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鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-20 20:25:25


jj.sort( (a, b) => (a.id >= b.id) ? 1 : -1 );
jj.sort( (a, b) => (a.status >= b.status) ? 1 : -1 );

why complicate? just sort it twice! this works perfectly:
(just make sure to reverse the importance order from least to most):

jj.sort( (a, b) => (a.id >= b.id) ? 1 : -1 );
jj.sort( (a, b) => (a.status >= b.status) ? 1 : -1 );


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-20 19:43:08

I did some fixes in your codesandbox. Let me explain what I did.
The problem is that a click on button propagates down to your custom component and it catches a click event, which closes your modal. To fix that, use e.stopPropagation(); on your button.
Also, seems like you were trying to close the modal, when clicking outside of it (where you checked parent id). A better way to catch a click outside of a component is by using container.current && !container.current.contains(e.target), where container is the ref, that you've created. In this condition check, you are checking, if the clicked target is inside of your component or not.


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-20 17:19:41

您可以使用 t.bind 与冰臭交流 self 在特定块中具有特定类型:

class X
  extend AggregateRoot::OnDSL

  class MyEvent < RailsEventStore::Event; end

  on MyEvent do |event|
    T.bind(self, MyEvent)
    # Code

更普遍地,您可以添加垫片,该垫片指定DSL API的类型this,and 指定PROC将绑定到,喜欢: t.proc.bind(theTypefelfintheBlock).params(...)。返回(...)

在这种情况下,对于 gentRegatoot :: ondsl.on (如果不是不可能),这有点棘手,原因

  1. 有两个: on a *event_klasses 。您无法确定哪个事件类触发了您的块,因此您不静态知道 event_klasses 将传递给块的事件将是哪个。
  2. event_klasses 的类型应为 event_klasses:t.class_of(railseventstore :: event)。即使它是一个单数值,您也需要仿制系统才能使您表达该块的参数特别是 event_klasses 的类型(而不仅仅是任何 railseventstore :: event )。我认为目前不可能。

You can use T.bind to communicate to Sorbet that self has a particular type in a particular block:

class X
  extend AggregateRoot::OnDSL

  class MyEvent < RailsEventStore::Event; end

  on MyEvent do |event|
    T.bind(self, MyEvent)
    # Code

More generally, you can add a shim which specifies the type of a DSL API like this, and specify the type the proc will be bound to, like: T.proc.bind(TheTypeOfSelfInTheBlock).params(...).returns(...).

In this case, it's a bit tricky for AggregateRoot::OnDSL.on, if not impossible, for two reasons:

  1. on takes a *event_klasses. You can't be sure which event class triggered your block, so you don't statically know which of the event_klasses the event passed to your block will be.
  2. The type of event_klasses should be event_klasses: T.class_of(RailsEventStore::Event). Even if it were one singular value, you would need the generics system to let you express that the block's argument is specifically the type of event_klasses (and not just any RailsEventStore::Event). I don't think that's currently possible.

Rails聚集了“ on”处理程序未被检测到实例方法

鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-20 13:37:14

即使您在本地工作, docker build 命令始终将上下文目录的副本发送给Docker守护程序。如果您的构建环境非常大(尤其是在大小上的千兆字节上),这是在构建序列开始时打印出百分比进度的步骤。

构建上下文是您传递给 docker build 的目录中的所有内容,更少, .dockerignore file 。无论给出的任何给定文件实际上是复制,这总是将其发送到本地或远程码头守护程序。

我猜想您显示的BuildKit绑定装置选项可能会机械起作用。您需要确保大文件也位于 .dockerignore 文件中,以免将其复制为构建上下文的一部分。如果您或您的CI系统会这样做,这将有效地阻止您使用远程Docker守护程序来构建,并且不是典型的模式,但是它应该在构建性能上有明显的差异,更具体地是在初始“复制”中。构建上下文“步骤”。

您在一个问题中注意到,此文件仅在您的初始构建顺序中使用,我猜您使用多阶段构建,因此您的图像要小得多。我过去的经验是,诸如 docker push docker pull 之类的操作是不可靠的,因此,如果您无法从最终图像中删除此文件,则可能需要以其他方式将其注入容器中。

Even if you're working locally, the docker build command always sends a copy of the context directory over its socket to the Docker daemon. If you have a very large build context (especially over a gigabyte in size) this is the step that prints out a percentage progress at the very beginning of the build sequence.

The build context is everything in and underneath the directory you pass to docker build, less anything that's in the .dockerignore file. This will always get sent to the Docker daemon, local or remote, whether or not any given file is actually COPYed into the image.

I'm guessing the BuildKit bind-mount option you show probably will work mechanically. You need to make sure the large file is also in the .dockerignore file so it's not copied as part of the build context. This will effectively prevent you from using a remote Docker daemon to build, if you or your CI system will ever do this, and it's not a typical pattern, but it should have a visible difference in build performance and more specifically in that initial "copying the build context" step.

You note in the question that this file is only used during your initial build sequence, and I'm guessing you copy the result of the build out using a multi-stage build so you have a much smaller image. My past experience has been that operations like docker push and docker pull are unreliable with very large images, so if you can't remove this file from the final image you might need to inject it into the container in some other way.

docker buildkit,新的 - 安装命令在构建过程中和上下文中的大文件

鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-20 03:03:29


select account_status, next_account_status, count(*) accounts_moved
from (
  select *, lead(account_status) over statuses next_account_status
  from your_table
  window statuses as (partition by account_id order by date)
where not next_account_status is null
group by account_status, next_account_status 

Consider below option

select account_status, next_account_status, count(*) accounts_moved
from (
  select *, lead(account_status) over statuses next_account_status
  from your_table
  window statuses as (partition by account_id order by date)
where not next_account_status is null
group by account_status, next_account_status 


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-19 21:43:49

转换渲染管道在Unity 2021.3.5f1的Verison中

Convert Rendering Pipeline in Unity 2021.3.5f1's verison


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-19 19:14:30

那不是错误消息。您未能在此处调用 myOutput 函数:

return render_template('index.html',display=myoutput, pageTitle='Discover Tunes')

您缺少实际上会导致您的函数执行的括号,因此Python是为您提供函数的文本表示。 (函数与其他任何值一样,因此您可以将它们存储在变量中,将它们作为参数传递给其他功能,等等。后者是您在这里意外做的。)


return render_template('index.html',display=myoutput(), pageTitle='Discover Tunes')

That's not an error message. You're failing to call your myoutput function here:

return render_template('index.html',display=myoutput, pageTitle='Discover Tunes')

You're missing the parentheses that would actually cause your function to execute, so Python is instead giving you a textual representation of the function. (Functions are values like any other, so you can store them in variables, pass them as arguments to other functions, and so on. The latter is what you're accidentally doing here.)

Just add the parentheses:

return render_template('index.html',display=myoutput(), pageTitle='Discover Tunes')


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-19 11:28:34

实际上,差距是由于从URI源打开下一个 MediaPlayBackitem 的流时引起的。

我要做的是在启动播放器之前在每个媒体播放项目上调用 openasync()

foreach (var item in mediaItems)
    _ = item.Source.OpenAsync();

这是一个过度简化的示例,我不等待异步方法,因此不会捕获潜在的错误。由于我不想在打开歌曲时延迟延迟,因此最好的方法是列出所有异步方法,并在单独的任务中等待它们使用“ task.whenall”。

Indeed, the gap was caused because of the delay while opening the stream of the next MediaPlaybackItem from the Uri source.

What I did is to call OpenAsync() on each media playback item before starting the player:

foreach (var item in mediaItems)
    _ = item.Source.OpenAsync();

This is a oversimplified example, where I do not await the async methods and therefore do not trap potential errors. Since I do not want to have a delay while the songs are opened, the best way would be to make a list of all async methods, and wait for them using 'Task.WhenAll' in a separate task.

如何使用MediaPlayBacklist实现无差距播放? (UWP,Winui 3)

鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-19 08:25:05



Kubelet可以通过多种方式获得本地节点所需的POD配置。最重要的方法是 apiserver 。如注释中所示, syncloop 功能是kubelet的主要周期。此功能会在更新中听,获取最新的POD配置,并同步运行状态和所需状态。这样,本地节点上的所有POD都可以在预期的状态下运行。实际上, Syncloop 仅封装 syncoopiteration ,而同步操作是通过 syncloopiteration进行的。


The kubelet is the primary "node agent" that runs on each node. It can register the node with the apiserver using one of: the hostname; a flag to override the hostname; or specific logic for a cloud provider.

On the Kubelet polling: The API server pushes events to kubelet. Actually, the API server supports a "watch" mode, which uses the WebSocket protocol. In this way the Kubelet is notified of any change to Pods with the Hostname equal to the hostname of the Kubelet.

Kubelet can obtain Pod configurations required by the local node in multiple ways. The most important way is Apiserver. As indicated in the comments, the syncLoop function is the major cycle of Kubelet. This function listens on the updates, obtains the latest Pod configurations, and synchronizes the running state and desired state. In this way, all Pods on the local node can run in the expected states. Actually, syncLoop only encapsulates syncLoopIteration, while the synchronization operation is carried out by syncLoopIteration.

Refer Understanding the Kubelet Core Execution Frame for more information.


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-19 04:45:20


ids = bs_content.select('H3')
for id in ids:
    value = " ".join([stan.text for stan in id.fetchNextSiblings()[:2]])
    control_ids[id.text] = value


{'ISSS.1.A1Acceptance of Overall(B)': "An organisation's Top Management. The Top Management MUST define.", 
'ISS.2.A2Acceptance of Overall(C)': "An organisation's Top. Top Management.",  
'ISS.2.2Acceptance of Overall(D)': "An organisation's Top resource. Top Management resource."}

Try something simpler:

ids = bs_content.select('H3')
for id in ids:
    value = " ".join([stan.text for stan in id.fetchNextSiblings()[:2]])
    control_ids[id.text] = value

Output, based on your sample html:

{'ISSS.1.A1Acceptance of Overall(B)': "An organisation's Top Management. The Top Management MUST define.", 
'ISS.2.A2Acceptance of Overall(C)': "An organisation's Top. Top Management.",  
'ISS.2.2Acceptance of Overall(D)': "An organisation's Top resource. Top Management resource."}


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-19 02:07:58


You still may have a reference to version 84 in other projects inside the solution. Check if it is the case, downgrade all projects and rebuild all.


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-18 20:36:24

在歌曲数组中添加{src:“ AudiofilEname”},并在下面的修改代码中添加。

** - 修改的代码

const tbody = document.querySelector("tbody");
// let create tr tags according to array length for list
for (let i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
    //let's pass the song details from the array
    let trTag = `<tr tr-index = ${i}>
    <td class="numberlist" width="5%">${songs[i].nmbr}</td>
    <td class="title" width="80%">
            <img class="cover1" src=${songs[i].coverPath} >
        <div class="songdetails">
    <td width="30%">
    <td width="15%">${songs[i].date}</td>
    <td width="5%">
        <img class="svg1" src="/assets/asset 72.svg" alt="">
    <td width="12%" id="${songs[i].src}" class="audio_duration">0:00</td>**
    <audio class="${songs[i].src}" src="${songs[i].filePath}"> </audio>**
    </tr > `;

    tbody.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", trTag); //inserting the tr inside tbody tag

    let trAudioDuration = tbody.querySelector(`#${songs[i].src}`);**
    let trAudioTag = tbody.querySelector(`.${songs[i].src}`);**

    trAudioTag.addEventListener("loadeddata", () => {
        let aDuration = trAudioTag.duration;
        let totalMin = parseInt(aDuration / 60);
        let totalSec = parseInt(aDuration % 60);
        if (totalSec < 10) {
            totalSec = `0${totalSec} `;
        trAudioDuration.textContent = `${totalMin}:${totalSec} `; //passing total duration of song


adding {src: "audiofilename"} in song array and modifying code like below worked out.

** - modified code

const tbody = document.querySelector("tbody");
// let create tr tags according to array length for list
for (let i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
    //let's pass the song details from the array
    let trTag = `<tr tr-index = ${i}>
    <td class="numberlist" width="5%">${songs[i].nmbr}</td>
    <td class="title" width="80%">
            <img class="cover1" src=${songs[i].coverPath} >
        <div class="songdetails">
    <td width="30%">
    <td width="15%">${songs[i].date}</td>
    <td width="5%">
        <img class="svg1" src="/assets/asset 72.svg" alt="">
    <td width="12%" id="${songs[i].src}" class="audio_duration">0:00</td>**
    <audio class="${songs[i].src}" src="${songs[i].filePath}"> </audio>**
    </tr > `;

    tbody.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", trTag); //inserting the tr inside tbody tag

    let trAudioDuration = tbody.querySelector(`#${songs[i].src}`);**
    let trAudioTag = tbody.querySelector(`.${songs[i].src}`);**

    trAudioTag.addEventListener("loadeddata", () => {
        let aDuration = trAudioTag.duration;
        let totalMin = parseInt(aDuration / 60);
        let totalSec = parseInt(aDuration % 60);
        if (totalSec < 10) {
            totalSec = `0${totalSec} `;
        trAudioDuration.textContent = `${totalMin}:${totalSec} `; //passing total duration of song



鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-18 19:12:37


struct foobarbazquux_t {
    int foo;
    long bar;
    double baz; 
    long double quux;

至少分配(sizeof(int)+sizeof(long)+sizeof(double)+sizeof(long double)) byt。 (“至少”是因为架构对齐约束可能会迫使编译器填充结构。)


union foobarbazquux_u {
    int foo;
    long bar;
    double baz; 
    long double quux;

分配了一块内存并给出了四个别名。 So sizeof(Unim foobarbazquux_u)≥最大((sizeof(int),sizeof(long),sizeof(double),sizeof(long double))>,同样可能会增加对齐方式。

Here's the short answer: a struct is a record structure: each element in the struct allocates new space. So, a struct like

struct foobarbazquux_t {
    int foo;
    long bar;
    double baz; 
    long double quux;

allocates at least (sizeof(int)+sizeof(long)+sizeof(double)+sizeof(long double)) bytes in memory for each instance. ("At least" because architecture alignment constraints may force the compiler to pad the struct.)

On the other hand,

union foobarbazquux_u {
    int foo;
    long bar;
    double baz; 
    long double quux;

allocates one chunk of memory and gives it four aliases. So sizeof(union foobarbazquux_u) ≥ max((sizeof(int),sizeof(long),sizeof(double),sizeof(long double)), again with the possibility of some addition for alignments.


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-18 12:15:55


def saveFile(dictionary, fileName):
    jsonStr = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False);
    removeQuotes = re.sub("\"([^\"]+)\":", r"\1:", jsonStr);
    fileNameCleaned = fileName.split(" ")[0]
    with open(fileNameCleaned + ".ts", "w",encoding='utf_8') as outfile:
        outfile.write("export const " + fileNameCleaned + " = " + removeQuotes + ";")

In the end I did it using regex:

def saveFile(dictionary, fileName):
    jsonStr = json.dumps(dictionary, indent=4, ensure_ascii=False);
    removeQuotes = re.sub("\"([^\"]+)\":", r"\1:", jsonStr);
    fileNameCleaned = fileName.split(" ")[0]
    with open(fileNameCleaned + ".ts", "w",encoding='utf_8') as outfile:
        outfile.write("export const " + fileNameCleaned + " = " + removeQuotes + ";")


鲜肉鲜肉永远不皱 2025-02-18 07:52:55


In [8]: from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException

In [9]: e1 = HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")

In [10]: e2 = HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")

In [11]: e1 == e2
Out[11]: False


In [12]: e3 = ValueError("wtf")

In [13]: e4 = ValueError("wtf")

In [14]: e3 == e4
Out[14]: False

如果要进行字符串比较,则必须使用 repr

In [15]: str(e1)
Out[15]: ''

In [16]: repr(e1)
Out[16]: "HTTPException(status_code=400, detail='Inactive user')"

但是最好只是比较预期的异常attrs( pytest 。

assert exc_info.value.status_code == 400
assert exc_info.detail == 'Inactive user'

Python exceptions do not compare equal:

In [8]: from starlette.exceptions import HTTPException

In [9]: e1 = HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")

In [10]: e2 = HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Inactive user")

In [11]: e1 == e2
Out[11]: False

it's not just Starlette:

In [12]: e3 = ValueError("wtf")

In [13]: e4 = ValueError("wtf")

In [14]: e3 == e4
Out[14]: False

If you want to do a string comparison you will have to use repr:

In [15]: str(e1)
Out[15]: ''

In [16]: repr(e1)
Out[16]: "HTTPException(status_code=400, detail='Inactive user')"

But better would be to just compare the expected exception attrs (pytest.raises has already ensured it is of the expected type)

assert exc_info.value.status_code == 400
assert exc_info.detail == 'Inactive user'





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