
文章 评论 浏览 27

掩耳倾听 2025-02-08 11:43:04


I've developed the whole context-menu and getting specific word suggestions on context-menu. Highlighting the wrong words. Its working now they I wanted it too.


掩耳倾听 2025-02-08 11:27:07

您可以提供任何所需的文化,例如“ en-us”,“ en-gb”等。那么,所有日期时间都会像这样使用。

DateTimeFormatInfo yourCultureFormat = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).DateTimeFormat;

var result = Convert.ToDateTime("12/01/2011", yourCultureFormat)

You can provide any of your desired Culture like "en-Us", "en-GB" etc. Then all of your datetime will be formatted like that.

DateTimeFormatInfo yourCultureFormat = new CultureInfo("en-US", false).DateTimeFormat;

var result = Convert.ToDateTime("12/01/2011", yourCultureFormat)


掩耳倾听 2025-02-07 04:21:23


<%= image.file_field :file_name, include_hidden: false, multiple: :true, name: "album[images_attributes][][file_name]", class: 'form-field' %>


I was able to get it running. I needed to set include_hidden: false in the file_field

<%= image.file_field :file_name, include_hidden: false, multiple: :true, name: "album[images_attributes][][file_name]", class: 'form-field' %>

Before updating Rails and Carrierwave this used to work without this option.


掩耳倾听 2025-02-07 01:25:47


Your getTransactions() function inside in your block. so just reuse the block for your another phtml file.


掩耳倾听 2025-02-06 19:40:15
<div class= "row">
  <div class="col-sm-6"><a class="btn"> Customer Sign-up</a></div>
<div class="col-sm-6"><a class="btn">Seller Sign-up</a></div>

width: 100%;
background: #040b5a;
color:#fff !important;


<div class= "row">
  <div class="col-sm-6"><a class="btn"> Customer Sign-up</a></div>
<div class="col-sm-6"><a class="btn">Seller Sign-up</a></div>

width: 100%;
background: #040b5a;
color:#fff !important;



掩耳倾听 2025-02-06 06:04:23


totalprice = 0
allproducts = {}

for i in range (5):
    products = input("Enter product name")
    prices = float(input("Enter a product price"))
    totalprice = prices + totalprice

lowestprice = min(allproducts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[1] #Added [1]

sortedprice = sorted(allproducts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)


fulltotal = totalprice - lowestprice

print("Your Items From Most to Least Expensive:", sortedprice)
print("Cheapest Item:", lowestprice)
print("Your Total Before Discount is:", totalprice)

print("Your Price With Discount is:", fulltotal)

Your lowestprice was a tuple, not a string or float. Here, I have picked the 1st element from the tuple, which is the lowest price.

totalprice = 0
allproducts = {}

for i in range (5):
    products = input("Enter product name")
    prices = float(input("Enter a product price"))
    totalprice = prices + totalprice

lowestprice = min(allproducts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1])[1] #Added [1]

sortedprice = sorted(allproducts.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=False)


fulltotal = totalprice - lowestprice

print("Your Items From Most to Least Expensive:", sortedprice)
print("Cheapest Item:", lowestprice)
print("Your Total Before Discount is:", totalprice)

print("Your Price With Discount is:", fulltotal)

将字符串转换为int,从另一个数字中减去。 Python

掩耳倾听 2025-02-06 05:48:20


https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-hod-to-hide-hide-your-api--keys-from-public-from-public-from-public-in-reactjs/ < /a>



While I personally prefer to store all API keys on the server itself, this guide indicates that there are other ways to do it:


Additionally, to define differences between prod and staging in the front end alone, I recommend defining plug in variables using webpack:



掩耳倾听 2025-02-06 04:10:13

默认情况下,Django REST框架验证了外键,


class MarcaSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Marca
        fields = "__all__"
def validate_fornecedor(self, value):
        code = Fornecedor.objects.get(pk=value)
        return value
    except Refer.DoesNotExist:
        raise serializers.ValidationError('Invalid Fornecedor')

By default, Django rest framework validates a foreign key,
but in case you want to validate any value, you can validate it into view or serializer both ways whichever way you prefer

In this case, I am demonstrating in serializer

class MarcaSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    class Meta:
        model = Marca
        fields = "__all__"
def validate_fornecedor(self, value):
        code = Fornecedor.objects.get(pk=value)
        return value
    except Refer.DoesNotExist:
        raise serializers.ValidationError('Invalid Fornecedor')


掩耳倾听 2025-02-06 00:52:58


var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc);
paragraph.Content.LoadText(str, new CharacterFormat() { Bold = true });


var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc);
paragraph.CharacterFormatForParagraphMark.Bold = true;

但是,以防万一您有兴趣,这里要注意的是,line breaks用special> specialcharacter对象表示,而不是运行对象。


string str = "Sample 1\nSample 2\nSample 3";
string[] strLines = str.Split('\n');

var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc);

for (int i = 0; i < strLines.Length; i++)
        new Run(wDoc, strLines[i]) { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } });

    if (i != strLines.Length - 1)
            new SpecialCharacter(wDoc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak));


var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc,
    new Run(wDoc, "Sample 1") { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } },
    new SpecialCharacter(wDoc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak),
    new Run(wDoc, "Sample 2") { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } },
    new SpecialCharacter(wDoc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak),
    new Run(wDoc, "Sample 3") { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } });

Probably the easiest way to do this is something like this:

var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc);
paragraph.Content.LoadText(str, new CharacterFormat() { Bold = true });

Or this:

var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc);
paragraph.CharacterFormatForParagraphMark.Bold = true;

But just in case you're interested, the thing to note here is that line breaks are represented with SpecialCharacter objects, not with Run objects.

So the following would be the "manual" way in which you would need to handle those breaks yourself, you would need to add the correct elements to the Paragraph.Inlines collection:

string str = "Sample 1\nSample 2\nSample 3";
string[] strLines = str.Split('\n');

var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc);

for (int i = 0; i < strLines.Length; i++)
        new Run(wDoc, strLines[i]) { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } });

    if (i != strLines.Length - 1)
            new SpecialCharacter(wDoc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak));

That is the same as if you were using this Paragraph constructor:

var paragraph = new Paragraph(wDoc,
    new Run(wDoc, "Sample 1") { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } },
    new SpecialCharacter(wDoc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak),
    new Run(wDoc, "Sample 2") { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } },
    new SpecialCharacter(wDoc, SpecialCharacterType.LineBreak),
    new Run(wDoc, "Sample 3") { CharacterFormat = { Bold = true } });

将BOLD设置为Gembox文档ASP.NET C#中的段落

掩耳倾听 2025-02-05 18:11:23


const output=[{service: 'xdc'},{service: 'cddc'}, {service: 'cdcd'},{service: 'cddc'}]
const result = output.map(el => el.service)

Use Array.map():

const output=[{service: 'xdc'},{service: 'cddc'}, {service: 'cdcd'},{service: 'cddc'}]
const result = output.map(el => el.service)


掩耳倾听 2025-02-05 10:14:10
import cv2

img_directory = input(str("Input directory: ")) # 'C:/dataset/img.png'

img= cv2.imread(img_directory)

img=cv2.resize(img, (180,180))

img = tf.expand_dims(img, 0)

prediction = model.predict(img)

score = tf.nn.softmax(prediction[0])

    "This image most likely belongs to {} with a {:.2f} percent confidence."
    .format(class_names[np.argmax(score)], 100 * np.max(score))


import cv2

img_directory = input(str("Input directory: ")) # 'C:/dataset/img.png'

img= cv2.imread(img_directory)

img=cv2.resize(img, (180,180))

img = tf.expand_dims(img, 0)

prediction = model.predict(img)

score = tf.nn.softmax(prediction[0])

    "This image most likely belongs to {} with a {:.2f} percent confidence."
    .format(class_names[np.argmax(score)], 100 * np.max(score))

You can use a while loop to continuously enter the img directory with break when you input quit.


掩耳倾听 2025-02-05 07:03:03


I don't know if in your environment you have the necessary kind of authentication, but have you tried mapping the Sharepoint folder location to one of your network drives? Then you can you can access your file just as it was in any other folder.


掩耳倾听 2025-02-05 06:06:28



geom_basketball("nba") +
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#ff552e")

在包装的初始版本中不可能。好消息是,在v2.0.0中,通过使用color_updates parameter在geom_basketball()之类的参数是可能的:


  color_updates = list(
      plot_background = "#ff552e"

但是, 能够控制将是标题的文本颜色。这在后来的版本中被删除(未在Cran上发布)。

好消息是,v2.0.0应该在接下来的24小时左右的时间内(如果您阅读此答案时还没有)。与最后一个cran版本相比,需要进行一些突破性的变化,这些变化是使包装更加灵活的(请参阅更改在这里以获取更多说明),但是您需要的参数是color_updates参数,您将要在其中设置plot_background color:


  color_updates = list(
    plot_background = "#ff552e",
    # Changing the court apron, which is the outer-most feature
    # that v2.0.0 plots for basketball courts, to light blue
    court_apron = "#0088ce"




I'm the author/maintainer of sportyR. Apologies for not seeing this when you originally posted your question!

Not sure if you ever resolved the issue, but what I think you're trying to do isn't entirely possible with v1.0.1, the version that was on CRAN at the time you posted the question. You were on the right path with what you posted in the theme() above, but you need to add the theme to the call to geom_basketball() like this (using orange as my background color):

geom_basketball("nba") +
    panel.background = element_rect(fill = "#ff552e")

this wasn't possible in the initial version of the package. The good news is that in v2.0.0 this is possible by using the color_updates parameter in geom_basketball() like so:


  color_updates = list(
      plot_background = "#ff552e"

Plot of basketball court with orange background from sportyR v1.0.1

However, the area where Plot made via sportyR is written is actually a plot caption, not a part of the plot/panel, so all you'd be able to control would be the caption's text color. This was removed in a later release (not released on CRAN).

The good news is that v2.0.0 should be on CRAN within the next 24 hours or so (if it's not already by the time you're reading this answer). There were a few breaking changes from the last CRAN version that were necessary to make the package much more flexible (see changes here for more explanation), but the argument you'll need is the color_updates argument, within which you'll want to set the plot_background color:


  color_updates = list(
    plot_background = "#ff552e",
    # Changing the court apron, which is the outer-most feature
    # that v2.0.0 plots for basketball courts, to light blue
    court_apron = "#0088ce"

which will produce this plot:

Plot of basketball court with orange background from sportyR v2.0.0

If this wasn't what you were looking to do, please let me know so I can help further. And, if I could make a slight request for future issues, please add them as issues on the GitHub so I can be directly notified (and hopefully more immediately helpful!). Even just a link to and/or a copy/paste from the StackOverflow question would be great. I try to help with issues as quick as I can, but unfortunately the only way I directly am notified is through GitHub.


掩耳倾听 2025-02-03 17:01:29

在初始化函数参数时,未调用t1 :: operator =。而是t1 :: T1(const t1&amp;)被调用。

operator =仅在首先构造参数时才可以调用t1 :: T1 :: T1(),甚至可能不存在。


In initializing the function parameters, T1::operator= is not called. Instead T1::T1( const T1 &) is called.

The operator= could only be called if the argument were first constructed, using T1::T1(), which might not even exist.

You could create all these functions and put log-output in them to see this behavior in action.


掩耳倾听 2025-02-03 15:17:01

您应该永远不要使用runblocking在Android项目中,除非您将Kotlin Coroutines代码与某些无法使用Coroutines的Java代码混合,并且需要一种调用某些Coroutine的方法以其自己的背景线程之一的阻止方式。在这种情况下,您可以使用Runblocking为Java代码创建一个桥梁函数,但是您永远不会从Kotlin调用此函数,并且当然永远不会从主线程中调用它。在主线程上调用阻止代码会冻结UI,这使您的应用程序感到笨拙,并冒着触发ANR(应用程序不响应)错误的风险。

开始Coroutine的正确方法是使用CoroutinesCope启动您的Coroutine。这些活动,碎片和观看模式的Android Jetpack框架已经为您提供了这些信息。

在活动中,使用lifecyclescope.launch。在片段中,您通常应使用view lifecycleowner.lifecyclescope.launch。在ViewModel中,使用viewModelsCope.launch


You should never use runBlocking in an Android project, unless you are mixing Kotlin coroutines code with some Java code that can't use coroutines and it needs a way to call some coroutine in a blocking manner on one of its own background threads. In this case, you might use runBlocking to create a bridge function for the Java code to call, but you would never call this function from Kotlin and certainly never call it from the main thread. Calling blocking code on the main thread freezes the UI, which makes your app feel janky and risks triggering an ANR (application not responding) error.

The correct way to begin a coroutine is to use a CoroutineScope to launch your coroutine. These are already provided for you by the Android Jetpack framework for Activities, Fragments, and ViewModels.

In an Activity, use lifecycleScope.launch. In a Fragment, you should usually use viewLifecycleOwner.lifecycleScope.launch. In a ViewModel, use viewModelScope.launch.

What does using a CoroutineScope instead of runBlocking do? It prevents the long-running suspending actions (like reading the database from the disk) from blocking the main thread and freezing your UI. And it automatically cancels the long-running work when the Activity/Fragment/ViewModel is torn down, so it prevents memory leaks and wasted resources.





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