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自由范儿 2025-02-04 18:17:27

Quarkus Cassandra客户端有分页,但是我也无法像我想要的那样使其正常工作。在下面,您可以看到一个示例以获取分页态,其中包含Quarkus文档 https://quarkus.io/guides/guides /cassandra

public PagingFruit getPagingState(String pagingState){
        ByteBuffer state = ByteBuffer.wrap(pagingState.getBytes());
        MutinyMappedReactiveResultSet<Fruit> fruit = this.fruitMapper.fruitDao().findAll(x -> x.setPagingState(state).setPageSize(1000); // here we provide the unary operator that sets the state.  
        var newState = Uni.createFrom().publisher(fruit.getExecutionInfos()).map(ExecutionInfo::getPagingState).await().indefinitely().toString();
        return new PagingFruit(fruit.collect().asList().await().indefinitely(), newState);

record PagingFruit(List<Fruit> fruit, String pagingState){}



class PaginatedRepository {

    private final QuarkusCqlSession cqlSession;
    private final PreparedStatement query;
    PaginatedRepository(QuarkusCqlSession quarkusCqlSession){
        this.cqlSession = quarkusCqlSession;
        this.query = cqlSession.prepare("SELECT fruit FROM keypace.table");
    public Uni<PagingFruit> findFruit(String page) {
        var statement = query
        return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(cqlSession.executeAsync(statement))
                .map(resultSet -> {
                    var pagingState = resultSet.getExecutionInfo().getSafePagingState();
                    var newCursor = (pagingState == null) ? null : pagingState.toString();
                    var rows = Streams.stream(resultSet.currentPage())
                            .map(row -> row.get(1, Fruit.class)
                    return new PagingFruit(rows, newCursor);


There is pagination in the Quarkus Cassandra client however I can't make it work as I would like either. Below you see an example to get the pagination state with the example from the quarkus documentation https://quarkus.io/guides/cassandra

public PagingFruit getPagingState(String pagingState){
        ByteBuffer state = ByteBuffer.wrap(pagingState.getBytes());
        MutinyMappedReactiveResultSet<Fruit> fruit = this.fruitMapper.fruitDao().findAll(x -> x.setPagingState(state).setPageSize(1000); // here we provide the unary operator that sets the state.  
        var newState = Uni.createFrom().publisher(fruit.getExecutionInfos()).map(ExecutionInfo::getPagingState).await().indefinitely().toString();
        return new PagingFruit(fruit.collect().asList().await().indefinitely(), newState);

record PagingFruit(List<Fruit> fruit, String pagingState){}

This uses the MutinyMappedReactiveResultSet which allows you to query the ExecutionInfos.

The problem I have at this moment using the quarkus implementation is that I need to query Cassandra twice to actually provide the data and the pagination with it. Therefore I opted for a prepared statement like this example:

class PaginatedRepository {

    private final QuarkusCqlSession cqlSession;
    private final PreparedStatement query;
    PaginatedRepository(QuarkusCqlSession quarkusCqlSession){
        this.cqlSession = quarkusCqlSession;
        this.query = cqlSession.prepare("SELECT fruit FROM keypace.table");
    public Uni<PagingFruit> findFruit(String page) {
        var statement = query
        return Uni.createFrom().completionStage(cqlSession.executeAsync(statement))
                .map(resultSet -> {
                    var pagingState = resultSet.getExecutionInfo().getSafePagingState();
                    var newCursor = (pagingState == null) ? null : pagingState.toString();
                    var rows = Streams.stream(resultSet.currentPage())
                            .map(row -> row.get(1, Fruit.class)
                    return new PagingFruit(rows, newCursor);

This is untested code, just the general concept which should work.

是否有Quarkus cassandra客户端进行分页的工作示例?

自由范儿 2025-02-04 14:26:49


rawset(table, key, value)


rawset(_G, 'foo', 'bar')
-- Output: bar
-- Lets loop it and rawget() it too
-- rawset() returns table _G here to rawget()
-- rawset() is executed before rawget() in this case
for i = 1, 10 do
 print(rawget(rawset(_G, 'var' .. i, i), 'var' .. i))
-- Output: 10 lines - First the number 1 and last the number 10

请参阅: https://lua.org/manual/5.1/ Manual.html#PDF-RAWSET


function create_vars(var, start, stop)
for i = start, stop do
 print(var .. i, '=>', rawget(rawset(_G, var .. i, i), var .. i))


> create_vars('var', 42, 42)
var42   =>  42
> print(var42)

Yes. Call:

rawset(table, key, value)


rawset(_G, 'foo', 'bar')
-- Output: bar
-- Lets loop it and rawget() it too
-- rawset() returns table _G here to rawget()
-- rawset() is executed before rawget() in this case
for i = 1, 10 do
 print(rawget(rawset(_G, 'var' .. i, i), 'var' .. i))
-- Output: 10 lines - First the number 1 and last the number 10

See: https://lua.org/manual/5.1/manual.html#pdf-rawset

Putting all together and create an own function...

function create_vars(var, start, stop)
for i = start, stop do
 print(var .. i, '=>', rawget(rawset(_G, var .. i, i), var .. i))

And use it...

> create_vars('var', 42, 42)
var42   =>  42
> print(var42)


自由范儿 2025-02-04 11:20:25


main.c:66:23: error: request for member ‘name’ in something not a structure or union
   66 |             uni.arr[i].name = (char*)malloc((strlen(name) + 1) * sizeof(char));
      |                       ^
main.c:67:27: error: request for member ‘name’ in something not a structure or union
   67 |             if (uni.arr[i].name == NULL)
      |                           ^
main.c:72:23: error: request for member ‘id’ in something not a structure or union
   72 |             uni.arr[i].id = id;
      |                       ^
main.c:73:23: error: request for member ‘grade’ in something not a structure or union
   73 |             uni.arr[i].grade = grade;
      |                       ^
main.c:75:27: error: request for member ‘labor’ in something not a structure or union
   75 |                 uni.arr[i].labor[j] = ch[j];

I suggest you to go look into your compilers error, there's plenty of them!
For example:

main.c:66:23: error: request for member ‘name’ in something not a structure or union
   66 |             uni.arr[i].name = (char*)malloc((strlen(name) + 1) * sizeof(char));
      |                       ^
main.c:67:27: error: request for member ‘name’ in something not a structure or union
   67 |             if (uni.arr[i].name == NULL)
      |                           ^
main.c:72:23: error: request for member ‘id’ in something not a structure or union
   72 |             uni.arr[i].id = id;
      |                       ^
main.c:73:23: error: request for member ‘grade’ in something not a structure or union
   73 |             uni.arr[i].grade = grade;
      |                       ^
main.c:75:27: error: request for member ‘labor’ in something not a structure or union
   75 |                 uni.arr[i].labor[j] = ch[j];


自由范儿 2025-02-03 18:24:57



@media screen and (min-width: 1050px) {
    body {
       font-size: // the value you want


if(screen.width < your point) {
  // change font size

you can do it with css and javascript


@media screen and (min-width: 1050px) {
    body {
       font-size: // the value you want


if(screen.width < your point) {
  // change font size


自由范儿 2025-02-03 18:03:50


res = linregress(pupVals, defVals)
SlopeFit = np.array([res.intercept, res.slope])
errs = np.array([res.stderr,intercept_stderr])
CIS = SlopeFit[:,None] + 1.96*errs[:,None]*np.array([[1,-1]])

Try the following:

res = linregress(pupVals, defVals)
SlopeFit = np.array([res.intercept, res.slope])
errs = np.array([res.stderr,intercept_stderr])
CIS = SlopeFit[:,None] + 1.96*errs[:,None]*np.array([[1,-1]])


自由范儿 2025-02-02 22:07:03

您使自己变得有些困难,并混合了一些概念。当您声明struct Bustypedef时,您会为要读取的每个字符串声明指示器。这些指针是非初始化的,并且必须在尝试将字符串复制到内存位置之前为每个指针分配。 (始终回答问题“我使用的每个指针对我使用的指针点有什么有效的内存地址


    traveldate        16-bytes
    traveltime         8-bytes
    fromdestination   63-bytes
    todestination     63-bytes



#define MAXC 1024   /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
#define NBUS  128
#define DESTC  64
#define DATEC  16
#define TIMEC   8

typedef struct bus {
  int busnumber;
  char traveldate[DATEC];       /* use fixed arrays or allocate for each */
  char traveltime[TIMEC];
  char fromdestination[DESTC];
  char todestination[DESTC];
  float price;
  int capacity;
} bus;

您一次在阅读整个行时正确思考。 maxc上面设置了您的读取行为的最大字符数,以确保每次调用fgets()的每次调用。 nbus常数设置要读取的最大总线数(Busses数组的数组大小)。

您的替代方法是动态分配存储空间以存储一大堆以容纳公共汽车。这也相对容易,它使您可以种植内存的块来处理,但是您的文件中有许多公共汽车,而无需事先知道“多少”。 (切勿对数据文件进行两次通过(全读),只是为了找出有多少行 - 高效效率),但是,对于解析示例,我们将使用固定的数组来限制nbus 公共汽车。


int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  char buf[MAXC] = "";                        /* read buffer */
  bus busses[NBUS] = {{ .busnumber = 0 }};    /* array of bus */
  size_t n = 0;                               /* number of busses */
  /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
  FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;

  if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
      perror ("file open failed");
      return 1;
  /* while array not full, read line */
  while (n < NBUS && fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {




  • 几行,然后将'#'#',然后将
  • 不超过15字符的字符串,然后是'#'
  • 一串不超过7字符,后跟> '#'
  • 一根不超过63字符的字符串,后跟'#'
  • 一串不超过63字符之后是'#'
  • a float值,然后是'#',最后是
  • 整数。



  /* while array not full, read line */
  while (n < NBUS && fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {
    /* separate line into stuct variables - VALIDATE return */
    if (sscanf (buf, "%d#%15[^#]#%7[^#]#%63[^#]#%63[^#]#%f#%d", 
                &busses[n].busnumber, busses[n].traveldate,
                busses[n].traveltime, busses[n].fromdestination,
                busses[n].todestination, &busses[n].price,
                &busses[n].capacity) == 7) {
      n++;  /* increment count only on successful separation */



#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXC 1024   /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
#define NBUS  128
#define DESTC  64
#define DATEC  16
#define TIMEC   8

typedef struct bus {
  int busnumber;
  char traveldate[DATEC];       /* use fixed arrays or allocate for each */
  char traveltime[TIMEC];
  char fromdestination[DESTC];
  char todestination[DESTC];
  float price;
  int capacity;
} bus;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  char buf[MAXC] = "";                        /* read buffer */
  bus busses[NBUS] = {{ .busnumber = 0 }};    /* array of bus */
  size_t n = 0;                               /* number of busses */
  /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
  FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;

  if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
      perror ("file open failed");
      return 1;
  /* while array not full, read line */
  while (n < NBUS && fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {
    /* separate line into stuct variables - VALIDATE return */
    if (sscanf (buf, "%d#%15[^#]#%7[^#]#%63[^#]#%63[^#]#%f#%d", 
                &busses[n].busnumber, busses[n].traveldate,
                busses[n].traveltime, busses[n].fromdestination,
                busses[n].todestination, &busses[n].price,
                &busses[n].capacity) == 7) {
      n++;  /* increment count only on successful separation */

  if (fp != stdin)   /* close file if not stdin */
      fclose (fp);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {  /* output results */
    printf ("%4d  %s  %s  %-12s  %-12s  %6.2f  %3d\n",
            busses[i].busnumber, busses[i].traveldate,
            busses[i].traveltime, busses[i].fromdestination,
            busses[i].todestination, busses[i].price,



./bin/readbusses dat/busses.txt
   1  18042022  14:30  Birzeit       Ramallah        6.00   15
   2  18042022  11:45  Birzeit       Birzeit         6.00    1
  13  19042022  14:30  Birzeit       Atara           6.00   20
  53  20042022  14:00  Birzeit       Nablus          6.00    7

有许多不同的方法可以接近分开每一行的方法,但是从简单的角度来看,一个强大的角度(任何一行数据中的错误都仅影响该行的数据,并且不会从该点开始读取的读取,例如,如果您尝试直接在文件上使用fscanf() - 而无需手动清除以在错误的情况下结束。)


You are making things a bit difficult on yourself and mixing a few concepts. When you declare your struct bus and typedef, you declare pointers for each string you want to read. These pointers are uninitialized and must have storage allocated for each before attempting to copy a string to the memory location. (always answer the question "To what valid memory address does my pointer point?" for every pointer you use)

While allocating for each string can be done relatively simply, it will add unneeded complexity to your code and is unnecessary here. If your values are as shown in your sample data, then you can simply declare fixed arrays instead of pointers to the data you want to store. Looking, the following array sizes will be sufficient for your data (with roughly 50% more storage than required, and room for the nul-terminating character), e.g.

    traveldate        16-bytes
    traveltime         8-bytes
    fromdestination   63-bytes
    todestination     63-bytes

(adjust as needed)

You can declare a few constants to set the size of each array, and provide a single convenient location at the top of your code where you can make a change if required. The constants and your re-written struct could be:

#define MAXC 1024   /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
#define NBUS  128
#define DESTC  64
#define DATEC  16
#define TIMEC   8

typedef struct bus {
  int busnumber;
  char traveldate[DATEC];       /* use fixed arrays or allocate for each */
  char traveltime[TIMEC];
  char fromdestination[DESTC];
  char todestination[DESTC];
  float price;
  int capacity;
} bus;

You are thinking correctly in reading an entire line at a time. MAXC above sets the maximum number of characters for your read-buffer to ensure a line is fully consumed with each call to fgets(). The NBUS constant sets the max number of busses to be read (the array size for your busses array).

Your alternative is to dynamically allocate storage for a block of memory to hold the busses. That also is relatively easy, and it allows you to grow the block of memory to handle however many busses are in your file without needed to know "how many" beforehand. (NEVER make two passes (full-reads) of your data file just to find out how many lines there are -- highly inefficient) However, for the parsing example, we will use a fixed array limited to holding NBUS busses.

With that in mind you can declare your busses array and read each line into a buffer, taking the filename to read as the first command-line argument to your program (or by default reading from stdin if no argument is given) like:

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  char buf[MAXC] = "";                        /* read buffer */
  bus busses[NBUS] = {{ .busnumber = 0 }};    /* array of bus */
  size_t n = 0;                               /* number of busses */
  /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
  FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;

  if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
      perror ("file open failed");
      return 1;
  /* while array not full, read line */
  while (n < NBUS && fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {

While there are several alternatives for separating the lines on '#' delimiters, for your fixed-data, by far the simplest is using sscanf() and a carefully crafted format string. You can separate the data while protecting your array bounds with the following:


The sscanf() format string above will separate each line into:

  • an integer, followed by '#',
  • a string of no more than 15 characters followed by a '#',
  • a string of no more than 7 characters followed by a '#',
  • a string of no more than 63 characters followed by a '#',
  • a string of no more than 63 characters followed by a '#',
  • a float value followed by a '#', and finally
  • an integer.

You count the number of conversions anticipated (7 above) and you validate the return of sscanf() with that value. You can use a counter variable (n here) to track the number of busses read, and only increment n in your read-loop upon a successful separation of all values into your array of struct. You protect the busses array bounds by checking n against NBUS as part of the condition of your read loop (shown above).

Putting it altogether, your read and separation loop to read your file and fill your busses array will look like:

  /* while array not full, read line */
  while (n < NBUS && fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {
    /* separate line into stuct variables - VALIDATE return */
    if (sscanf (buf, "%d#%15[^#]#%7[^#]#%63[^#]#%63[^#]#%f#%d", 
                &busses[n].busnumber, busses[n].traveldate,
                busses[n].traveltime, busses[n].fromdestination,
                busses[n].todestination, &busses[n].price,
                &busses[n].capacity) == 7) {
      n++;  /* increment count only on successful separation */

That's all there is to it. You can now do whatever you like with your busses array.

Putting it together into a full example, you would have:

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAXC 1024   /* if you need a constant, #define one (or more) */
#define NBUS  128
#define DESTC  64
#define DATEC  16
#define TIMEC   8

typedef struct bus {
  int busnumber;
  char traveldate[DATEC];       /* use fixed arrays or allocate for each */
  char traveltime[TIMEC];
  char fromdestination[DESTC];
  char todestination[DESTC];
  float price;
  int capacity;
} bus;

int main (int argc, char **argv) {
  char buf[MAXC] = "";                        /* read buffer */
  bus busses[NBUS] = {{ .busnumber = 0 }};    /* array of bus */
  size_t n = 0;                               /* number of busses */
  /* use filename provided as 1st argument (stdin by default) */
  FILE *fp = argc > 1 ? fopen (argv[1], "r") : stdin;

  if (!fp) {  /* validate file open for reading */
      perror ("file open failed");
      return 1;
  /* while array not full, read line */
  while (n < NBUS && fgets (buf, MAXC, fp)) {
    /* separate line into stuct variables - VALIDATE return */
    if (sscanf (buf, "%d#%15[^#]#%7[^#]#%63[^#]#%63[^#]#%f#%d", 
                &busses[n].busnumber, busses[n].traveldate,
                busses[n].traveltime, busses[n].fromdestination,
                busses[n].todestination, &busses[n].price,
                &busses[n].capacity) == 7) {
      n++;  /* increment count only on successful separation */

  if (fp != stdin)   /* close file if not stdin */
      fclose (fp);
  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {  /* output results */
    printf ("%4d  %s  %s  %-12s  %-12s  %6.2f  %3d\n",
            busses[i].busnumber, busses[i].traveldate,
            busses[i].traveltime, busses[i].fromdestination,
            busses[i].todestination, busses[i].price,

Example Use/Output

With your sample data in the file dat/busses.txt you would get the following upon running the program:

./bin/readbusses dat/busses.txt
   1  18042022  14:30  Birzeit       Ramallah        6.00   15
   2  18042022  11:45  Birzeit       Birzeit         6.00    1
  13  19042022  14:30  Birzeit       Atara           6.00   20
  53  20042022  14:00  Birzeit       Nablus          6.00    7

There are many different ways to approach separating each line, but from a simplicity standpoint, and a robust standpoint (an error in any one line of data only effects data from that line and doesn't break the read from that point forward, such as if you attempted to use fscanf() directly on the file -- without clearing to end of line manually on error.)

Look things over and let me know if you have further questions.

使用“ fsgets”在C中如何拆分字符串并制作结构

自由范儿 2025-02-02 20:19:59

,可以使git合并的拉力重新要求 - 允许 - 无关的途径。您可以这样做:

# First, create a new branch based on main:
git switch -c history-merge main

# Next, merge your branch with the unrelated history into `history-merge`
# Resolve any merge conflicts at this time,
# and change the merge text to "Merge branch 'unrelated' into main".
git merge unrelated --allow-unrelated-histories

# Push your new branch:
git push -u origin history-merge

一旦完成,就可以从历史记录 - 混合使用中创建一个拉动请求到main

如果您希望它是100%无缝的,请在合并PR时选择rebase选项。这将快速向前main到原始的合并 - 命令。

It is possible to make a pull-request equivalent of git merge --allow-unrelated-histories. You can do it like so:

# First, create a new branch based on main:
git switch -c history-merge main

# Next, merge your branch with the unrelated history into `history-merge`
# Resolve any merge conflicts at this time,
# and change the merge text to "Merge branch 'unrelated' into main".
git merge unrelated --allow-unrelated-histories

# Push your new branch:
git push -u origin history-merge

Once that's done, you can create a pull request from history-merge into main.

If you want it to be 100% seamless, choose the rebase option when you go to merge the PR. This will fast-forward main to the original merge-commit.


自由范儿 2025-02-02 20:04:12

tm_rgb()的选项有限。 plotRGB()函数似乎使用栅格单元格值的样本来执行拉伸。这就是为什么图像显得更明亮,更对比的原因。这是我使用tm_rgb()

fcc_nir <- setMinMax(fcc_nir)

tm_shape(fcc_nir) +
  tm_rgb(max.value = max(maxValue(fcc_nir)))


tm_rgb()没有min.value =选项。一个人可以输入较小的max.value,但这有点受打击和错过。我希望根据图像统计数据使用更严格的方法。

tm_shape(fcc_nir) +
  tm_rgb(max.value = 31000)

必须使用raster :: stract()或某些用户定义的拉伸功能之前先手动重新构造图像,以获得更明亮的输出。


fcc_nir_s <- stretch(fcc_nir, minv = 0, maxv = 255, minq = 0.1, maxq = 0.99)

tm_shape(fcc_nir_s) +



tm_rgb() has limited options. The plotRGB() function appears to use a sample of raster cell values to perform a stretch. That is why images appear brighter and more contrasty. This is the best I could achieve with tm_rgb():

fcc_nir <- setMinMax(fcc_nir)

tm_shape(fcc_nir) +
  tm_rgb(max.value = max(maxValue(fcc_nir)))

best stretch

tm_rgb() has no min.value = option. One can enter a smaller max.value but this is a bit hit and miss. I would prefer to use a more rigorous approach based on image statistics.

tm_shape(fcc_nir) +
  tm_rgb(max.value = 31000)

arbitrary user-defined max.value

One has to manually rescale images beforehand using the raster::stretch() or some user-defined stretch function to get a brighter output.

For example:

fcc_nir_s <- stretch(fcc_nir, minv = 0, maxv = 255, minq = 0.1, maxq = 0.99)

tm_shape(fcc_nir_s) +

produces this image:

stretched image

将线性拉伸应用于tmap r包装中的Landsat 8图像

自由范儿 2025-02-02 18:14:05





you can use


for it.

here I put a example for route example, hope it will help you.

如何将React JS中的当前页面重定向到当前页面?

自由范儿 2025-02-02 14:41:55




import pandas as pd

values = ['1610202324578508800']
columns = ['values']

test_df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=columns).astype({'values':object})

test_df.to_csv('test df.csv')
test_df.to_excel('test df.xlsx')

I know this is an old question, but I spent the afternoon yesterday struggling with the same problem.

Turns out, the issue wasn't Pandas, but Excel, which I verified by checking the columns before export, opening the csv in Notepad after export, and checking it again after opening it in Excel. The values weren't changed until after it was saved in Excel.

You can use the below test code to validate. If you change the value in the values list to an int, Excel will round both of them off differently when you open and save. If it's a string, it will be unchanged when opened in an xlsx file. This may vary depending on versions of Excel.

import pandas as pd

values = ['1610202324578508800']
columns = ['values']

test_df = pd.DataFrame(values, columns=columns).astype({'values':object})

test_df.to_csv('test df.csv')
test_df.to_excel('test df.xlsx')


自由范儿 2025-02-02 06:39:57


public static double findMax(double[] data) {
    double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        if (val > max) {
            max = val;
    return max;


public static double findMax2(double[] data) {
    double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        max = Math.max(val, max);
    return max;


public static double findMax3(double[] data) {
    return Arrays.stream(data).max().getAsDouble();


public static double findMin(double[] data) {
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        if (val < min) {
            min = val;
    return min;


public static double findMin2(double[] data) {
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        min = Math.min(val, min);
    return min;


public static double findMin3(double[] data) {
    return Arrays.stream(data).min().getAsDouble();

Method to do the checks yourself

public static double findMax(double[] data) {
    double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        if (val > max) {
            max = val;
    return max;

Using the Math utility

public static double findMax2(double[] data) {
    double max = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        max = Math.max(val, max);
    return max;

Using streams

public static double findMax3(double[] data) {
    return Arrays.stream(data).max().getAsDouble();

Doing your own checks

public static double findMin(double[] data) {
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        if (val < min) {
            min = val;
    return min;

Using Math utility

public static double findMin2(double[] data) {
    double min = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (double val : data) {
        min = Math.min(val, min);
    return min;

Using streams

public static double findMin3(double[] data) {
    return Arrays.stream(data).min().getAsDouble();


自由范儿 2025-02-01 23:03:39

由于struct D是一种聚合类型,在C ++ 20之前,您无法使用()进行初始化,例如d(10)

感谢 p0960 ,现在C ++ 20您可以从括号的值列表中初始化聚合。请注意,目前,只有以后的版本 gcc-10> gcc-10 and msvc-10 and msvc-19.28 此功能,对于clang,它将仍然抱怨

<source>:15:9: error: no matching conversion for functional-style cast from 'int' to 'D'
  D d = D(10);

Since struct D is an aggregate type, before C++20 you could not use () for initialization such as D(10).

Thanks to P0960, now in C++20 you can initialize aggregates from a parenthesized list of values. Note that currently, only later versions of GCC-10 and MSVC-19.28 implement this feature, for Clang it will still complain

<source>:15:9: error: no matching conversion for functional-style cast from 'int' to 'D'
  D d = D(10);

自动构造函数在C&#x2B;&#x2B; 20中的继承

自由范儿 2025-02-01 16:58:40


In the project settings you need to enable Decompression Fallback. After that the build will work.

Decompression Fallback setting

Unity webGL构建在github页面上错误:无法解析框架。

自由范儿 2025-02-01 15:53:21



ax.text(x = x_positions[2] - bar_width, 
        y = ax.get_ylim()[0] + 1, 
        s = '0',

+1是否可以匹配其他标签的padding = 3。您可能需要更改其他量表。


month1 = [11, 1200, 0]
month2 = [55, 0, 37]
month3 = [0, 222, 300]

labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
x_positions = np.arange(len(labels)) 
bar_width = 0.15 
y_min = 10

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_ylim(y_min, 2000)
rects1 = ax.bar(x_positions - bar_width, month1, bar_width, label=labels[0])
rects2 = ax.bar(x_positions, month2, bar_width, label=labels[1])
rects3 = ax.bar(x_positions + bar_width, month3, bar_width, label=labels[2])

ax.set_xticks(x_positions, labels)
ax.bar_label(rects1, padding=3)
ax.bar_label(rects2, padding=3)
ax.bar_label(rects3, padding=3)

for x, month in enumerate([month1, month2, month3]):
    for x_offset, y in zip([-1, 0, 1], month):
        if y < y_min:
            ax.text(x = x + x_offset * bar_width, 
                    y = y_min + 1, 
                    s = str(y),


The zero bar label is not shown, because on this log scale, 0 is infinitely far below the other bars' tops, so technically it can't be seen.

You can of course add a label manually:

ax.text(x = x_positions[2] - bar_width, 
        y = ax.get_ylim()[0] + 1, 
        s = '0',

The +1 is there to match the padding=3 of the other labels. You may need to change this for other scales.

This approach could be automated by iterating over all the values, e.g. like this (setting two more y values to zero for testing):

month1 = [11, 1200, 0]
month2 = [55, 0, 37]
month3 = [0, 222, 300]

labels = ['a', 'b', 'c']
x_positions = np.arange(len(labels)) 
bar_width = 0.15 
y_min = 10

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.set_ylim(y_min, 2000)
rects1 = ax.bar(x_positions - bar_width, month1, bar_width, label=labels[0])
rects2 = ax.bar(x_positions, month2, bar_width, label=labels[1])
rects3 = ax.bar(x_positions + bar_width, month3, bar_width, label=labels[2])

ax.set_xticks(x_positions, labels)
ax.bar_label(rects1, padding=3)
ax.bar_label(rects2, padding=3)
ax.bar_label(rects3, padding=3)

for x, month in enumerate([month1, month2, month3]):
    for x_offset, y in zip([-1, 0, 1], month):
        if y < y_min:
            ax.text(x = x + x_offset * bar_width, 
                    y = y_min + 1, 
                    s = str(y),

Barplot with log axis and three zero labels


自由范儿 2025-02-01 05:41:06


您可以使用 a>在

<form action="script.php" method="post" onsubmit="validator(event)">
  <input type="number" class="votation">
  <button type="submit">Save</button>

function validator(event) {
  // get all control input values
  const values = document.querySelectorAll('.votation').map(control => control.value);
  // check if there are any duplicates
  if (!values.every((element, index, array) => array.indexOf(element) === index) {
    alert("Duplicate values found");

    // prevent form submission

You can prevent form submission by using event.preventDefault() but if the onsubmit function is assigned inline then the event must be passed to the function as a parameter.

You can use Array.every() to find duplicates as explained in this answer.

<form action="script.php" method="post" onsubmit="validator(event)">
  <input type="number" class="votation">
  <button type="submit">Save</button>

function validator(event) {
  // get all control input values
  const values = document.querySelectorAll('.votation').map(control => control.value);
  // check if there are any duplicates
  if (!values.every((element, index, array) => array.indexOf(element) === index) {
    alert("Duplicate values found");

    // prevent form submission





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