
文章 评论 浏览 27

月下伊人醉 2025-02-21 00:16:32



Are you using the same keyboard on the other device (the one which is working)?
I can say based on my expirience that some keyboards do not responde to de input type and they just show a default or numeric keyboard.

For example on devices using SwiftKey, when keyboard is set to only numeric it doesn't change anything, just shows de default keyboard.

textInputType.dateTime未显示'/' & ':'符号

月下伊人醉 2025-02-20 22:52:05


    TabView {
        ForEach(viewModel.images) { image in
            WebImage(url: image)
        .aspectRatio(1.77, contentMode: .fit)      // << here !!

Do it for content not for TabView itself, like

    TabView {
        ForEach(viewModel.images) { image in
            WebImage(url: image)
        .aspectRatio(1.77, contentMode: .fit)      // << here !!


月下伊人醉 2025-02-20 17:08:26



public List<string> Compare<T>(T A, T B)
    return GenericComparer<T>.Compare(A, B);

abstract class PropertyCompareBase<T>
    public string Name;
    public abstract bool CompareProperty(T A, T B);

class PropertyCompare<T, TProperty> : PropertyCompareBase<T>
    Func<T, TProperty> Getter;

    public PropertyCompare(PropertyInfo prop)
        Name = prop.Name;
        Getter = (Func<T, TProperty>)prop.GetMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T, TProperty>));

    public override bool CompareProperty(T A, T B)
        return EqualityComparer<TProperty>.Default.Equals(Getter(A), Getter(B));

static class GenericComparer<T>
    static List<PropertyCompareBase<T>> properties = typeof(T)
        .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
        .Where(p => p.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
        .Select(p => (PropertyCompareBase<T>)Activator.CreateInstance(
                         .MakeGenericType(typeof(T), p.PropertyType),

    static public List<string> Compare(T A, T B)
        List<string> unequalProperties =
            properties.Where(p => !p.CompareProperty(A, B))
                      .Select(p => p.Name)
        return unequalProperties;


You can cache the getter delegates in a static field, by putting your code into a generic class.

You can then cache the properties themselves using a two-level class hierarchy using some more generics.

public List<string> Compare<T>(T A, T B)
    return GenericComparer<T>.Compare(A, B);

abstract class PropertyCompareBase<T>
    public string Name;
    public abstract bool CompareProperty(T A, T B);

class PropertyCompare<T, TProperty> : PropertyCompareBase<T>
    Func<T, TProperty> Getter;

    public PropertyCompare(PropertyInfo prop)
        Name = prop.Name;
        Getter = (Func<T, TProperty>)prop.GetMethod.CreateDelegate(typeof(Func<T, TProperty>));

    public override bool CompareProperty(T A, T B)
        return EqualityComparer<TProperty>.Default.Equals(Getter(A), Getter(B));

static class GenericComparer<T>
    static List<PropertyCompareBase<T>> properties = typeof(T)
        .GetProperties(BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance)
        .Where(p => p.GetIndexParameters().Length == 0)
        .Select(p => (PropertyCompareBase<T>)Activator.CreateInstance(
                         .MakeGenericType(typeof(T), p.PropertyType),

    static public List<string> Compare(T A, T B)
        List<string> unequalProperties =
            properties.Where(p => !p.CompareProperty(A, B))
                      .Select(p => p.Name)
        return unequalProperties;



月下伊人醉 2025-02-20 11:43:14



值得注意的话,如果出于任何原因,您想在平坦的结构中添加两个值,而不是嵌套列表使用.extend()方法。 this 是理解行为的好教程。

For lists, you can only append one item at a time. If you would like to keep capital_quantity and i together you could append them to your list as a secondary list i.e.


Its worth noting, if for whatever reason you want to add both values to your list in a flat structure rather than a nested list you could use the.extend() method. This is a good tutorial to understand the behavior.


月下伊人醉 2025-02-19 21:34:29


Edge和以前的Internet Explorer版本也具有相同Webkit引擎称为闪烁引擎,这就是为什么您会看到Chrome之间的区别。由于在iOS设备上,Edge使用WebKit引擎,因此检查其在移动设备上的行为可能也很不错。






<input type="password">




function peakPassword() {
  var passwordField = document.getElementById('password');
  if (passwordField.getAttribute('type') === 'password') {
    passwordField.setAttribute('type', 'text');
  } else {
    passwordField.setAttribute('type', 'password');
<input type="password" id="password">
<button id="button" onClick="peakPassword()">Peak</button>


input::-ms-reveal {
  display: none;
<input type="password" value="">

Why some browsers have it and some don't

This is the case for Edge and previous versions of Internet Explorer also had the same, it has a built-in password reveal button set by default by their own forked webkit engine which is called blink engine, that's why you see the difference between chrome for example. Might also be good to check how it behaves on mobile devices because on iOS devices, Edge uses webkit engine.

This standards for HTML elements, including input type="password", are set by the W3C which is responsible for developing web standards to ensure the long-term growth of the web2.

Why it appears sometimes

That's the normal behaviour of Edge "eye" icon, if you haven't put any input into the password field it will show the eye icon until you blur out of the input, if you focus the input again and it had text, it will not show the eye icon anymore, my guess is because of security issues (e.g. someone that left the computer idle and an attacker comes back later). If you want to trigger the eye icon again you would need to remove all the characters from the input and type again.

Try it out

To test this you can just open a jsFiddle with only a input type="password" and check it on different browsers:

<input type="password">

You'll see that the eye reveal password toggle icon doesn't appear for firefox and other browsers but it does for Edge.

Creating Custom Eye functionality

For removing it you can use CSS, and then search for a way of adding your own icon to the input with it's own functionality, for example you could just add a button next to the input and then style it with CSS to provide the toggle functionality of the input, and you could just for example change the attribute of the type to a text, and back to a password, like so:

function peakPassword() {
  var passwordField = document.getElementById('password');
  if (passwordField.getAttribute('type') === 'password') {
    passwordField.setAttribute('type', 'text');
  } else {
    passwordField.setAttribute('type', 'password');
<input type="password" id="password">
<button id="button" onClick="peakPassword()">Peak</button>

Then of course you would need to change the style of the button and make it inside the input field, or just remove the eye icon from the input password field like this:

input::-ms-reveal {
  display: none;
<input type="password" value="">


月下伊人醉 2025-02-19 21:26:32


在此答案的其余部分中,我将使用 getElementById示例,但同样适用于 getElementsbybytbytybytybytagname querySelector ,以及任何其他dom方法选择元素。



  1. 带有传递ID的元素确实没有文档中存在。您应该仔细检查您传递给getElementById的ID是否确实与(生成的)HTML中的现有元素的ID匹配,并且您尚未 nibsellypelled ID(ID是ID(ID是) 案例敏感!)。

    如果您正在使用getElementById,请确保您唯一给出元素的ID(例如,document.getElemnTbyId(“ the-id the-id the-id) ”))。如果您使用的是接受CSS选择器的方法(例如QuerySelector),请确保您在ID之前包括 id(例如,document.queryselector(“#the-id”))。您必须使用getElementById,并且必须必须与queryselector一起使用它。和类似。另请注意,如果ID中的字符中的字符在 CSS标识符(例如; id包含的属性字符是糟糕的实践,但有效),您必须在使用QuerySelectordocument.queryselector(“#the \\。id”)<时,您必须逃脱。 /code>)),但不使用getElementByIddocument.getElementById(“ the.id”))。

  2. 目前不存在该元素您调用getElementById

  3. 即使您可以在页面上看到它,即使您可以在文档中看到它,因此该元素不在查询中,因为它在iframe中(这是其自己的文档)。 IFRAMES中的元素在搜索包含它们的文档时未搜索。

如果问题是原因3( iframe 或类似),则需要查看iframe而不是父级文档中的文档,也许是通过获取<代码> iframe 元素并使用其

第二个原因&nbsp; - 尚不存在 &nbsp; - 很普遍。浏览器分析并处理HTML从上到下。这意味着任何呼叫对DOM元素出现在HTML中之前发生的DOM元素的呼叫都会失败。


    var element = document.getElementById('my_element');

<div id="my_element"></div>

div出现 script。目前执行脚本,元素尚不存在 getElementById将返回null




<script src="//somecdn.somewhere.com/jquery.min.js"></script>

该语法用于允许脚本通过协议https://在页面上通过https加载https https://并加载http带有协议的页面上的版本http://

它具有不幸的副作用,即尝试和不加载file> file> file://somecdn.somewhere.com ...



可以通过简单地将您的JavaScript 放在之后来确保这一点,

<div id="my_element"></div>

    var element = document.getElementById('my_element');

在这种情况下,您还可以将代码放在关闭的主体标签之前(&lt;/body&gt;) (所有DOM元素将在执行脚本时可用)。

其他解决方案包括收听“ noreferrer”> load> load [MDN] domcontentloaded [mdn] [mdn]] 事件。在这些情况下,在文档中放置JavaScript代码并不重要,您只需要记住将所有DOM处理代码放在事件处理程序中即可。


window.onload = function() {
    // process DOM elements here

// or

// does not work IE 8 and below
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    // process DOM elements here

请参阅 are quirksmode.org 有关事件处理和浏览器差异的更多信息。


首先确保正确加载jQuery。 使用浏览器的开发人员工具找出是否找到并纠正jQuery文件并纠正URL如果不是的话(例如,添加http:https: scheme在开始时,调整路径等。)

聆听load/domcontentloaded事件正是jQuery用 .ready() [docs] 。影响DOM元素的所有jQuery代码都应在该事件处理程序内部。

实际上, jquery tutorial 明确指出:



   // do stuff when DOM is ready


$(function() {
    // do stuff when DOM is ready


Short and simple: Because the elements you are looking for do not exist in the document (yet).

For the remainder of this answer I will use getElementById for examples, but the same applies to getElementsByTagName, querySelector, and any other DOM method that selects elements.

Possible Reasons

There are three reasons why an element might not exist:

  1. An element with the passed ID really does not exist in the document. You should double check that the ID you pass to getElementById really matches an ID of an existing element in the (generated) HTML and that you have not misspelled the ID (IDs are case-sensitive!).

    If you're using getElementById, be sure you're only giving the ID of the element (e.g., document.getElemntById("the-id")). If you're using a method that accepts a CSS selector (like querySelector), be sure you're including the # before the ID to indicate you're looking for an ID (e.g., document.querySelector("#the-id")). You must not use the # with getElementById, and must use it with querySelector and similar. Also note that if the ID has characters in it that aren't valid in CSS identifiers (such as a .; id attributes containing . characters are poor practice, but valid), you have to escape those when using querySelector (document.querySelector("#the\\.id"))) but not when using getElementById (document.getElementById("the.id")).

  2. The element does not exist at the moment you call getElementById.

  3. The element isn't in the document you're querying even though you can see it on the page, because it's in an iframe (which is its own document). Elements in iframes aren't searched when you search the document that contains them.

If the problem is reason 3 (it's in an iframe or similar), you need to look through the document in the iframe, not the parent document, perhaps by getting the iframe element and using its contentDocument property to access its document (same-origin only). The rest of this answer addresses the first two reasons.

The second reason — it's not there yet — is quite common. Browsers parse and process the HTML from top to bottom. That means that any call to a DOM element which occurs before that DOM element appears in the HTML, will fail.

Consider the following example:

    var element = document.getElementById('my_element');

<div id="my_element"></div>

The div appears after the script. At the moment the script is executed, the element does not exist yet and getElementById will return null.


The same applies to all selectors with jQuery. jQuery won't find elements if you misspelled your selector or you are trying to select them before they actually exist.

An added twist is when jQuery is not found because you have loaded the script without protocol and are running from file system:

<script src="//somecdn.somewhere.com/jquery.min.js"></script>

this syntax is used to allow the script to load via HTTPS on a page with protocol https:// and to load the HTTP version on a page with protocol http://

It has the unfortunate side effect of attempting and failing to load file://somecdn.somewhere.com...


Before you make a call to getElementById (or any DOM method for that matter), make sure the elements you want to access exist, i.e. the DOM is loaded.

This can be ensured by simply putting your JavaScript after the corresponding DOM element

<div id="my_element"></div>

    var element = document.getElementById('my_element');

in which case you can also put the code just before the closing body tag (</body>) (all DOM elements will be available at the time the script is executed).

Other solutions include listening to the load [MDN] or DOMContentLoaded [MDN] events. In these cases it does not matter where in the document you place the JavaScript code, you just have to remember to put all DOM processing code in the event handlers.


window.onload = function() {
    // process DOM elements here

// or

// does not work IE 8 and below
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
    // process DOM elements here

Please see the articles at quirksmode.org for more information regarding event handling and browser differences.


First make sure that jQuery is loaded properly. Use the browser's developer tools to find out whether the jQuery file was found and correct the URL if it wasn't (e.g. add the http: or https: scheme at the beginning, adjust the path, etc.)

Listening to the load/DOMContentLoaded events is exactly what jQuery is doing with .ready() [docs]. All your jQuery code that affects DOM element should be inside that event handler.

In fact, the jQuery tutorial explicitly states:

As almost everything we do when using jQuery reads or manipulates the document object model (DOM), we need to make sure that we start adding events etc. as soon as the DOM is ready.

To do this, we register a ready event for the document.

$(document).ready(function() {
   // do stuff when DOM is ready

Alternatively you can also use the shorthand syntax:

$(function() {
    // do stuff when DOM is ready

Both are equivalent.


月下伊人醉 2025-02-19 18:24:23

您可以使用onmenuopenonmenuclose props中的props props props

https://reaect-select.com /道具

https://codesandbox.io/codesandbox.io/s/selastobox.io/selastic-jepsen -7epx7u?file =/src/app.js

You can use onMenuOpen and onMenuClose props in react select component
Create a state with boolean value and toggle the value based on menu open and menu close


A simple demo

如何使用React选择依赖项中的Select组件的Menuisopen Prop有条件地显示按钮?

月下伊人醉 2025-02-19 10:08:38

尝试lm(y〜。,data)其中表示“ data除了y y

m <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol =5)
m <- as.data.frame(m)
names(m) <- paste("m", 1:5, sep="")
lm(m1 ~., data=m)


m <- m[ ,2:4]
lm(m1 ~ ., data=m)

Try lm(y ~ ., data) where . means "every other column in data besides y.

m <- matrix(rnorm(100), ncol =5)
m <- as.data.frame(m)
names(m) <- paste("m", 1:5, sep="")
lm(m1 ~., data=m)

You can reassign m to include only the columns you as the predictors

m <- m[ ,2:4]
lm(m1 ~ ., data=m)


月下伊人醉 2025-02-18 19:48:42

AmericAshigh:= ta。最高(高,AmericaSlookback)

AmericAshigh:= ta.hightest(高,Math.max(nz(AmericAslookback),1)))

脚本中的所有高点和低点。您只需在nz(查找期)和“ 1”之间添加Math.max。因此,如果出于何种原因脚本将回顾读为零,则将选择“ 1”。

the problem with ta.highest is actually common and here is the solution for it :
instead of
Americashigh := ta.highest(high,AmericasLookback)

it should be like this :
Americashigh := ta.highest(high,math.max(nz(AmericasLookback),1))

same thing with all highs and lows in your script. you just add math.max between the nz(Lookback period) and "1". so if the script for whatever reason reads the Lookback as zero, it will pick "1".


月下伊人醉 2025-02-18 17:49:45


in class1

public doStuff() {
    this.field = new Class2(this);

in class2 in代码>:

public Class2(Class1 instance) {
    // do whatever you need with the Class1 instance)

If you really need the instance of Class1, and not just the class name, then the only way would be something like this:

In Class1:

public doStuff() {
    this.field = new Class2(this);

In Class2:

public Class2(Class1 instance) {
    // do whatever you need with the Class1 instance)


月下伊人醉 2025-02-18 14:47:30


const URLS = {
  feed: '/feed',
  feedol: '/feed_ol',
  jsonData: '/json_data',
  azureData: '/azure_data'

function App() {

  const [data, setData] = useState({
    feed: [],
    feedol: [],
    jsonData: [],
    azureData: []


  //reusable function
  const handleFetch = (type) => {
     fetch(URLS[type]).then((response) =>
       response.json().then((data) => {
         setData(d => ({
           ...d, [type]: data

  import React from "react";
  import { Card, Container } from "react-bootstrap";
  import { BsArrowClockwise } from "react-icons/bs";
  import Cards from "./Cards";

  import "./tables.css";
   export const Tables = ({ feed, feedol, jsonData, azureData, handleFetch
 }) => {
   return (
    <Cards />
     <Card className="table-card">
         {" "}
        <button type="button" className=" refresh-button" onClick={
          () => {Object.keys(URLS).map(handleFetch)}
        {" "}
        <BsArrowClockwise />
       </button>{" "}
       OneLogin Outages{" "}
        <table className="table table-bordered">
      <Cards />
      <Card className="table-card">
       <Card.Header> Unifi Outages </Card.Header>
         <table className="table table-bordered">

If your fetch action depends on a click, do not use useEffect as useEffect is intended to be used to synchronize state.

const URLS = {
  feed: '/feed',
  feedol: '/feed_ol',
  jsonData: '/json_data',
  azureData: '/azure_data'

function App() {

  const [data, setData] = useState({
    feed: [],
    feedol: [],
    jsonData: [],
    azureData: []


  //reusable function
  const handleFetch = (type) => {
     fetch(URLS[type]).then((response) =>
       response.json().then((data) => {
         setData(d => ({
           ...d, [type]: data

  import React from "react";
  import { Card, Container } from "react-bootstrap";
  import { BsArrowClockwise } from "react-icons/bs";
  import Cards from "./Cards";

  import "./tables.css";
   export const Tables = ({ feed, feedol, jsonData, azureData, handleFetch
 }) => {
   return (
    <Cards />
     <Card className="table-card">
         {" "}
        <button type="button" className=" refresh-button" onClick={
          () => {Object.keys(URLS).map(handleFetch)}
        {" "}
        <BsArrowClockwise />
       </button>{" "}
       OneLogin Outages{" "}
        <table className="table table-bordered">
      <Cards />
      <Card className="table-card">
       <Card.Header> Unifi Outages </Card.Header>
         <table className="table table-bordered">


月下伊人醉 2025-02-18 02:22:52


注意:域需要同时添加: https://www.exam.com and Exes.com

要解决错误,请转到Firebase Console。

  1. Go Firebase Console。

  2. 单击身份验证。

  3. 单击登录方法。

  4. 向下滚动并检查授权域。

  5. 添加您实现电话身份验证的网站地址。

You should follow in here:

Note: The domain need to add both: https://www.exam.com and exam.com

To resolve the error, go to firebase console.

  1. Go firebase console.

  2. Click Authentication.

  3. Click SIGN-IN METHOD.

  4. Scroll down and check Authorized domains.

  5. Add your site address where you implement phone Authentication.

“没有找到主机名匹配” Firebase电话身份验证中的错误(带有离子)

月下伊人醉 2025-02-17 23:14:09


  1. 使用Scipy给出的信任区域约束算法。这为我们提供了一种处理矩阵曼纳中线性约束的方法:
  lb <= A.dot(x) <= ub


  1. 矩阵的每一行a是一个线性术语,它定义了约束

  2. ,例如x [0]&lt; = x [1],那么这可以被转换为x [0] - x [1]&lt; = 0,它在线性约束矩阵a方面看起来像[1,-1 ,...],前提是上限向量在此级别上具有0个值(反之亦然,但无论哪种方式,至少具有下限或上限的一个,使此简单)

  3. 设置足够的这些不平等现象,同时将其中的几个合并到一个不平等可能会产生足够的矩阵来解决此问题。


I'm having a very similar problem but with additional upper and lower bounds on the monotonicity property. I'm tackling the problem like this (maybe it helps you):

  1. Using the Trust-Region Constrained Algorithm given by scipy. This provides us a way of dealing with linear constraints in a matrix-manner:
  lb <= A.dot(x) <= ub

where lb & and ub are the lower (upper) bounds of this constraint problem and A is the matrix, representing the linear constraint problem.

  1. every row of matrix A is a linear term which defines a constraint

  2. If, for example, x[0] <= x[1], then this can be transformed into x[0] - x[1] <= 0 which in terms of the linear constraint matrix A looks like this [1, -1,...], provided that the upper bound vector has a 0 value on this level of course (vice versa is also possible but either way, having at least one of both, lower or upper bound, makes this easy)

  3. Setting up enough of these inequalities and at the same time merging a couple of those into a single inequality may create a sufficient matrix to solve this.

Hope this helps a bit, It did the job for my problem.


月下伊人醉 2025-02-16 23:15:30

看起来OP的问题已通过此答案解决了: https://stackoverflow.com/a/a/72102209/88816585


export default {
  serverMiddleware: [
    { path: '/api', handler: '~/server-middleware/rest.js' },

It looks like OP's question was solved with this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/72102209/8816585

It was important to use serverMiddleware and it like that in the nuxt.config.js file

export default {
  serverMiddleware: [
    { path: '/api', handler: '~/server-middleware/rest.js' },


月下伊人醉 2025-02-16 18:29:17

您可以在C14-CER_MEAN之后使用LOC为选择所有列,然后分配,以下是一些没有loc> loc的替代方案,带有> iloc 一起:

 #select by position, position of C14-Cer_mean is count by get_loc
 df2 = df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('C14-Cer_mean'):]

 #select by position, from second column
 df2 = df.iloc[-1, 1:]

 #seelct by labels, last row by last index
 df2 = df.loc[df.index[-1],'C14-Cer_mean':]

 df.loc[:,'C14-Cer_mean':] = df.loc[:,'C14-Cer_mean':].div(df2)

  Sample_name C14-Cer_mean C16-Cer_mean C18-Cer_mean C18:1-Cer_mean
0         1 1     0.305224     0.542487    66.428371      73.615348
1        1 10     0.814694     1.246165    73.802633       58.06458
2        1 13     0.556437     0.517383     50.55594       51.91374
3        1 14     0.314057     1.148754    56.165758      61.262175
4         1 5     0.499128     0.460814    40.182447      41.771061
5         1 6     0.300203     0.784066    47.359498      52.842018
6         1 9     0.395581     1.082055    54.019758      58.772952
7       Blank          1.0          1.0          1.0            1.0

You can use loc for select all columns after C14-Cer_mean and assign back, here are some alternatives without loc with iloc together:

 #select by position, position of C14-Cer_mean is count by get_loc
 df2 = df.iloc[-1, df.columns.get_loc('C14-Cer_mean'):]

 #select by position, from second column
 df2 = df.iloc[-1, 1:]

 #seelct by labels, last row by last index
 df2 = df.loc[df.index[-1],'C14-Cer_mean':]

 df.loc[:,'C14-Cer_mean':] = df.loc[:,'C14-Cer_mean':].div(df2)

  Sample_name C14-Cer_mean C16-Cer_mean C18-Cer_mean C18:1-Cer_mean
0         1 1     0.305224     0.542487    66.428371      73.615348
1        1 10     0.814694     1.246165    73.802633       58.06458
2        1 13     0.556437     0.517383     50.55594       51.91374
3        1 14     0.314057     1.148754    56.165758      61.262175
4         1 5     0.499128     0.460814    40.182447      41.771061
5         1 6     0.300203     0.784066    47.359498      52.842018
6         1 9     0.395581     1.082055    54.019758      58.772952
7       Blank          1.0          1.0          1.0            1.0





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