native-share should be working just fine without a config plugin.

So: Either eject to the Expo bare workflow, or use Expo EAS and custom dev clients to use native dependencies with the Expo managed workflow. Do note however that you need at least Expo SDK 41 to use EAS and custom development clients.

To learn more about migrating from the classic build system to EAS, see Expo's guide / documentation.

反应本机错误 - typeError:null不是对象(评估&#x27; _reaeActNative.nativeModules.rnshare.facebook&#x27;)

你如我软肋 2025-02-03 21:25:42

似乎解决方案是导航到事件框,单击“ ...”框,然后单击“代码构建器”。


Private Sub [tab control name]_Change()
    Call foo()
End Sub

It appears the solution is to navigate to the event box, click the "..." box, and then click "code builder."

This will create a private sub in your form module which you can then use to call your function.

Private Sub [tab control name]_Change()
    Call foo()
End Sub


你如我软肋 2025-02-03 12:43:31


Solved now. Allowed read access to all files in Xampp folder by choosing the setting "Use for included objects" (don't know exactly what it's called in English) on the Xampp parent folder.


你如我软肋 2025-02-03 05:52:34


class Person:
    def __init__ (self, firstName, lastName):
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.lastName = lastName

class Student(Person):
    def __init__(self, Id, grades, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.Id = Id
        self.grades = grades

class Worker(Person):
    def __init__(self, title, salary, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, *kwargs)
        self.title = title
        self.salary = salary

class WorkingStudent(Student, Worker):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

ws = WorkingStudent(123, "F", "title", 2400, "Tony", "Soprano")

ws2 = WorkingStudent(firstName="Tony", lastName="Soprano", Id="123", title="worker", salary=2400, grades="F")

ws 中,我需要按照此顺序进行参数! - &gt;它

ws2 printing firstName lastName 提供'firstName''和'lastName'不'tony'和'soprano'

Not perfect, but it works:

class Person:
    def __init__ (self, firstName, lastName):
        self.firstName = firstName
        self.lastName = lastName

class Student(Person):
    def __init__(self, Id, grades, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.Id = Id
        self.grades = grades

class Worker(Person):
    def __init__(self, title, salary, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, *kwargs)
        self.title = title
        self.salary = salary

class WorkingStudent(Student, Worker):
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

ws = WorkingStudent(123, "F", "title", 2400, "Tony", "Soprano")

ws2 = WorkingStudent(firstName="Tony", lastName="Soprano", Id="123", title="worker", salary=2400, grades="F")

In ws I need to give the arguments in this order! -> It works

In ws2 printing firstName and lastName gives 'firstName' and 'lastName' not 'Tony' and 'Soprano'

钻石问题构造函数 - python

你如我软肋 2025-02-02 11:46:19

Servlet asynccontext.start(runnable)是首选的方法,如果您想与运行> Runnable 中的servlet API进行交互(这将在Servlet容器的线程中运行池并允许容器管理线程周围的各种上下文,例如classloaders,Security,CDI,会话等)。

asynccontext 方法的唯一缺点是,您正在消耗servlet容器线程来进行处理。如果您还使用servlet async i/o,那么您已经以宏伟的方式抵消了这一负面,实际上您的扩展能力可以显着提高。

如果您不需要从运行中与Servlet API进行交互,请与您从Java 执行者获得的线程池执行的简单线程一起使用。

The servlet AsyncContext.start(Runnable) is the preferred way if you want to interact with the Servlet API and contexts from within your Runnable (this will run within the Servlet Container's Thread Pool and allow the container to manage the various contexts around your thread, like classloaders, security, cdi, sessions, etc).

The ONLY downside with the AsyncContext approach is that you are consuming Servlet Container threads to do your processing. If you also use Servlet Async I/O, then you've offset this negative in a grand way, and you'll actually have a noticeable improvement in your ability to scale.

If you have no requirement to interact with the Servlet API from your Runnable, then go with simple threads executed from a Thread Pool you have obtained from the Java Executors.





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