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以为你会在 2025-02-20 21:58:17

为了更轻松地断言响应,尤其是嵌套属性,您可以使用 cy> cys-spok 。也更快地理解。

const spok = require('cy-spok')

     propertieWithArray: [
         // you can assert the properties equal exact values
         dimName: "Women's Clothing", 
         dimOrder: 2,
         dimType: "wa",
         dimId: "category#womens-clothing",                      
         dimParent: "category" 
         // you can assert properties meet specifications
         dimName: spok.string, // Jewelry 1
         dimOrder: spok.number, // 1
         dimType: spok.type('string'), // wa
         dimId: spok.startsWith('category'), // category#jewelry
         dimParent: spok.endsWith('category') // category
         // use combination
         dimName: spok.string,
         dimOrder: spok.gt(0),
         dimType: "wa",
         dimId: spok.test(/#/),
         dimParent: "category"

For easier assertions on a response, especially nested properties, you can use cy-spok. It's also quicker to comprehend.

const spok = require('cy-spok')

     propertieWithArray: [
         // you can assert the properties equal exact values
         dimName: "Women's Clothing", 
         dimOrder: 2,
         dimType: "wa",
         dimId: "category#womens-clothing",                      
         dimParent: "category" 
         // you can assert properties meet specifications
         dimName: spok.string, // Jewelry 1
         dimOrder: spok.number, // 1
         dimType: spok.type('string'), // wa
         dimId: spok.startsWith('category'), // category#jewelry
         dimParent: spok.endsWith('category') // category
         // use combination
         dimName: spok.string,
         dimOrder: spok.gt(0),
         dimType: "wa",
         dimId: spok.test(/#/),
         dimParent: "category"


以为你会在 2025-02-20 11:50:15

您可以使用 do group_by 获取数据帧列表,只要您命名新列,将存储数据框,然后将该列将其置于> Lapply

listDf = df %>% group_by(V1) %>% do(vals=data.frame(.)) %>% select(vals) %>% lapply(function(x) {(x)})
#  V1 V2 V3
#1  a  1  2
#2  a  2  3

#  V1 V2 V3
#1  b  3  4
#2  b  4  2

#  V1 V2 V3
#1  c  5  2

You can get a list of data frames from group_by using do as long as you name the new column where the data frames will be stored and then pipe that column into lapply.

listDf = df %>% group_by(V1) %>% do(vals=data.frame(.)) %>% select(vals) %>% lapply(function(x) {(x)})
#  V1 V2 V3
#1  a  1  2
#2  a  2  3

#  V1 V2 V3
#1  b  3  4
#2  b  4  2

#  V1 V2 V3
#1  c  5  2

使用dplyr group_by模拟split():返回数据帧列表

以为你会在 2025-02-19 18:24:17



forbargraphMEANS.df<- data.frame (Morph = c("Orange", "Orange", "Green", "Green"),
                  Choice = c("Orange", "Green", "Orange", "Green"),
                  Value = c(1.7333330, 1.2666670, 0.8666667, 2.1333333)

ggp2M<- ggplot(data = forbargraphMEANS.df,
              aes(x = Morph,
                  y = Value,
                  fill = Choice))+
  geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,3))



如果您希望它加起来多达三个,则可以使用以下代码(删除 position = “填充” part)


forbargraphMEANS.df<- data.frame (Morph = c("Orange", "Orange", "Green", "Green"),
                  Choice = c("Orange", "Green", "Orange", "Green"),
                  Value = c(1.7333330, 1.2666670, 0.8666667, 2.1333333)

ggp2M<- ggplot(data = forbargraphMEANS.df,
              aes(x = Morph,
                  y = Value,
                  fill = Choice))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,3))



I am not seeing any warning, but I a little confused about what you exactly want.


forbargraphMEANS.df<- data.frame (Morph = c("Orange", "Orange", "Green", "Green"),
                  Choice = c("Orange", "Green", "Orange", "Green"),
                  Value = c(1.7333330, 1.2666670, 0.8666667, 2.1333333)

ggp2M<- ggplot(data = forbargraphMEANS.df,
              aes(x = Morph,
                  y = Value,
                  fill = Choice))+
  geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,3))


Above is your code, and the output is below
Original code

If you want it to add up to three, then you can use the following code (remove the position = "fill" part)


forbargraphMEANS.df<- data.frame (Morph = c("Orange", "Orange", "Green", "Green"),
                  Choice = c("Orange", "Green", "Orange", "Green"),
                  Value = c(1.7333330, 1.2666670, 0.8666667, 2.1333333)

ggp2M<- ggplot(data = forbargraphMEANS.df,
              aes(x = Morph,
                  y = Value,
                  fill = Choice))+
  geom_bar(stat = "identity") + scale_y_continuous(limits=c(0,3))


new code


以为你会在 2025-02-19 18:04:20

简短的答案是肯定的,您的班级图显示了您何时这样做的示例。除了按钮是实际的“物理”项目,并且具有唯一的身份,您不能仅在数据结构中复制它们,您可能会使用这些按钮使用指示,在C ++中使用这些指针。智能指针:

std::vector <std::unique_ptr<Button> > buttons;

使用指针还允许 myWindow 包含其他 myWindow ,而无需您遇到有关不完整类型的编译器错误。

Short answer is yes, and your class diagram shows an example of when you'd do this. Except buttons are actual, "physical" items on screen, and have unique identity, you can't just copy them in a data structure, you would probably use pointers to these buttons, in C++ like this using smart pointer:

std::vector <std::unique_ptr<Button> > buttons;

Using pointers also allows for example MyWindow contain other MyWindow without you getting compiler errors about incomplete type.


以为你会在 2025-02-19 07:32:35

根据屏幕捕获,您的代码跳到SRAM(如预期的那样),但是SRAM中没有代码( MOV R0 R0 R0 表示内存已填充0s),因此是硬故障。


According to the screen captures, your code is jumping to SRAM (as expected) but there is no code in SRAM (MOV R0 R0 indicates the memory is filled with 0s) hence the hardFault.

You have to copy from Flash to RAM the code that you want to execute in RAM.


以为你会在 2025-02-19 00:57:39

strings <- "08,23,02.06.2022,5,7,THISPRODUCT,09.02.2022,yes,89,25" %>% 
  str_split(pattern = ",") %>% 

#> [1] "08"


strings <- "08,23,02.06.2022,5,7,THISPRODUCT,09.02.2022,yes,89,25" %>% 
  str_split(pattern = ",") %>% 

#> [1] "08"

Created on 2022-06-29 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)


以为你会在 2025-02-18 18:03:05


%module test

%include "std_tuple.i"
%std_tuple(TupleDD, double, double);

%inline %{
   std::tuple<double, double> func() {
       return std::make_tuple(0.0, 1.0);


import test


for x in r:


通过重新使用我用来包装的一些预处理技巧(本身最初是来自另一个 std :: tuple for我们。尽管此答案是特定于Python的,但实际上也应该适应大多数其他语言。我将首先发布我的std_tuple.i文件,然后注释/解释:

// [1]
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

// [2]    
#define make_getter(pos, type) const type& get##pos() const { return std::get<pos>(*$self); }
#define make_setter(pos, type) void set##pos(const type& val) { std::get<pos>(*$self) = val; }
#define make_ctorargN(pos, type) , type v##pos
#define make_ctorarg(first, ...) const first& v0 FOR_EACH(make_ctorargN, __VA_ARGS__)

// [3]
#define FE_0(...)
#define FE_1(action,a1) action(0,a1)
#define FE_2(action,a1,a2) action(0,a1) action(1,a2)
#define FE_3(action,a1,a2,a3) action(0,a1) action(1,a2) action(2,a3)
#define FE_4(action,a1,a2,a3,a4) action(0,a1) action(1,a2) action(2,a3) action(3,a4)
#define FE_5(action,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) action(0,a1) action(1,a2) action(2,a3) action(3,a4) action(4,a5)

#define GET_MACRO(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,NAME,...) NAME
%define FOR_EACH(action,...)
  GET_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__, FE_5, FE_4, FE_3, FE_2, FE_1, FE_0)(action,__VA_ARGS__)

// [4]
%define %std_tuple(Name, ...)
%rename(Name) std::tuple<__VA_ARGS__>;
namespace std {
    struct tuple<__VA_ARGS__> {
        // [5]
        %extend {
            // [6]
            FOR_EACH(make_getter, __VA_ARGS__)
            FOR_EACH(make_setter, __VA_ARGS__)
            size_t __len__() const { return std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<decltype(*$self)>>{}; }
            %pythoncode %{
                # [7]
                def __getitem__(self, n):
                    if n >= len(self): raise IndexError()
                    return getattr(self, 'get%d' % n)()
                def __setitem__(self, n, val):
                    if n >= len(self): raise IndexError()
                    getattr(self, 'set%d' % n)(val)
  1. 这只是我们需要宏来工作的额外包含,
  2. 这些功能适用于我们提供的每个类型参数/code>宏调用,我们需要在此处小心逗号,以使语法保持正确。
  3. 这是我们的 for_each 宏的机制,它在我们的variadic宏参数列表中调用每个参数的每个操作
  4. 最终可以开始>%std_tuple 可以开始。从本质上讲,这是为%模板的每个专业化的工作手动完成的工作,我们愿意在std namespace中命名。
  5. 我们使用宏来为每个魔术声明一个构造函数,其中每个元素的构造函数。这里的实际实现是C ++库中的默认实现,这正是我们需要/想要的。
  6. 我们两次使用 for_each 宏>宏 get0 get1 get> getn getn 每个的正确类型元组元素和模板参数大小的正确编号。同样, setn 。这样做允许 double 等的通常的SWIG打字或元组包含的任何类型的任何类型都可以自动应用,并且每个呼叫都适用于 std :: get&lt; n&gt; n&gt; 。这些实际上只是一个实施细节,而不是打算成为公共接口的一部分,但是暴露它们并没有真正的困难。
  7. 最后,我们需要实现 __ getItem __ 和相应的 __ setItem __ 。这些只需查找并调用正确的 getn / setn 在类上的功能,然后调用该功能。如果使用无效的索引,我们要注意提出 indexError 而不是默认异常,因为当我们尝试迭代元组时,这将正确停止迭代。


$ swig3.0 -python -c++ -Wall test.i && g++ -shared -o _test.so test_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python3.7 -m32 && python3.7 run.py
<test.TupleDD; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'std::tuple< double,double > *' at 0xf766a260> >
['__class__', '__del__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__swig_destroy__', '__swig_getmethods__', '__swig_setmethods__', '__weakref__', 'get0', 'get1', 'set0', 'set1', 'this']



  1. 实施重新
  2. 实施切片,以便 tuple [n:m] 类型索引工作
  3. 处理诸如Python元组之类的包装。
  4. 也许对兼容类型进行更多自动转换?
  5. 避免通过缓存类本身中的值或推迟到方法查找失败之前,避免使用每个get/setItem调用的 __ len __ 来调用。

Our goal is to make something like the following SWIG interface work intuitively:

%module test

%include "std_tuple.i"
%std_tuple(TupleDD, double, double);

%inline %{
   std::tuple<double, double> func() {
       return std::make_tuple(0.0, 1.0);

We want to use this within Python in the following way:

import test


for x in r:

i.e. indexing and iteration should just work.

By re-using some of the pre-processor tricks I used to wrap std::function (which were themselves originally from another answer here on SO) we can define a neat macro that "just wraps" std::tuple for us. Although this answer is Python specific it should in practice be fairly simple to adapt for most other languages too. I'll post my std_tuple.i file, first and then annotate/explain it after:

// [1]
#include <tuple>
#include <utility>

// [2]    
#define make_getter(pos, type) const type& get##pos() const { return std::get<pos>(*$self); }
#define make_setter(pos, type) void set##pos(const type& val) { std::get<pos>(*$self) = val; }
#define make_ctorargN(pos, type) , type v##pos
#define make_ctorarg(first, ...) const first& v0 FOR_EACH(make_ctorargN, __VA_ARGS__)

// [3]
#define FE_0(...)
#define FE_1(action,a1) action(0,a1)
#define FE_2(action,a1,a2) action(0,a1) action(1,a2)
#define FE_3(action,a1,a2,a3) action(0,a1) action(1,a2) action(2,a3)
#define FE_4(action,a1,a2,a3,a4) action(0,a1) action(1,a2) action(2,a3) action(3,a4)
#define FE_5(action,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5) action(0,a1) action(1,a2) action(2,a3) action(3,a4) action(4,a5)

#define GET_MACRO(_1,_2,_3,_4,_5,NAME,...) NAME
%define FOR_EACH(action,...)
  GET_MACRO(__VA_ARGS__, FE_5, FE_4, FE_3, FE_2, FE_1, FE_0)(action,__VA_ARGS__)

// [4]
%define %std_tuple(Name, ...)
%rename(Name) std::tuple<__VA_ARGS__>;
namespace std {
    struct tuple<__VA_ARGS__> {
        // [5]
        %extend {
            // [6]
            FOR_EACH(make_getter, __VA_ARGS__)
            FOR_EACH(make_setter, __VA_ARGS__)
            size_t __len__() const { return std::tuple_size<std::decay_t<decltype(*$self)>>{}; }
            %pythoncode %{
                # [7]
                def __getitem__(self, n):
                    if n >= len(self): raise IndexError()
                    return getattr(self, 'get%d' % n)()
                def __setitem__(self, n, val):
                    if n >= len(self): raise IndexError()
                    getattr(self, 'set%d' % n)(val)
  1. This is just the extra includes we need for our macro to work
  2. These apply to each of the type arguments we supply to our %std_tuple macro invocation, we need to be careful with commas here to keep the syntax correct.
  3. This is the mechanics of our FOR_EACH macro, which invokes each action per argument in our variadic macro argument list
  4. Finally the definition of %std_tuple can begin. Essentially this is manually doing the work of %template for each specialisation of std::tuple we care to name inside of the std namespace.
  5. We use our macro for each magic to declare a constructor with arguments for each element of the correct type. The actual implementation here is the default one from the C++ library which is exactly what we need/want though.
  6. We use our FOR_EACH macro twice to make a member function get0, get1, getN of the correct type of each tuple element and the correct number of them for the template argument size. Likewise for setN. Doing it this way allows the usual SWIG typemaps for double, etc. or whatever types your tuple contains to be applied automatically and correctly for each call to std::get<N>. These are really just an implementation detail, not intended to be part of the public interface, but exposing them makes no real odds.
  7. Finally we need an implementation of __getitem__ and a corresponding __setitem__. These simply look up and call the right getN/setN function on the class and call that instead. We take care to raise IndexError instead of the default exception if an invalid index is used as this will stop iteration correctly when we try to iterate of the tuple.

This is then sufficient that we can run our target code and get the following output:

$ swig3.0 -python -c++ -Wall test.i && g++ -shared -o _test.so test_wrap.cxx -I/usr/include/python3.7 -m32 && python3.7 run.py
<test.TupleDD; proxy of <Swig Object of type 'std::tuple< double,double > *' at 0xf766a260> >
['__class__', '__del__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattr__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__swig_destroy__', '__swig_getmethods__', '__swig_setmethods__', '__weakref__', 'get0', 'get1', 'set0', 'set1', 'this']

Generally this should work as you'd hope in most input/output situations in Python.

There are a few improvements we could look to make:

  1. Implement repr
  2. Implement slicing so that tuple[n:m] type indexing works
  3. Handle unpacking like Python tuples.
  4. Maybe do some more automatic conversions for compatible types?
  5. Avoid calling __len__ for every get/setitem call, either by caching the value in the class itself, or postponing it until the method lookup fails?

支持SWIG中的STD ::元组?

以为你会在 2025-02-18 09:44:41


bindisosdropdown 函数是不安全的。它接受 isodata 作为参数,但直接来自网络,因此它被“污染”(可能在攻击者控制下)。然后,它使 isodata 的元素在这些代码(及其他地方)中制作html:

$(isoData).each(function (index, iso) {
    isoDropDownHtml += '<option value="' + iso.IsoId + '"' + ...;

如果 isodata IS,例如(在JSON语法中):

  { IsoId: "\"><script>alert('Gotcha!')</script><option value=\"" }

然后 isodropdownhtml 将是:

<option value=""><script>alert('Gotcha!')</script><option value="" ...

因此,浏览器将执行攻击者有效载荷(这里只是 arter 消息,但这可能是任何恶意代码)。


通常,您需要 evase 任何可能在受污染数据中的HTML metacharacters,因此它们不能脱离句法上下文,在这种情况下,这是一个双重引用的属性值。问题逃避使用jQuery的HTML字符串有几个建议有关特定方法的建议。

假设您使用其中一个建议,因此具有称为 evasehtml 的函数,可以逃脱HTML Metacharacters,则可以这样使用:

$(isoData).each(function (index, iso) {
    isoDropDownHtml += '<option value="' + escapeHtml(iso.IsoId) + '"' + ...;
    //                                     ^^^^^^^^^^

如果您现在通过示例 isodata < iSodata < /code>从之前,您将看到 isoid 被正确编码为HTML属性值,因此没有可执行的JavaScript可执行。

请注意,您必须在应用程序可能处理它的应用程序中逃脱 的污染数据。修复一个实例,甚至所有覆盖率(或任何工具)可以检测到的实例还不够。如果问题中的代码是典型的应用程序,则可能还有更多脆弱的地方,因此有必要进行仔细而系统的审查。


The bindIsosDropDown function is insecure. It accepts isoData as a parameter, but that comes directly from the network, so it is "tainted" (potentially under attacker control). It then concatenates elements of isoData to make HTML in these lines of code (and elsewhere):

$(isoData).each(function (index, iso) {
    isoDropDownHtml += '<option value="' + iso.IsoId + '"' + ...;

If isoData is, for example (in JSON syntax):

  { IsoId: "\"><script>alert('Gotcha!')</script><option value=\"" }

then isoDropDownHtml will be:

<option value=""><script>alert('Gotcha!')</script><option value="" ...

and consequently the browser will execute the attacker payload (here just an alert message, but it could be any malicious code).


Typically, you want to escape any HTML metacharacters that might be in the tainted data so they cannot break out of the syntactic context, which in this case is a double-quoted attribute value. The question Escaping HTML strings with jQuery has several suggestions for specific ways to do that.

Assuming you use one of those suggestions, and therefore have a function called escapeHtml that will escape HTML metacharacters, you can use it like this:

$(isoData).each(function (index, iso) {
    isoDropDownHtml += '<option value="' + escapeHtml(iso.IsoId) + '"' + ...;
    //                                     ^^^^^^^^^^

If you now work through what happens with the example isoData from before, you will see that the IsoId gets properly encoded as an HTML attribute value, and consequently no executable Javascript gets delivered.

Note that you have to escape tainted data like this everywhere in the application that might handle it. It is not enough to fix one instance, or even all of the instances that Coverity (or any tool) can detect. If the code in the question is typical of the application, there are probably many more places that are vulnerable, so a careful and systematic review is warranted.


以为你会在 2025-02-18 03:41:09


  1. settings.json 中,暂时删除 _ 作为单词分隔符(例如“ editor.wordseparator”:“!@#$ $ %^&amp;*() - =+[{]} \\ |;:'\“,。
  2. 将光标放在所有所需线的开端。
  3. 正确的箭头将所有光标移动在引号中。
  4. Execute命令展开选择。由于您将 _ 作为单词定界符关闭,因此将扩展以填充引号。否则,所有的键都需要具有相同数量的单词才能使此工作起作用。
  5. 执行上情况
  6. 设置中。

Sure, you can do this natively:

  1. In settings.json, temporarily remove _ as a word separators (e.g. "editor.wordSeparators": "!@#$%^&*()-=+[{]}\\|;:'\",.<>/?,) (Notice no _)
  2. Place cursors at beginnings of all desired lines.
  3. Right arrow to move all cursors within the quotes.
  4. Execute command expand selection. Since you turned off _ as a word delimiter, this will expand to fill the quotes; otherwise, all the keys would need to have the same number of words for this to work.
  5. Execute upper case.
  6. In settings.json re-add _ to word separators.


以为你会在 2025-02-18 02:21:55

您可以注册 iSresolved :

public void Using_decorator_to_implement_IsResolved()
    var c = new Container();


    var d = new AbcDecorator();
    c.RegisterDelegate<Abc, Abc>(a => d.Decorate(a), setup: Setup.Decorator);


    var abc = c.Resolve<Abc>();


class Abc {}
class AbcDecorator 
    public bool IsResolved { get; private set; }
    public Abc Decorate(Abc a)
        IsResolved = true;
        return a;

You may register the decorator that stores the flag IsResolved:

public void Using_decorator_to_implement_IsResolved()
    var c = new Container();


    var d = new AbcDecorator();
    c.RegisterDelegate<Abc, Abc>(a => d.Decorate(a), setup: Setup.Decorator);


    var abc = c.Resolve<Abc>();


class Abc {}
class AbcDecorator 
    public bool IsResolved { get; private set; }
    public Abc Decorate(Abc a)
        IsResolved = true;
        return a;


以为你会在 2025-02-17 21:44:28


future: dbRef.orderByChild("Email").equalTo("[email protected]").once(),

或者如果您有变量 useremail 其中的电子邮件地址:

future: dbRef.orderByChild("Email").equalTo(userEmail).once(),


If you have the user's email address, you can use a query to select just the nodes with that value in their Email property with:

future: dbRef.orderByChild("Email").equalTo("[email protected]").once(),

Or if you have a variable userEmail with the email address in it:

future: dbRef.orderByChild("Email").equalTo(userEmail).once(),

Also see the Firebase documentation on ordering and filtering data from the Realtime Database.


以为你会在 2025-02-17 19:24:27



SET @fecha_inicio = STR_TO_DATE('2017-06-27T23:59:00.123','%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s.%f');

select CONCAT((hour(@fecha_inicio)), 
"-" , 
(Case when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 15 THEN 1 
            when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 30 THEN 2
            when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 45 THEN 3
            when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 60 THEN 4 END)) AS HQ ;

Check whether you are limiting the string to 3 digits in your code.

It is working fine for me.

SET @fecha_inicio = STR_TO_DATE('2017-06-27T23:59:00.123','%Y-%m-%dT%H:%i:%s.%f');

select CONCAT((hour(@fecha_inicio)), 
"-" , 
(Case when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 15 THEN 1 
            when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 30 THEN 2
            when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 45 THEN 3
            when minute(@fecha_inicio) < 60 THEN 4 END)) AS HQ ;


以为你会在 2025-02-17 11:02:05

我们还面临同一问题,并且使用ARM模板选择最新版本的Windows Server映像,我们不知道为什么突然失败了。现在,我们正在使用早期版本的Windows Server映像来克服此问题。

Thank you for sharing!
we were also facing the same issue and with the ARM template picking latest version of windows server image, we have no idea why was it failing all of a sudden. We are now using the earlier version of windows server image to overcome this issue.


以为你会在 2025-02-16 15:15:54

您可以直接使用上下文值,也可以使用 useeffect 钩子:

export default function Appointments() {
    const datePickedCtx = useContext(DateContext);
    const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(datePickedCtx.date);
    }, [datePickedCtx]);

    return (
        <View style={styles.rootContainer}>
            <View style={styles.dateContainer}>

                <Text style={styles.dateText}>Via State: {selectedDate}</Text>
                <Text style={styles.dateText}>Via Context: {datePickedCtx.date}</Text>

                <DateSelect size={24} color={GlobalStyles.colors.lightText} />

You can either use the Context value directly or use the useEffect hook for that:

export default function Appointments() {
    const datePickedCtx = useContext(DateContext);
    const [selectedDate, setSelectedDate] = useState(datePickedCtx.date);
    }, [datePickedCtx]);

    return (
        <View style={styles.rootContainer}>
            <View style={styles.dateContainer}>

                <Text style={styles.dateText}>Via State: {selectedDate}</Text>
                <Text style={styles.dateText}>Via Context: {datePickedCtx.date}</Text>

                <DateSelect size={24} color={GlobalStyles.colors.lightText} />


以为你会在 2025-02-16 12:26:21


它不必在堆栈中。它可能位于您的帐户中,使用AWS控制台或其他CloudFormation堆栈手动创建。您必须将 myauthorizer 的名称更改为唯一。

I've checked that MyAuthorizer is not already a resource in this stack.

It does not have to be in the stack. It may be in your account somewhere, created manually using AWS console or other CloudFormation stack. You have to change the name of your MyAuthorizer to be unique.

为什么云形式在创建AWS :: APIGATEWAWWAY ::授权器时会说已经说已经存在




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