
文章 评论 浏览 29

轮廓§ 2025-02-20 20:54:32

gtklabel 具有“可选”属性,可以做到这一点。它在a 文档

GtkLabel has a "selectable" property which does just that. It's also mentioned in a separate section of the GtkLabel docs


轮廓§ 2025-02-20 05:09:08

如何利用 strings。 count

package main

import (

func main() {
    word := "cèòài"
    letter := "è"
    letterOccurences := strings.Count(word, letter)
    fmt.Printf("No. of occurences of \"%s\" in \"%s\": %d\n", letter, word, letterOccurences)


No. of occurences of "è" in "cèòài": 1

How about utilizing strings.Count:

package main

import (

func main() {
    word := "cèòài"
    letter := "è"
    letterOccurences := strings.Count(word, letter)
    fmt.Printf("No. of occurences of \"%s\" in \"%s\": %d\n", letter, word, letterOccurences)


No. of occurences of "è" in "cèòài": 1


轮廓§ 2025-02-20 02:19:11

我刚刚重新启动mysql(从这里开始提示: https://stackoverflow.com/a/142388800 )解决了问题。






I just restarted MySQL (following a tip from here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14238800) and it solved the issue.

I had the same issue on MacOS (10.10.2) and MySql (5.6.21) installed via homebrew.

The confusing thing was that one of my apps connected to the database fine and the other was not.

After trying many things on the app that threw the exception com.mysql.jdbc.CommunicationsException as suggested by the accepted answer of this question to no avail, I was surprised that restarting MySQL worked.

The cause of my issue might have been the following as suggested in the answer in the aforementioned link:

Are you using connection pool ? If yes, then try to restart the
server. Probably few of the connections in your connection pool are in closed state.


轮廓§ 2025-02-20 00:39:25

如果您只有两种选择可以从中选择,则使用 <代码> np.Where

df['color'] = np.where(df['Set']=='Z', 'green', 'red')


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'Type':list('ABBC'), 'Set':list('ZZXY')})
df['color'] = np.where(df['Set']=='Z', 'green', 'red')


  Set Type  color
0   Z    A  green
1   Z    B  green
2   X    B    red
3   Y    C    red

如果您有两个以上的条件,则 ,请使用 np.Select 。例如,如果您想要颜色

  • yellow (df ['set'] =='z')&amp; (df ['type'] =='a')
  • 否则 blue <代码>(df ['set'] =='z'))&amp; (df ['type'] =='b')
  • 否则 purple (df ['type''] =='b')
  • 否则黑色


df = pd.DataFrame({'Type':list('ABBC'), 'Set':list('ZZXY')})
conditions = [
    (df['Set'] == 'Z') & (df['Type'] == 'A'),
    (df['Set'] == 'Z') & (df['Type'] == 'B'),
    (df['Type'] == 'B')]
choices = ['yellow', 'blue', 'purple']
df['color'] = np.select(conditions, choices, default='black')


  Set Type   color
0   Z    A  yellow
1   Z    B    blue
2   X    B  purple
3   Y    C   black

If you only have two choices to select from then use np.where:

df['color'] = np.where(df['Set']=='Z', 'green', 'red')

For example,

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df = pd.DataFrame({'Type':list('ABBC'), 'Set':list('ZZXY')})
df['color'] = np.where(df['Set']=='Z', 'green', 'red')


  Set Type  color
0   Z    A  green
1   Z    B  green
2   X    B    red
3   Y    C    red

If you have more than two conditions then use np.select. For example, if you want color to be

  • yellow when (df['Set'] == 'Z') & (df['Type'] == 'A')
  • otherwise blue when (df['Set'] == 'Z') & (df['Type'] == 'B')
  • otherwise purple when (df['Type'] == 'B')
  • otherwise black,

then use

df = pd.DataFrame({'Type':list('ABBC'), 'Set':list('ZZXY')})
conditions = [
    (df['Set'] == 'Z') & (df['Type'] == 'A'),
    (df['Set'] == 'Z') & (df['Type'] == 'B'),
    (df['Type'] == 'B')]
choices = ['yellow', 'blue', 'purple']
df['color'] = np.select(conditions, choices, default='black')

which yields

  Set Type   color
0   Z    A  yellow
1   Z    B    blue
2   X    B  purple
3   Y    C   black


轮廓§ 2025-02-20 00:23:45


regexReplace("{{ticket.description}}", "^(?:[\w\W]*\s)?(\d{5})(?:\s[\w\W]*)?$", "$1")

请参阅 Regex Demo


  • ^ - 字符串的启动
  • (?:[\ w \ w \ w]*\ s)?更多的字符,然后是Whitespace char
  • (\ d {5}) - 组1( $ 1 包含此组模式捕获的文本):五位数字
  • (?:\ s [\ w \ w]*)? - Whitespace Char的可选子字符串,然后尽可能多的零或更多char。
  • $ - 字符串结尾。

You can match the whole string but capture the 5-digit number into a capturing group and replace with the backreference to the captured group:

regexReplace("{{ticket.description}}", "^(?:[\w\W]*\s)?(\d{5})(?:\s[\w\W]*)?
quot;, "$1")

See the regex demo.


  • ^ - start of string
  • (?:[\w\W]*\s)? - an optional substring of any zero or more chars as many as possible and then a whitespace char
  • (\d{5}) - Group 1 ($1 contains the text captured by this group pattern): five digits
  • (?:\s[\w\W]*)? - an optional substring of a whitespace char and then any zero or more chars as many as possible.
  • $ - end of string.


轮廓§ 2025-02-19 13:56:44



The problem was that the translation from Russian into Russian was not completed, so the translation from Russian into Ukrainian was taken.

While the default was Russian, no translation was made at all, since there is no translation to this node in the default language. And when it became Ukrainian, in the absence of a translation, translation into Ukrainian began to be used.


轮廓§ 2025-02-18 19:06:08

什么是 myInfo ?状态,班级或参考变量?还要考虑到 MAP 返回一个全新的数组,因此不会突变。


useEffect(() => {
  const myNewInfo = myInfo.map((info, index) => ({
    vals: getAdditionalData(info.myId, index)
}, []);

What is myInfo? A state, class or ref variable? Also take into consideration that map returns a brand new array so it doesn't mutate.

You can try this and you should see the updated array in myNewInfo:

useEffect(() => {
  const myNewInfo = myInfo.map((info, index) => ({
    vals: getAdditionalData(info.myId, index)
}, []);


轮廓§ 2025-02-18 17:34:48

您还需要将属性标记为 Dynamic ,以使其符合KVO。 Publisher(for:)仅适用于KVO符合KVO的属性,因为它在引擎盖下使用KVO。

@objc class SampleClass: NSObject {
    @objc dynamic var name: NSString = "1"


有关 @OBJC vs @Objc Dynamic 的更多信息-objc“>此Q&amp; a 。

请记住,与无法更改的代码交互时,您只能使用KVO发布者。当您要观察控制的类型的属性值时,请改用 @publed

You also need to mark the property as dynamic in order for it to be KVO compliant. publisher(for:) only works with KVO compliant properties, since it uses KVO under the hood.

@objc class SampleClass: NSObject {
    @objc dynamic var name: NSString = "1"

Once you do that, the KVO publisher emits the updated values as expected.

For more information on @objc vs @objc dynamic, see this Q&A.

Bear in mind that you should only use KVO publishers when interacting with code that you cannot change. When you want to observe property values of types that you control, use @Published instead.


轮廓§ 2025-02-18 15:25:30


  1. Docker容器运行-NAME ZOOKEEPER -P 2181:2181 ZOOKEEPER


  1. Docker容器运行-Name Kafka -P 9092:9092 -E KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_COMEPER_COMEPER_CONNECT _your_computer_but_not_localhost! :9092 -E KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR = 1 confluentinc/cp -kafka

在Kafka消费者和Producer config I中

public ProducerFactory<String, String> producerFactory() {
    Map<String, Object> configProps = new HashMap<>();
    configProps.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "");
    configProps.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
    configProps.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
    return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(configProps);

public ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory() {
    Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "");
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "group_id");
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
    return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(props);


before zookeeper

  1. docker container run --name zookeeper -p 2181:2181 zookeeper

after kafka

  1. docker container run --name kafka -p 9092:9092 -e KAFKA_ZOOKEEPER_CONNECT= -e KAFKA_ADVERTISED_LISTENERS=PLAINTEXT://ip_address_of_your_computer_but_not_localhost!!!:9092 -e KAFKA_OFFSETS_TOPIC_REPLICATION_FACTOR=1 confluentinc/cp-kafka

in kafka consumer and producer config

public ProducerFactory<String, String> producerFactory() {
    Map<String, Object> configProps = new HashMap<>();
    configProps.put(ProducerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "");
    configProps.put(ProducerConfig.KEY_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
    configProps.put(ProducerConfig.VALUE_SERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringSerializer.class);
    return new DefaultKafkaProducerFactory<>(configProps);

public ConsumerFactory<String, String> consumerFactory() {
    Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<>();
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS_CONFIG, "");
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.GROUP_ID_CONFIG, "group_id");
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.KEY_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
    props.put(ConsumerConfig.VALUE_DESERIALIZER_CLASS_CONFIG, StringDeserializer.class);
    return new DefaultKafkaConsumerFactory<>(props);

I run my project with these regulations. Good luck dude.


轮廓§ 2025-02-18 01:57:31

另一种回答这一点的方法,而不是陷入序列点和未定义行为的神秘细节,只是问,他们应该是什么意思? 程序员试图做什么?


第二个片段 i = i ++ ,更容易理解。看起来有人正在尝试增加 i ,并将结果分配回 i 。但是有几种方法可以在C中执行此操作。在几乎任何编程语言中相同:

i = i + 1



这也意味着:“取 i 的值,添加1,然后将结果分配回 i “。 的值,则构造了两者的杂物。

i = i++

因此,如果我们通过编写我们真正说的是“取 i 的值,则添加1,将结果分配给 i ,将结果分配给 并将结果分配回 i ”。我们感到困惑,因此,如果编译器也感到困惑,这不会打扰我太多。

实际上,这些疯狂表达式唯一写的是人们将它们用作人工示例 ++ 应该如何工作的时候。当然,重要的是要了解 ++ 的工作原理。但是,使用 ++ 的一个实际规则是,“如果不明显使用 ++ 的表达式是什么意思,请不要写。”


? > c FAQ列表

Another way of answering this, rather than getting bogged down in arcane details of sequence points and undefined behavior, is simply to ask, what are they supposed to mean? What was the programmer trying to do?

The first fragment asked about, i = i++ + ++i, is pretty clearly insane in my book. No one would ever write it in a real program, it's not obvious what it does, there's no conceivable algorithm someone could have been trying to code that would have resulted in this particular contrived sequence of operations. And since it's not obvious to you and me what it's supposed to do, it's fine in my book if the compiler can't figure out what it's supposed to do, either.

The second fragment, i = i++, is a little easier to understand. It looks like someone is trying to increment i, and assign the result back to i. But there are a couple ways of doing this in C. The most basic way to take i's value, add 1, and assign the result back to i, is the same in almost any programming language:

i = i + 1

C, of course, has a handy shortcut:


This also means, "take i's value, add 1, and assign the result back to i". So if we construct a hodgepodge of the two, by writing

i = i++

what we're really saying is "take i's value, add 1, assign the result back to i, and assign the result back to i". We're confused, so it doesn't bother me too much if the compiler gets confused, too.

Realistically, the only time these crazy expressions get written is when people are using them as artificial examples of how ++ is supposed to work. And of course it is important to understand how ++ works. But one practical rule for using ++ is, "If it's not obvious what an expression using ++ means, don't write it."

We used to spend countless hours on comp.lang.c discussing expressions like these and why they're undefined. Two of my longer answers, that try to really explain why, are archived on the web:

See also question 3.8 and the rest of the questions in section 3 of the C FAQ list.


轮廓§ 2025-02-17 12:54:44


.flexbox {
  display: flex;

.text-container {
  padding: 1rem 0; /*Create a top-bottom padding for text container*/
  width: 50%;

.text-container span {
  padding: 0 1rem; /*Create a left-right padding for text*/
  display: block;

.text-container:first-of-type {
  border-right: 1px solid #ccc; /*Border on text container*/

.text-container:first-of-type span {
  border-right: 4px solid #ddd; /*Border on text*/
  margin-right: -2.5px;
<div class="flexbox">
  <div class="text-container">
    <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</span>
  <div class="text-container">
    <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span>

You can create a container for the long-stick border, and apply a short-stick border on text elements

.flexbox {
  display: flex;

.text-container {
  padding: 1rem 0; /*Create a top-bottom padding for text container*/
  width: 50%;

.text-container span {
  padding: 0 1rem; /*Create a left-right padding for text*/
  display: block;

.text-container:first-of-type {
  border-right: 1px solid #ccc; /*Border on text container*/

.text-container:first-of-type span {
  border-right: 4px solid #ddd; /*Border on text*/
  margin-right: -2.5px;
<div class="flexbox">
  <div class="text-container">
    <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.</span>
  <div class="text-container">
    <span>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</span>


轮廓§ 2025-02-17 05:34:04




 <form action="form action goes here">
   <input type="radio" value="1">
   <label for="1">1</label> 
   <input type="radio" value="2">
   <label for="2">2</label> 
   <input type="radio" value="3">
   <label for="3">3</label> 
   <input type="radio" value="1">
   <label for="3">3</label> 
...and so on

Using a basic form a radio button would be one way to do it and then hide the actual input using css while keeping the label

Hide radio button while keeping its functionality

then you are just styling the labels how you want them

 <form action="form action goes here">
   <input type="radio" value="1">
   <label for="1">1</label> 
   <input type="radio" value="2">
   <label for="2">2</label> 
   <input type="radio" value="3">
   <label for="3">3</label> 
   <input type="radio" value="1">
   <label for="3">3</label> 
...and so on


轮廓§ 2025-02-16 14:41:02

最近,Visual Studio代码更改了Azure扩展资源的用户界面



  • 当您单击创建功能选项,它将询问您的每个步骤,例如选择语言,运行时,触发类型,授权级别,功能名称,工作区路径等
  • 。除触发类型外,所有以上所有选项,因为该选项仅创建HTTP触发器,这是创建它的捷径。



  1. Visual Studio Code IDE
  2. .NET SDK 3.1、5、6取决于您的要求
  3. azure function core core core tools (v3和v4 as v3是.net 3.1是必需的.NET Core 6需要5和V4。
  4. VS代码扩展名(Azure帐户,Azure函数,C#)
  5. Azure Storage Emulator或Azurite

输出1使用新文件夹中使用VS Code 在新文件夹中使用vs Code :



3使用命令调色板创建Azure函数.NET 6项目。

输出 href =“ https://i.sstatic.net/ubclk.gif” rel =“ nofollow noreferrer”>

Recently, Visual Studio Code has changed the User Interface for the Azure Extension Resources.

Step 1:

enter image description here

  • When you click on Create Function option, it will ask you every step like Select language, Runtime, Type of Trigger, Authorization Level, Function Name, Workspace Path, etc.
  • When you click on Create HTTP Function option, it will ask you all the above options except Type of Trigger because the option creates only HTTP Trigger which is a shortcut of creating it.

Step 2:

Resources required are:

  1. Visual Studio Code IDE
  2. .NET SDK 3.1, 5, 6 depends on your requirement
  3. Azure Functions Core Tools (v3 and v4 as v3 is required for .NET 3.1 and 5 and v4 is required for .NET Core 6).
  4. VS Code Extensions (Azure Account, Azure Functions, C#)
  5. Azure Storage Emulator or Azurite

Output 1 using Create Function option in a New Folder using VS Code:


Output 2 using Create HTTP Function option in a sub folder of the Frontend Project using VS Code:


Output 3 using Command Palette for Creating Azure Functions .NET 6 Project in VS Code:


无法在文件夹中找到CSPROJ文件 - 无法在VSCODE中创建C#模板

轮廓§ 2025-02-16 08:59:49

这是 basemap 与Geos&gt; = 3.9使用时的已知

问题basemap-fillcontinents-with-color-causes-error/71972997#71972997“>使用带有颜色的baseMap fillcontinents带有颜色原因的错误

,直到用 baseMap 修补了这一点使用旧版本的Geos。如果您安装 baseMap 使用 baseMap 1.3.x的Windows 在PYPI中可用,则您应该没有问题,因为它们与GEOS 3.5.1链接在一起

python -m pip install basemap

。 >编辑(2022-10-26):由于 basemap 版本1.3.5,解决了与绘制南极的绘制的错误。 PYPI中的预编译车轮仍链接到GEOS 3.5.1,但是从源分布安装的用户将能够链接 baseMap geos&gt; = 3.9,现在也将正确绘制南极洲的绘制。 OP的情况。

This is a known problem in basemap when used in combination with GEOS >= 3.9, see e.g. this other question:

Using basemap fillcontinents with color causes error

Until this is patched in basemap, your only way to solve it is to use an older version of GEOS. If you install basemap for Windows using the official wheels for basemap 1.3.x available in PyPI, you should have no problem because they are linked against GEOS 3.5.1:

python -m pip install basemap

EDIT (2022-10-26): Since basemap version 1.3.5, the bug related to the drawing of Antarctica is solved. The precompiled wheels in PyPI are still linked to GEOS 3.5.1, but a user installing from the source distribution will be able to link basemap to GEOS >= 3.9 and now Antarctica would also be drawn correctly for the case of the OP.


轮廓§ 2025-02-16 08:38:50


String[] strArray = new String[] { "John", "Mary", "Bob" };
String arrayAsCSV = StringUtils.join(strArray, " , ");
System.out.printf("[%s]", arrayAsCSV);
//output: [John , Mary , Bob]



Using org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.join(*) methods can be an option
For example:

String[] strArray = new String[] { "John", "Mary", "Bob" };
String arrayAsCSV = StringUtils.join(strArray, " , ");
System.out.printf("[%s]", arrayAsCSV);
//output: [John , Mary , Bob]

I used the following dependency






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